'http://personalitycafe.com/attachments/infj-forum-protectors/419826d1446206426-infj-art-work-post-your-paintings-drawing-sculpture-photography-etc-umbrella.jpg Graveyard shift alone. Tried to draw...
I don't quite know what I want. I choose to let things happen if they tend to move to a direction that seems alright. If that makes any sense. Propably not. I feel if things around me happen for a...
http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr03/2013/8/17/16/anigif_enhanced-buzz-1693-1376773173-0.gif When people freak out how you knew something without them saying a word about it.
409938 looking so happy and energetic!
I guess I'm pretty good at being me. At least I've never seen anyone coming even close to such achievement. Maybe there's another me in some other dimension but I've already taken that into...
https://soundcloud.com/3-sa/calm I made a very very short song. It reminds me a little bit of Twin Peaks theme. I haven't been very productive in a long time, so accomplishing even this gave me...
I work in a children daycare centre and my colleagues (all women) have told me that I'd be a great dad and I've been pressured a few times why I don't have a girlfriend. I'm just too unsure about...
A huge room crowded with people. I'm amongst them, but yet I feel like I'm not there at all. I play along and seem interested but I'm not really there. Holding my tears, I could explode any second,...
- A sculptor said: You have very masculine nose. - When this one girl without a father told me I love you. I had no idea I meant that much to her.
218890 ?
Let the floors hit the doors. DOOOOORS! HOOORSE
Me neither, I just collect them. IT'S SO MUCH FUN!
Anyone? I'd appreciate some soup recipes.
I'm here for the soup recipes.
Ooh I'm in heaven. It's too dark, cause I'm not blind like a feather. Boom boom, zitty, Zorro-bean in a folder. Tango, five, a moment please.
When in danger, you should always not trust the one in the high house. It's too obvious. Many seahorses have been lost to it already. Save the seahorses!
210178 When you rescue a frog from the claws of a magpie. This fellow was screaming so hard for help, I mean who would've left it to die there.
A couple more. - I was in a meeting for some high ranked gentlemen. I thought, screw this, I'm out. I went exploring the house and soon I found myself in a tower with spiral staircase. Inside...
- I was roller skating on a muddy road in the woods. I was also naked. :D - I was stealing apples with Tony Hawk. We gathered some apples and went to a close by bridge. We threw the apples to...
Early 90's
http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/150/f/2014/258/8/1/8125a0900ec518bf22a5cca8cb64dec8-d7z9ys5.jpghttp://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/150/f/2014/261/0/1/oh_hi_there__by_redjankaisae-d7zmid3.jpg 198754198762
Home, work, photographing/geocaching/walking with my dog in the woods. Somewhere peaceful.
Thanks! Glad you liked it :) I'm trying new things and trying to impove as a photographer. Took that one with Canon 700d + soviet era Helios 44m + macro rings. Photo is untouched.
http://rs1053.pbsrc.com/albums/s472/emanresuJ/IMG_0575_zps276ab5dc.jpg~c100 http://rs1053.pbsrc.com/albums/s472/emanresuJ/IMG_0463_zps1f1fc5ce.jpg~c100 Click for full images
YAY! I don't have to go to jail! woohoo! My crime was that I didn't want to do any slave work or join the army. Those are the options for all the men after they turn 18 here in Finland. You...
Well it feels like being an old black 'n white movie trying to survive in the times of digital effects.
I only lie when telling the truth would make people worry about me unnecessarily. For example when a child asked me who is my best friend, I made up a name since I don't have one.
I liked climbing trees and helping my dad at work when he took me there once in a while. I didn't enjoy school too much since I felt so different, but I did manage to keep some friends through it. ...
I'm lost in the place between space and time. Somehow I manage to survive.
If I don't know them, I just test how they react to my eye contact. It tells a lot of their personality, and perhaps vice versa if only they can read me. Even if I know the person, it might not be...
You write in such a way you should be a writer You'd be a great dad! You are so kind And from kids: You are so funny/silly And propably the biggest compliment I've ever gotten. I...
31/36. Had to google some of the descriptive words.
Your score: 21% You are warm and empathic with a heightened awareness of social responsibility and a strong sense of conscience. You like to carefully weigh up the pros and cons of a...
I'd just like to go back to my work. I mean, I love to have a break from work, but on the other hand.. work is what keeps me happy. It's a paradox, like the rest of my life. I could live without...
8944089441 Yay flowers!
I get this feeling sometimes. It is very strange. I'm just floating in the non existance but I know I have these moving people and things around me so I guess I have to play along. I feel that I'm...
http://personalitycafe.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=88701&d=1386881168 Testing out old Helios 44m lens with macro rings.
88700 Well, I tried. Taking photos of myself isn't easy.
870958709787098 Some stuff. I don't know why, but I seem to enjoy taking photos of water.
When receiving compliments about things regarding my personality, part of me thinks: Wow does she really think so? Nice., and part of me will be like Yeah.. she doesn't really know me that well to...'