
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

Twin sister is my best friend - other people simply don't relate to me well.

oh my god you seem like a dope ass person

Is 'The Freshman' (1990) popular? If not, then I pick that one. + Super Troopers & Beerfest

Welcome bruh.

When I get in key with my emotions - I go quite ballistic. I'm not sure if it's just hormones or what, but I legitimately go all or nothing with them. If I feel really strongly about something, I...

Very interesting - it sounds very crazy, and I am not mature in the slightest, haha. Thank you for replying.


0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...

Don't let results on a personality test derail you from your true passion. I'm an aspiring programmer, and although INFJs are associated with being social work, I don't ever want to be part of that...


Extroversion would be nice to try out, but I'm really happy with my type in all respects.

Yes - if I see someone get decapitated in a movie, my neck suddenly starts to hurt. The injury from the other person will correlate to a body part that I have (their head, my head, their knee, my...


Anything with beef


The Road Eternal!! Doy 2nd one is stupid, cool house but you can't travel or do jack shit outside. 3rd one just is fucking sad...13th life alone with all those memories is tragic. Dominion is...

I like thin mints because they taste good and help the girlie scouts out. Not a fan of sugar cookies, also, Pepperidge Farm is great. On the other hand, one could argue that they dislike cookies...

I try to disengage as soon as possible by boring the other party (this is done by short responses and aloof looks).




Fuck everyone, idabes

Depends how close said best friend is. I'd probably let the colony die though, as I have no emotional ties to those people.

Not an ENFP, but I am a girl who has been in an insanely similar situation. If she mentioned that she would go either all or nothing with you, she really fucking likes you. Honestly, I think she'd...

Roman Empire pls

Dominance, good body, good face, not stupid BAM FUCKING HOT

Lovestruck, passionate, stubborn, esoteric, lively.

I fucking swear a shit ton, call me Assistant Secretary of the Navy because I fucking am like 30000 sailors combined.

I can hate purely evil people for sure... but I don't truly hate anyone in my personal life as of now. I've tried to, but I always see things from the other guy's perspective, which deters me from...

Guys, guys, chill. I am here. i kind of think the infj/enfp compatibility stuff is bs thoooo

Hello - lurked and saw your post on Reddit. Wish you the best in your romantic endeavors, don't push yourself too hard! Hope you have a nice time here.

Beating myself with hypotheticals lately - fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Always...in all ways.


INTJs are assholes maynee Just pull out the cucumbers from their butts!

chyeah dood

Kendall and Kylie app sue me lame gamers


486386 o ya bby

I don't want to charge my phone for the sole purpose of talking to you. >:(

If you have to wonder whether you have an I or an E at the front of your type...you're extroverted.


Sustaining friends - I always find people either boring or a waste of time. I'm pretty bad at sustaining a relationship as well (ignored one of my boyfriends for 2 months! :O) Coming off as...

FelixFahrenheit I don't mind if ENTPs share their opinion - I just wish that the ideas that they propose and argue for were actually meaningful. of course this is a personal choice but yeah, I...

INFJ Ravenclaw

High five bud. If they were actually doing shit that mattered, they wouldn't be spending time on internet forums doing pseudo-intellectual stuff. The most assholiesh people that I've ever...

FelixFahrenheit The ENTPs I know are pretty shallow and arrogant. Some of them also take pride in being assholes, which makes absolutely no sense to me. Also, those that I've talked to seem to...

Every type except INTJ and ENTP.

I'd like to think that - but sadly it's all subjective.

I thought it was more common for INFPs and INFJs to get mixed up...