
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

My father's Ukrainian mail-order bride is 7 months pregnant with my baby brother/sister. I found out yesterday.

Tomorrow I was always a lion.

I think a pixie cut would look very beautiful on you.

Makes a decision, follows through, and doesn't look back.

I definitely get the feeling you're leaning towards being an ISxP. You sound very aware of your surroundings and quite careful about stepping over anyone's toes with your opinion. My boyfriend is an...

You know it, brother.

INTP, for sure.

I got myself How to Survive for maybe.. 3x80 perhaps? I can't remember, but it was cheap. It's surprisingly entertaining considering it's yet another zombie game. Here you're trapped on islands with...

I'm going to go ahead and say yes.

In general, do you prefer texting or phone calls? Texting, except if I'm in a really good/chatty mood - then I'm calling everybody up in here. Do you like to webcam/facetime with others? I've...


I'd advise you to never watch an episode of Dr. Phil.

What makes you say he's an ENTP based on his profession?


Hi, Dave from the UK. Welcome.

It's a funny story. We went to the same school, and he was friends with my brother. I got a crush on him, we dated unofficially for a couple of years, I broke it off, we continued staying friends,...




I love this thread. It's comforting to read your stories and your advice, and to know it gets easier being an INFJ as time goes by. I'm 23, by the way.

The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C48-vOsQFsE P.P. Hammer and his Pneumatic Weapon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wpth4WFGB1E

INFJs - The ambivalence..ness..ners.

I was on a bus with Adam Sandler, Gene Hackman, and Aziz Ansari. It was fun, except Hackman kept cock blocking me when I was trying to charm Aziz. I realise now why he used to be Superman's...