
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'Things that are generalizable to the entire population of the world: 1. Scraping your teeth on your fork as it leaves your mouth, why why why would you do this?! Does it feel good to have metal...

I've spent most of my life coming up with questions about the world and phenomenas I observe. To me being alive means thinking philosophically. Before ever taking a class in philosophy I've though of...

The only thing with numbers I feel confident doing is statistics. Other than that I avoid math like the plauge.

In large amounts. Triple shots get me a good coffee buzz going. There are two people who live inside my brain: One who is caffeinated and one who is not. The world is a better place when the...


Male and female INFPs I tend to take care of and they simply accept it. With a female ISFJ we tend to look out of each other, so as much as I take care of her she does the same for me. I'd try and...

Lol, if you find it tell me! Hugs you! :D

Why do I feel like I care more for everyone than they do for me? Why do I constantly interpret the slightest action to have significant meaning? The realization that it meant nothing is at times...

Yeah I think I relate to this in a way... I'll give meaning to something others may think is insignificant. I won't think something will actually affect my life but if I have a choice to make that...

Happy almost birthday! I know a lot of 24 year olds and soon to be 24 year olds who are wondering this same thing. I also have the problem with thinking that I haven't done enough so far. I know...

Awe that is so cute. I love really meaningful and little presents like that! It's cute that he gave it to you later too. I didn't get anything really special like that. I did get an iPad though so...

No, weed makes me go crazy: I get extra paranoid, and go into a weird state of being trapped inside several dreams (sounds a lot like inception). In general it just makes me feel out of control...

Britney Spears like once a week haha, I don't see it though.

Oh yes I care about strangers too, just not like I care for my favorite people. I don't know how to fit family in with this. I hate to say it but while I love all my family members some I feel a...

Good question Misha... Here is my theory: I think it my ability to read people leads to my very limited circle of people who I hold dear. You must have exceeded in the good/bad ratio that I assign...

I a really deep one in the middle on my right (dominant) hand surrounded by a few lighter ones, same goes for my left hand. On a side note: the video guy had very ssssnakey s's.

I am 23 :D

Some of this sounds similar the INFJ description lol, maybe I'm a starseed. I especially love the sign of Like having their personal needs met is this that unique?

Haha, sorry that was annoying of me to point out, I hope you didn't rage when you realized it!

you have the combined word malarious in your signature, lol. Anyways I hate when people say: It could be worse: Yes, I realize my situation could be worse thank you for that useless and...

My best friend of 14 years is an INFP she's my best friend soulmate. I have very close friends who are ENTJ, ENFJ, and ISTJ, respectively.

Do you go to Rutgers? If so our schools are in the same athletic division which is interesting :) I always find little connections like that entertaining. Yes, the one time I was pulled over for...

That sounds perfect, very thoughtful. I would really like to hear something like that. I'm sure she will feel the same way. I'd love to hear the outcome of this! Hopefully everything works out...

Firstly, I hope I didn't annoy you by quoting you in my post reply. That was not my intention and you seem rather annoyed with me. So I wan't to extend my peace sentiments before I make anymore...

Totally disagree. I'd be annoyed/ offended if I was in this situation and someone did not address the concerns I expressed, ignored me and then randomly invited me somewhere, lol. You should...

An ambiguous (slightly positive) comment would keep me playing it over and over in my head analyzing what it could have meant, and make me seek you out further in order to determine its true meaning.

Lol, yeah I had a bad first experience and now I'm forever traumatized.

Are you trying to transfer to one of these schools or go there strictly for graduate school? If your intentions are to transfer with the GPA you have now, then no you have no real chance. I say...

When will reality meet my expectations?

I scored a 21. I definitely related to the loud noise and bright light items on the survey. I also get very random feelings of discomfort/awkwardness at weird times of day or when I hear a song...

I totally do this same thing, with M and W and b and p if I'm writing fast. I think thats why I'm so bad at math too because the numbers get jumbled up in my head and I write them backwards. I wonder...

1. Celery is disgusting and bitter and in general ruins everything it comes in contact with. 2. Pasta salad, I think my main problem here is the generic italian dressing people pour over it and...

They are amazing, my only complaints are that they are a tad bit insensitive ( or I could be overly sensitive), and sometimes have trouble accepting the fact they make mistakes.

I don't think I get as embarrassed as easily as many of you have mentioned, but I do get very embarrassed for other people easily. Like watching someone fall or saying something wrong ect. I feel...

There are only 2 subjects I do not like one being math however, I do like courses in statistics that is as close to liking math I'll ever be. I also dislike sociology, it seems VERY obvious to me. ...

Yes I want to get married. I always thought I'd be married around 24 or 25 but since I'm 23 now unless something drastically changes that won't be happening. 27 28 doesn't sound too bad though. As...

Something I can spot right away is your citations. I don't know if you're doing this in APA style or not but if you are your citations have a few errors. If you want I can fix it for you! ( sorry for...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p0QtJMKt1s So awkward, lol.

I agree Chicago is a great place!

Heidegger, Husserl, and Merleau-Ponty for their work in Phenomenology. They helped me look at the world in a entirely different way, and understand reality a little better. Moral philosophers like...

I can't stand violence or seeing people in pain. I honestly have no clue why people think watching others fall or get hurt is funny. People who laugh at things like this really annoy me, and I...

Is French vanilla really that much better than Vanilla, 2 notches!? As for me I'm just going to go with vanilla for all 5, why mess with a good thing?

First let me say, I'm sorry about the sadness you feel right now and I hope things end up well. I'm a girl INFJ so my opinion may not be exactly what you're looking for but I'll give it a shot......

First off, I really like this song. Yes I feel this way, I always have. For me I try and fill it up with achieving goals or new experiences. Nothing ever seems to fix it though. When I achieve...

I can't believe these have not been mentioned yet... Anything by Wes Anderson specifically The Royal Tenenbaums. 500 days of summer oh and Inglourious Basterds.

I procrastinate all the time on school work, but I can because I work better under pressure and my quality of work is still better than most since I am a perfectionist to the max. I would like to...

Even on my good days I sometimes still can't put their bad qualities out of my mind, especially if I am near them. If I really see no good in a person that is when they make it to my famous Horrible...

I've heard INFJs are sometimes push-overs, this is definitely not me if someone is trying to manipulate me or use me I will immediately call them out on it. If I know someone is lying to me I...

I feel ambivalence towards people. I love and hate nearly everyone, everyone has a different ratio of love/hate though. I guess that's because I can see both good and bad in everyone. This also...

No question about it, to me Leo and Reese are better looking.'