'Privacy does not promote genuine behavior rather social pressure creates unauthentic behavior. When we are aware we are being watched we act in accord to what we perceive to be the social norm; in...
The same frustrating and dismissive feeling I feel a lot of us are having here, regarding the answers not being exclusive, I felt too at first. It seemed ridiculous and incomprehensible to...
That is a very good way to think about this question. To have a meaningful life which may not be happy or having a happy life. Though, maybe not everyone will find meaning in having others.
You are missing the question. The question is to be happy or not. It is to be happy with yourself or not. It is also not about having people in your life if they do or don't make you happy. It is...
Hello everyone, One of the biggest problems I have as a person is because I am split between two completely different perspectives of thought. I have a logical side and an emotional side. I...
This is less of a personality type test and more of a values assessment. I would also like to point out the flaw of emotional intelligence and emotionality conflicting within itself as a scale. I...
Stop worrying about goals and achievements and worry about the mindset to acquire such. The destination does not matter. No - Thing is going to make you happy. No track you release is ever going to...
Have you considered seeing a psychologist? Right now, rather than take one step at a time to approach a change that you desire in your life you are currently contemplating trying to do everything...
I feel like you are jumping some steps here. First, I'd question why are you are assuming a linear causality between being Fi or Fe and being dominant. Second, I'd question why you are associating...
To the rhythm of the tick, clocks count the journey that we've lived, not the time spent yearning, lost in a days daily duties. In the pattern of our steps, ruts dug with our eyes looking...
Learning to be social and flirt are in the same category. You have to learn to be comfortable with yourself and be comfortable with the result regardless of the outcome. In other words you need to...
I'm just going to leave this post at this. If you find yourself emotionally unavailable and distanced, and can't form proper and healthy relationships even though you want to, it almost always...
The first thing that comes to mind Living in fear of loving is no way to live. You can not love someone if you are scared to. I feel there is only 2 health perspectives to this. Choosing to be...
Being emotional has nothing to do with personality type. T's can be just as if not more emotional than F's. The difference has to do with what comes first. How you feel about...
http://www.graspingforobjectivity.com/wp-content/gallery/downton-abbey-mbti-personality/dynamic/downton-abbey-mbti-personality.jpg-nggid016-ngg0dyn-0x0x100-00f0w010c010r110f110r010t010.jpg Only...
As I may,Take a deep breath and write: (I'm a student, replace Test with any X stressor)
I'm just going to list all my methods. Active college student here, being modest I am fairly comfortable in college. The lower the number, the more I do it. 0. All of my below methods involve...
That is because it is selfish and you are not looking at it from the other perspective. Straight up ignoring close friends is rude no matter how you look at it. You are right; however, to say that...
This is a loaded question and is framing. Males in general are usually shallow in general, when it comes to sexual preference - just physical appearance. To be fair though, women tend to do the...
The problem here is that I don't think asking for a bit of quiet is saying we don't like your personality. is EXACTLY what you are saying. The problem is that you are saying that you don't like...
This is because you are essentially saying that you do not like us for who we are. You don't want to be around us and you don't want us to talk to you. Where often an INFJ close to you would likely...
You are going to have good and bad days. Days where you do want to hang out with him and days that you don't want to hang out with him. Days you want more space and days you don't want more space. If...
The best way to identify your own type is to go by functions, NOT the tests. I really hate the tests to be honest - MBTI is meant to be done by a trained professional. I will walk you through the...
NFJ's would likely be tied. Fe being the drive to help others. N being the basis of ideals and morality to get one to do so. It's much harder for an S to develop a savior complex since they tend to...
Male, 20, INFJ, just send me a message, I'm intrigued and have time to spare.
Katethequick You are leaving in a month. If you want him to think of you as being a part of his future you need to show him that you are willing. INFJ's are dreamers, and its hard to dream of...
I suppose even if a person wasn't aware of the dangers of codependency but was emotionally stable I don't think it would matter. That being said, I really don't think someone who doesn't have their...
I see what you are saying now, and realized I spoke in general terms when I was referring to a specific instance. I had a situation where I was helping someone and they got to a point to where they...
To put a different spin on Drakcol said, I find the doorslam to be more of a self-defense mechanism. Often the doorslam is less of you doing something that we can never forgive, but more of we feel...
When it comes to helping people I can definitely agree in some situations, i was just using that statement to show that I am comfortable with myself. I have found myself in situations where I...
If by relationship we mean those relations more important to us be it a close friend or significant other the first and most basic of grounds must be some form of similarity some common core basis or...
My counselor tells me that I need to be more selfish and in turn manipulative in relationships overall. This is due to my approach of taking other people's needs and concerns and giving them...
I am non-religious; yet, I believe in the same things everyone on this planet believes in. I am not religious because to be religious means that you believe your beliefs are more right than anyone...
As the first person to verbalize the reasoning I feel like the majority of people who voted for the more emotional person would agree with, they're parts that make sense to me while other parts...
I typically notice right away if someone likes me, I obsess over little details so I generally see the big picture rather quick. I will initiate the first move if the other person is more...
Admittedly, this question is targeted to INFJ's. And saying you need both isn't really answering the question, it only describes how particular and picky you are. The point of the question is to see...
Be it romantic or platonic, it is safe to say that INFJ's have a tendency to form close relationships. We are also multifaceted people. We can be very logical while also being very emotional,...
The friend zone is absolutely true for your everyday girl, those with normal sexual drives, because it's a pretty clear yes or no social norm. Benefited by the fact by the fact that your everyday...
The difference between want and need when it comes to emotional connection has more to do with the emotional maturity of the person and whether or not they have themselves put together. Often, to be...
This is what caused the problem in the first place, I've done this on a regular basis. I'm not insecure because of me, I'm insecure because of her. I put her first. I would ask/redefine/ and make...
If you feel you can relate or would like to help me talk/think this through please send me a message. I'd appreciate any and all criticism on the situation as I would like to grow from the situation...
If you want to sell it for men, use topics and subcategories and methods which target men. Any topic can be funny in the right presentation, someone who is more open minded may be able to find humor...
I largely keep it to myself unless I feel it can honestly and will actually be A) beneficial for someone, B) Welcomed. I want to let other people live their lives the way they want to live it. I have...
I hope... to be happy - now and in the future. You can hope for anything you want, but if it doesn't make you happy; do you really want it?
Lack of energy Lack of energy or a lack of motivation will often come from the lack of a goal or reason. You have people who will do something for the innate and intrinsic pleasure of doing it and...
1. Write about your writers block? :laughing: 2. Sleep (Proven to increase creativity) 3. Read something else Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources - Albert Einstein 4. Re...
Hookups Long as your not a demisexual, A-sexual, or lack sexual attraction from your primary physical attraction drive, there is no reason why an INFJ could not whole-heartedly enjoy a hookup. That...
May I get a poll choice for: never have in my life and will never will in the future?
By definition met needs would equate to going up maslow's hierarchy of needs and claims for such individuals have been made. Also, I feel you missed the point, I was not talking about a persons's...
Jealousy Jealousy is typically rooted in insecurity. It is because you are not comfortable enough with yourself to be happy with yourself. This can be a positive or negative force, but jealousy is a...'