Meow. 10characters
ISFP and INTP. I don't think I'd like being in a relationship with another INFJ. I'm not (romantically) interested in extraverts either.
She: - has similar values and (religious) convictions - is physically attractive to me - likes having sex with me - wants kids - excells at what I suck at (and vice versa) thus making us a good...
- Soul Calibur (tournament level player) - Tekken - Skyrim. Just got it last month. So far I'm really liking it, except for the many bugs/glitches. Since I play on PS3 I don't have access to... There ya go. I must say though, hearing myself talk is really weird. The only thing I recognize is that bass-ish sound (it's not just the mic). :p
I'm missing a 'both' option in the poll. :tongue: But, like you, when put on the spot I often deflect blame to some external source as well.
'Can't live a day without you' by Avalon. A singer from my wife's church sang it at our wedding.
I'm having trouble following why some posters on this thread think it's strange to ask this question on the internet (rather than in real life, I suppose?). Let me solve the mystery for you guys:...
Being patronized, in the broadest sense of the word. What bothers me most is when people give me relatively easy tasks to do because they (apparently) suspect I'm not capable of doing something more...
Have you ever thought about studying law? It's great for the theoretically inclined INFJ (Ni+Ti). A big bonus is that you can actually make some money with it. Considering that you live in a country...
Thank God. :p The reason I mentioned it is because in the last years I've seen a bunch of girls wearing it as a fashion thing. A true tragedy. I have no way of knowing.
Just a warning before you read: I'm not a member of the affirmation brigade. I'm just going to answer the question honestly, and start with the negative. Would I ask you out on the street? No,...
I wouldn't call it the complete's idiot guide, but if you want to properly understand cognitive functions you should check out Eric B's site. Here's the link: Temperament Part 2: The MBTI's 16...
The Philippines. I wonder how many of you were thinking 'mail order bride' while reading that. Although not being a fat, balding 70 year old retiree helps my case. :p
First and foremost that she simply exudes happiness, sexiness and vulnerability. She doesn't really have a way with words, but she's more than fluent in body language. When I look at her it makes me...
Well, I personally care a great deal about what the book says because for me it gives some insight in the history of the religion, the nature of its God as well as (at least partly, in my opinion)...
After I had known her for about 3 days, I half-jokingly said 'How do you feel about getting married?'. I really did like her so much I wanted to marry her relatively soon, but I didn't have any...
I'd just like to point out (for the h8rs) that it's rather nonsensical to bash something to undefinable as Christianity. Considering there are over 33,000 Christian denominations which hold radically...
Just call them or ask them in person.
Christianity is the innate wisdom and conscience of my soul. To be honest, the essence of the religion is something I failed to comprehend for a long time (even after I became a Christian at around...
I personally believe cognitive functions aren't things you actually use. It's not like changing gears in a car. When I'm at the office filling in corporate tax returns for large concerns, arguing...
Learn to properly fear the consequences. You're a type 6, it should be easy for you. :tongue: Someday you'll be done with school, and you (and your grades) will be subject to the scrutiny of...
Can't be arsed. I clean once a year, but last year I was too busy. :tongue: Anyhow, people have brought up topics like this before in order to determine their type. It's really not the way to go...
Thanks for sharing. Must be good to get it out, huh? I have to admit though, I can't relate to a word you've said. Had I been in that same room at the time of your conversation (not before that; I'm...
Tell her you love her, but that she needs to reevaluate her emotions. For her own sake. Remind her that it's better to be together from afar (how contradictory) than not being together at all, and...
I'm happily married to an ISFP. And it's a long distance marriage too. :tongue:
This is an easy choice for me: tax law and jurisprudence. I know, I'm a total nerd.
I can obviously only speak for myself, but I couldn't cheat. And that is for one reason only: I wouldn't get into a relationship with someone I'd cheat on. I'm distant as fuck for the most part, and...
1) Soul Calibur series (played since Soul Blade, or Soul Edge in the US). I recently started competing in tournaments too. 2) Tekken series (played since Tekken 2) 3) Final Fantasy series
I can play the stereotypical INTJ quite well. It's more of a defense mechanism though, to keep people at bay (if you're familiar with five temperament theory, I'm a hardcore melancholy in inclusion)....
Very cool stuff. I'd post a video of my (99,9999% certain) ISFJ mother for you to trace, but it might as well be a picture in her case. :tongue:
Ethanol Nah, I simply decided I wanted a Latin username a while back. It has a nicer ring to it than just my plain ol' initials.
I've been lurking more and more these past months, and even post again sometimes. My internship has been consuming all my time and thoughts the past half year or so. Oh and I used to be SLN (for...
People aren't as critical of my mistakes (or me in general) as I am. I've always known this, but now I'm starting to believe it too.
'Perhaps you could try doing your best next time.'
Unfortunately I am quite prideful. It's a byproduct of perfectionism in my case. The need to be perfect drives me to be 'perfect' (or at the very least excel), and then I feel pretty proud about...
The one thing that has always motivated me is fear. Fear of disappointing people in my life, fear of economic failure, you name it. My anxiety always pushes me onward. So when nothing else can...
If you can't identify them even if you try, then there's no point in trying to befriend intuitives specifically.
Well, I pretty much had the most (emotionally) agonizing day of my life two days before you started this thread. So I guess you were on the money.
I've never been drunk. Mainly because I've always disliked the taste of alcohol; it's kind of bitter. I'm slowly but surely developing a taste for cold beers though.
I like anything that's challenging to understand.
ISFPs can dance well. Just whip out your boombox and you'll know which type you're dealing with.
My religious views mostly align with Messianic Judaism (no 'two house' theology though...). Haven't decided yet whether I'm an annihilationist (souls cease to exist) or a universalist (everyone goes... Michael Scofield from Prison Break. Also an INFJ 6w5, I think. In any case, I identify a lot with him.
Just today I was reading an article that listed 7 reasons for feeling bloated. Much to my astonishment, there was no mention of internal INTPs whatsoever. Science isn't what it used to be anymore.
I'm RCOAI. Bordering on RCOAN though (see signature). Normally I score 90%+ for orderliness. The rest of my scores tend to be a lot more balanced.
Coming to appreciate human mortality has made me feel less fearful of failure.