
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

http://www.sortiramacon.com/media/news/film-blue-valentine.jpg This one is just too much for me :crying:

Suppressing my feelings is what makes me depressed. It's so strange to see how much of you do that, while I must make an effort to not do so. :confused:

Been there, done that :cool:



High: Managed to sleep almost properly Low: Still feeling lonely

I understand what is your problem and also can see that you need some serious help. I can't help you right now, but today at night I might be able to give you my input.

Well, it's a bit obvious that you hate yourself due the fact that you're a man. Why do you hate masculinity btw?

Political power is a dope drug... more addictive than cocaine. Don't try to make sense of what politicians do, it's always a case of acquiring power.

Cats are too cute to be INTJs :laughing:

Here, I found the problem.

Why are my emotions so unstable???? :confused:

Of course :happy::happy:

It was a total disaster. Don't make me remember it. :crying:

I like to write but I get really embarrassed quickly with what I usually write about. If someone reads my journals I'll die of embarrassment. :blushed:

I should decide what to do with my life :rolleyes:

I'm getting better at that, but Xanax is still my life saver. I sometimes can't sleep without it.

I take medication for OCD

Hello everyone! I don't like to talk about myself that much but here it goes.. I'm a 25 year old guy from Portugal, and after a long time thinking that I was an INTJ, I came to realize and...

What I need to know.

Start dressing like a woman, seriously.

Introversion is power, nuff said.


new pic  https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/548684_352738764799753_1260623600_n.jpg

Bacterial life probably exists and even more advanced forms maybe but they ever find a way to break the light speed limit and visit us? I hope they do while I'm still alive.:proud:

I'm loud and I make a lot of unwanted noise. My neighbors hate me.

Well, most people can't learn things from scratch. You may be intelligent but having knowledge is a different thing.

5/10 Emooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

I believe random hugs are cute, I don't mind them.:proud:


I'm studying computer Engineering right now.

All praise Jellybaga.

Please don't do small talk, it will annoy him. Try to find a nice subject to talk about early in the date.

If your friend cried about love, then it was true fucking beautiful love, at least for her side. I can't imagine an INTJ crying about something inferior to that. I believe we can feel and be hurt...



I don't care if it's immature or not but watching someone failing in video games is always hilarious.

Are Sea Serpents intelligent? No? Then a sexy Mermaid it is.

A good brain lasts longer than a good pair of boobs.

Well, he played a damned cyborg, and he did it pretty well. :rolleyes:

I can say that I'm too serious about most thing to a point it just hurts me. I wish I could be more relaxed and be able to chill out more.

Mastermind because it sounds much more cooler.

Depends of the day. I'm hating myself right now. Can't wait until I feel awesome.

I wish I could cry that easily and not to be the emotionless bastard that I am. Although I always thought Aeris as a stupid annoying bitch and that Sephiroth only killed her so he could have sex...

Here, have a bird.  http://moblog.net/media/n/e/i/neilhoskins/topiary-waddesdon-manor.jpg

But emotions really suck sometimes you know? :frustrating:

I don't know about other INTJs but I have a pointy face.

Right now I feel like the worst person in the world. I think I'm going insane if I keep like this.

Or she could just, maybe, show some self-respect and stop taking bullshit form her sister and whining afterwards. Please OP, blame your sister every day for what she does, unless you want to admit...