
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'Actually I don't see any of my experiences or who I am as positive or negative. I'm not sure what you're asking...

Ohhh and as far as whether I see this as a positive or negative thing. I think this is all positive and I feel like I'm a better person in most ways...... ?? hope im making sense...

I'm a total introvert (like your roomate thinks she is) but you would never guess that when I'm building a rapport with an intp.... make sense?

Most studies conclude that INFJs are a rare type. Any science pertaining to the human mind is never trulyfor sure or exact. MBTI is not black or white. There are exceptions foreverything. I...

In the past my emotions clouded my thinking and almost held me prisoner.

I've gained enougfh confidence to back my moral positions AND entertain other points of view different from my own. I don't remember what test it was . I've taken several from different websites and...

hehehe a parrot... that is cute. I agree but I read somewhere that INFJs are particularly hard to type because of the rarity and complex nature of their personality. I don't know about your roomate...

oops sorry didnt notice that part

My reaction was different from your mothers because we had different intentions. my reaction was on behalf of the baby not against/ or with complete indifference to the mother I had a...

i believe infjs and infps generally like to keep the harmony in this instance i believe the intp aspect of my personality came out that is more more objective... but has less social tact... i...

I think you are probably right. Although, I have limited understanding regarding all of this I would assumeā€¦. Active thinking equates with the ability to perceive the world as objectively as one...

younger and older infjs. the thing is I've had unique experiences that have developed the thinking aspect of my personality. This has toughened my outer shell and changed the way I engage wih people.

I used to react based completely on feeling. Naturally this got me into a lot of trouble. I've become more analytical. I react with pure feeling at times. However, I am able to look at the...

I did try to implore humiliation tactics....lol yes you're right.... i wasn't aware of my mechanisms of action

Yes I feel so silly. I tested as an infj and intp. Thank you I'm going to look up that nursng personality type. It makes sense. Correct me if I'm wrong..... but i think think infpss value...

Thank you! I'm happy to see others understand my point of view. I appreciate it.. :)

i think that sometimes your contradicting beliefs make you seem indifferent and when you do take a stance it may come across or random or unwarranted. In my opinion (from what little I know) INFPs...

oops sry people i meant intp im new here... my thinking function is more developed go figure ;) so infj/intp hehe but thank you for the feedback

Hm. Zest for life?? Yes, but happiness does not come naturally to me. I have a lot of deep seeded insecurities and propel me forward. I'm prone to really severe (I can't get out of bed, can't shower...

I do and I don't. At times, in terms of discussion I feel as though I'm talking to a much younger version of myself. *Yikes* ;) However I feel a strong connection with other infjs as far as...

I took the original test twice and presented as an intp both times.

It took a lot of experiences for me to finally develop that sort of confidence in myself. When I was younger I was very,very sensetive/ easily hurt but would hide behind a poker face.

As you lived through more experiences your empathy must have increased. It is tough trying to distinguish between two rare types like this. I've always felt different... now i know why... **** (...

As you lived through more experiences your empathy must have increased. It is tough trying to distinguish between two rare types like this. I've always felt different... now i know why... **** (...

You're right I am inclined to tread lightly. I didn't notice. huh something to think about.. thank you

I'm like that! I present as someone very vulnerable. I can't care about anything people say particularly if I dont respect their opinion. I literally laugh!. That or I'll just stand there eyes...

that made lol

hehehehehe she is sweet for caring. alright?

Not in terms of decisions.... I meant objective in terms of how i see the world...as it is i believe changing.... and a present active mind should change with it... make all decisions... well...

it could also be that there doesn't seem to be a lot of information on intp women... Can a female be feminine and still be an intp...? it is a controversial question when you think about it.....

By nature there is no questoin I'm an introvert. I enjoy surrounding myself with people but then i need to remove myself and recharge. I become drained. In any case there are extraverted/introverted...

I have my nursing degree (lvn) but am busy with school. (I'm only 21) started when I was 18.... and am saving to invest in some property..... thank you for your concern :) I appreciate it.... (no...

I'm an introvert but I'm also a stripper so.....

lol no it didnt take me quite 20 minutues

times of urgency huh hehehehe ... oh no wouldn't want to risk it.... any other suggestions?

hmmm I'll try intp women would never say.... i want a boyfriend I'm really upset he didn't call me We're working on our relationship they also wouldnt start a conversation with...

http://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-personality-type/100364-50-50-personality-does-not-make-sense-very-confused.html Would you mind looking over this thread and letting me know whart you think. I...

I did my best. Thank you for taking the time to respond. 1) What aspect of your personality made you unsureof your type? The direct, take no prisoners, , nononsense attitude i...

I'm in my early twenties. :) Yes, I'll try... I am not the type to judge. You could say my mind if flixible? I don't care about social conventions but I don't despise them. I am the type who goes...

AGAIN I was not talking to him....

Okay. When I was a teenager I tested as an INFJ and identified with that description very well. When I joined this site I didn't bother taking the test a second time. (I assumed I would be a more...

You know, I really want what is best for the child. I'll never forget what it was like seeing those little premature babies gasping for breath. Thank you for your story!!

You're right I will use that if I ever get an oppurtunity in the future...

That was beautifully put! Thank you. More people shouldfight for those who canx92t help themselves in my opinion particularly when it isyour child at risk.

No excuse the misunderstanding. I was referring to the postbelow. I believe you when you say you wereborn premature and have a learning disability. Thank you for your input You have a very unique...

My type= institution? Where are there more people like meee ???L Ohhh and she IS having the baby and is upset over lastmiscarriageā€¦.. FYI


oh here is the link to my other post....

I posted this in the infj forum. I'm new here and have been tested as an infj AND infp... I want you to tell me what you think about this situation... I don't feel like I have anything in common with...

Dr. Pil (who does irrritate me at times) said something I like... Trust is when you trust yourself to be able to handle whatever that person throws your way Try showing your...'