
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'Se bomb. She is like me [sane version] when I'm seriously out of control (rarely) and let my hidden xSFPness show its ugly head . I would say ESFP. ESFPs can be extremely blunt. Remember they have ...

6,7 and 5 rings a bell. Hard to decide. I'm positive that 6 is there somewhere. I would say 6w7.

1.) Unethical. Not in terms of Fe ethics. Fi is a different beast. So I'm all about people but pro environment destruction. 2.) Joker. Yep. I was joking about amputation to someone who is about to...

It is very low as a whole. I found an INFJ few days ago. I can say I have it, finally, big time. I most certainly charmed her with my mouth and her inferior Se really erupted in a positive way....

I have really hard time to see Ne in him. He seems to be somewhere in the Ni-Se axis but it can be part of an act.

I think I just found one youtube.com/watch?v=08RFTI9QR20

Hyde uses tertiary or inferior Fe. xxTP. His compulsivity is quite low key for an ESTP. He puts on some force while interacting so he is not likely an INTP. Secondary Se as in ISTP or teriary Fe for...


Well, if I should guess my parents' cats personalities, I would say that they are ESTP and INFJ. Complete opposites. :kitteh:

It was so boring in elementary school. Huge sheets of routine calculations :rolleyes: :dry:. I basically sucked at it because I made lots of simple errors due to a boring routine. In university...

Is Fred Phelps an ENTP (if he is the ultimate troll)?

LMAO I've been trying to go this way as well.

Well, I suppose that there are hard core aspies and soft core ones as well (just very lightly applied label which might come even from misunderstood communication between patient and practitioner).

Aspegers seems to be that kind of condition which would make me very unhappy when it comes to relationship. It could work for other personality types. There are many types of bipolar.

ENTP with strong Fe. ENFJ?

Well, it is hard to answer a metaphor because it means different things to different people. At least I try to see what the person is going through does (s)he act and so on. Reading peoples quite...

Mum: ESFJ Dad: ISFP Brother: ESFP Sister: ISFP possibly INFP Sister: ESFJ I'm the odd one. :tongue: Bunch of feelers...

Not really. Paying attention that sensory stuff is both hard and draining especially if do it with ESXX. I'll buy stuff when I know I need or really want something.

So, what is/was/are/were your major/s? Chemistry. It was interesting and easy. Applying concepts without hardcore logic and memorizing. I tried biochemistry but it was a nightmare (=memorization of...

Non verbal communication is my way :blushed: OK. It was easy when the person was on her deathbed. :crying:

I exhibited those traits very early on. I had my pretty hard internalized rebellious phases later on. I was so different that I didn't fit in (the schools were pretty small) and with those I made...

I did it few months ago. Average (50 %) female. :angry:

http://imageshack.us/a/img834/3262/screenshotybe.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us Comes from my mini laptop. Simple KDE (Kubuntu) desktop.

Yeah. I think I have the ability: 1) It's very easy to make ladies laugh (based on judging current situation). 2) I have had several eye contact plays with females. Very easy. I'm not there...

As a scientist, an introvert and extraverted feeler I don't see big contradiction. It is very easy to apply logic when the subject is impersonal. Around people... not nearly as much. :tongue: Yes,...

You know you're a judger when SJs posts here are little bit less creepier (only by a little bit) than Ps posts in You know you're a perceiver when... thread. :confused:

My idealism. My introversion. Practical side: I have gone ridiculously extensive lengths by protecting our family dog from childhood until he passed away. :crying: My siblings and parents often...

When you have been near sighted nearly for one decade and someone else points it out for you that you seriously need to go to the optometrist. My visual acuity was below legally blind without glasses.

I can recognize faces well but names are difficult and I don't really pay attention to person names. Yeah when I started to become nearsighted I didn't realize the whole process. It was such a...

Is there Si or Se pill for this condition? I think I'm quite OK as single. In order to be happy I need my private space. I need some long term stability. I want to be truly responsible person...

I have high standards when it comes to important stuff. Those who qualify are completely trustworthy. If you're a salesperson and you're going to fool me. Forget it. I can see through. I have put...

I've been in Ni-Ti loop. It was disaster. There's a cure for that. Doctor prescribed some human interaction (with healthy attitude) and it works.

More masochistic... Seeing pain others is painful but don't hurt me, please. :tongue:

As (heterosexual) INFJ male... Yes, I like my order to some degree. But to clean and cook on a regular routine basis... :angry: I know one ISFJ from the lab I worked with for a while and his SF...

There are different kinds of social anxieties. I think it can be personal (internal or external) or related to paranoid thinking. I think that for me it is Fe related. I'm much thinking about...

Well personality disorders are not mental illnesses (Axis II not I in DSM) and they are very subjective. Those personalities may have very high risk to develop co-morbid real mental illnesses. ...

I don't have stereo vision (strabismus from birth). I can not view 3D movies and such in 3D. You can test your stereo vision in 3D Stereograms - eyetricks.com I can not see anything hidden in those...

When you hear You should tie your shoelaces too often. :dry: When riding a bike or walking seems to be the only way to keep yourself in shape (while being in your own world). :happy:

It might matter if the person is not so individualistic learner and needs external structure but if that is not the case I agree. I'm all about being independent learner. I did my M.Sc in small...

Verbal or something but not visual. I'm really really horrible at spatial reasoning. I need to split everything into 2D planes in my mind. Well, I don't have an ability to see world in stereo depth...

This one of the reasons why I prefer one on one conversations. I don't really like to say titles aloud either. It feels like I'm distancing myself. It is very hard to call somebody by their name...

#1 I was constantly figuring out meaning of life. I was stubborn, shy and sensitive. I liked to my mother, taking care of my little sister. I was socially OK with one one situations but groups were...

I have been labelled as having OCPD tendencies. It's completely internal and not all over the my life (so it is not full blown personalty disorder) so you won't find me complaining about that person...

Yes. Somebody even accused me about being drunk at the lab. :confused: No, I don't destroy things. It's just different way of working. :laughing: I've never been drunk.

Yes. I can goof around quite a bit. It depends on situation and my comfort level. I don't plan it ahead and it's not specific either. As an uncle there are couple kids who are pretty thrilled...

There's a huge amount of inhibition. I don't think it's related development of Fe in my case if I can appear as the first type. I just need to bypass my Ni (addictive stuff) more often. :tongue:

Very, very familiar feeling... the story of my life For example When I started school it was horrifying. Kids and even teachers saying inconsiderate things etc. I experienced the atmosphere as...

People tend to read me like a book once they get know me. Why so happy? What are you thinking? What's wrong? Say it aloud. Well, if I get depressed my face becomes emotionless. Hollow. ...

Ummh... sex is for sensors. Let's rather talk about theoretical aspects of sex. :wink: Seriously If youre a virgin... Oh yeah! have you ever had the opportunity to have sex? Never tried. I...

1. Growing or now are you mostly friends with girls? Yes with a same age cousin and a sister before age of 7. After that few girls and later found couple of boys. I lived in an area where weren't...'