
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'What does Enigma mean? xNFJ // Enneagram 6 // Virgo // Generation X // Me

I'm afraid of not ever meeting my potential. xNFJ // Enneagram 6 // Virgo // Generation X // Me

I agree sin_alas.

This sounds like me sometimes and no, for myself I would disagree with not being assertive. I am quite assertive for what I want at work but sometimes I just get overwhelmed with emotions and...

I agree with you statement and perception of suicide Crossover.

ronnie, this makes me hopeful but I really want to take my own life and succeed.

NeemNeem: I'm the same way, especially with coworkers asking me about my personal life. How about they just fuck right off?

I seem to be experiencing this loop right now.......

ivory919, totally! Ok, so in my experience, these two types balance each other out. Where the ENTP (the one that I've known in my own life) can be an extreme on one end tending toward ADD...

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Definitely observing their argumentativeness with other people and general outgoingness.

Which types have you found to click with in your personal experiences and what type is your latest/current partner (taking timing, chemistry, shared goals, etc. out of the picture for a moment)... ?

That is so creepy and I regret to say that it actually made me look twice and laugh.

This post is a little more positive and hopeful than I'm currently feeling (which is ahem, temporary <~ yeah fucking right...). Being an N in everyday life is exhausting. I feel like an alien...

Couldn't agree with this more Ecoas. Could NOT agree with this MORE. Fml, I hate being this way, thinking this way. I wish I wasn't here anymore to be honest.

6w5 hey? Are the following posts really commonalities that can be shared between us... inability to stay in the present moment, paranoia, anxiety? Do any of you work out using vigorous exercise,...

Amore: I can relate to this when in an unhealthy state... What do YOU want or need when you get a chance to calm down all that inner turmoil of yours?

Haha, I would never revisit these relationships in person (actually for one... never say never if we happened to be at the same place as the same time. Catastrophizing about other life situations and...

Ok, I know dating and relationships include far more factors than just MBTI, but for INFJs out there... Which MBTI types have you... 1) dated most often 2) have you dated throughout your...

Dear ENTJ men I meet (especially those older than me): Why are you so sexy?! From a playful INFJ

Something to add to this thread about being an introverted intuitive, I often seem to (mentally) need more time, desire for more fulfilling work, in fact, always seem to desire more than what I have...

GurrenZero: you believe this??

I ADORE my ESFP mom. ISTP, ISFP, ENFP best friends. Get along superbly well with ENTP and ESTP... and by-far favourite coworker is an ESFJ.

ISTPs, ENFJs, ESFJs and ISFJs. Work best with ESFJs for sure!

I don't believe the Nelson Mandela celebration of life would be all over tv and the media........... if, in fact, Mandela was an NF as some sources suggest.

Here goes nothin'! 1) I can speak 3 languages - 2 of these fluently as of right now. 2) I have a little mole on a hidden part of my body. 3) I'm US or Canadian-born, you guess :) 4) I'm full...

[Deleted by Poster]

26 female and currently maintaining-developing sensing function.

Have to state that I don't like the way this question is presented because all INFJs are NOT the same. We are all shaped by our experiences, etc. and I find that some posts and lists make it...

For those of you who are already out of the home and living independent lives from your parents-childhood families, do you ever find yourself idolizing or idealizing those closest to you? Such as...

The trade is such a great idea @all_in_twilight!

Thank you digitalroses and Marlowe. These inspired me to continue with my list of goals and also have this list serve as a visible reminder to help me out of major depressive episode(s) should I...

Emerald_Legend: Totally. I'm in that boat with 'ya!

thismustbetheplace: inspiring!

RandomNote: be professionally certified and to settle down/buy a home.

Senshu_Ben_Gone: thank you Senshu. I relate to this. All I see is work... work work work (that I hate). Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... everything is the same right now.

angelcat: the word, usefulness popped out at me when I read your reply. I woke up this morning thinking, F***, I'm freaking useless. Mixed with this constant need for completion in my brain,...

laurelwren: have you considered stopping in and seeing a career or vocational counselor at a local college?

TreasureTower:: I can relate to this. Sometimes I just blab away... in the heat of the moment without consideration of who may be listening. Rarely the case now, however.

Can any of you describe or relate to experiences with depression followed by extreme introversion or vice versa?

Oh, and ADD... ;)

How I seem to have a mindgasm evvvvvvvvvery time I meet one in real life........!!!!

Success to me, means overcoming the obstacles (whether within the self or external) to achieve a tangible goal. Success can also be defined by the intangible for me, such as a relationship with a SO,...

@B.Toast: I grew up with an ESTJ father as well, but instead of disagreeing with him, I took his values as my own (without really realizing over the years). I work a corporate job that I can't say I...

mutton: I know your post is old but thank you for posting. I agree that nutrition plays a huge part in onset or continuing depressed episodes..

mbean1: can I ever relate to your post! Meditation truly seems to make a difference for this IMO.

foxhead128: it's not a all-thinkers do this type of thing but if I am having a conversation with my INTP friend it could go something like this.. INTP: why the hell would old people choose to come...

user87, I'm the same age too :)

Welcome to the forum, Yorisen!'