
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.


As an INFJ: Romantically or platonically, I fall like a ton of bricks, if I fall at all; and the intensity is too much for most. But the ones who make it through the initial firestorm are there...

Is everything everything, or is every each-thing only itself? (Actually, I've long since decided this one, but I still think about it...)

Sorry to hear that! I've had both situations happen to me...

Which disappears: The feelings or the persons?

Oh, man--I just had a thought. Imagine if ENFPs and INFJs had a JOINT conclave--an entire convention hall filled with nothing but ENFPs and INFJs meeting and greeting!!! The energy produced could...

Spirit, sincerity, dedication, sophistication, empathy, courage, light-heartedness, curiosity, ability, humility.

The conclave date is determined by a secret committee at the INFJ Grand Chancellery, and only distributed to the membership 24 hours before the event. All that stuff about INFJs having to have alone...

You beat me to it!

It's a special contact lens which they hand out at our annual INFJ conclave. It filters out everything but ENFPs, and facilitates the power of a special internal passion ray that is part of our...

There is something of pressing importance which, to my amazement, I cannot find has ever been properly addressed here at PerC. This is a question which, oddly, has not been investigated in...

Hmm. Maybe we need a graduated set of ENFPs, from vaguely ENFP to supreme ultra ENFP, to conduct a test with you. Hey, ENFPs, any volunteers? When applying, please state your certificated...

What I don't get is: Why don't other specific mirroring personality pairs have something analogous? Why the unique magic for INFJ/ENFP (not that I'm complaining!)?

This has come up over at the ENFP campground, and the fine observation was made that the INFJ/ENFP relationship is like that of a mouse and cheese in which both parties are both the mouse and the...

Yes, I agree, it's good to do this first, especially because if you didn't, you'd always wonder if you would have had an improved outcome (mega sales) with the traditionals. The big problem with...

Well, I'm just going to bask in this for a while. It should make me completely insufferable by the end of the day. I mean, even more so than usual...

Someone told them to dial it up, and they misunderstood.

When I'm with an ENFP, for sure I loosen the shackles of INFJdom to a good degree; but, perhaps surprisingly, ENFP influence on me is even more overwhelming when the ENFP is not immediately present: ...

Well, that just means I have to get busy. OK, who's next?

It's when others realize this about you ENFPs that any relationship with y'all gets its traction. The ones who think it's all just bubbly time don't get it. But you knew that!

That's very interesting. I hadn't heard that before. People are always saying that I am [too] intense. Hmmm . . . [scratches head, pondering the situation] . . .

My place. Please do not disturb.

When did you have your first relationship (<20, 20-25, 26-30, >30)? <20 What do you look for in a partner? Passion, comprehension, equity, reciprocation, responsibility Is it difficult...

That's very poignant. Thank you.

Yes, that's about how it is. :sad: The only way I can deal with it is to do what I can to make the 2 steps forward extra-giant steps, hoping that the back another 5 steps are baby steps... ...

Luna de Miel (Honeymoon), 1959, Spain. Newlyweds honeymoon in Spain, she being a former ballerina. She's tempted to stray by a Spanish dancer. Beautiful scenic photography, and (naturally) lots of...

Traditional publishing is best if your material has some assurance of being a good seller. Once you've delivered the corrected proofs back, your job is pretty much done; the publisher takes over to...

Great, I'll be right over!

Ye gods, that would take a novel for each one! Quick views: No. 1: Musician. Alternately tender and tempestuous. Joined the service. Bye! No. 2: High school student body president. ...

Yayyy! Go team INFJ go!!!

No, actually these were all people whom I knew in person, like physical presences in my life. Cruel Fate sent 'em all away for various reasons, no fault of any of the parties concerned. :violin:I...

Actually, yes, despite what I just posted about the long-distance ENFPs in my past, y'all do stick like glue emotionally, in my experience. Even though Fate scattered my SOs to the winds, the bond...

Well, ma'am, lemme put it this way: My first SO was an ENFP, and is now 2,541 miles away. My second SO was an ENFP, and is now 5,642 miles away. My third SO was an ENFP, and is now 5,346...

Part of it is that life now has so many distractions that few go deep enough into a subject to be able to discuss it intelligently, and discussion on a shallow level leads nowhere. Part of it is...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFWi5lpWbR8 ?

GREEK FIRE No remedy Our siphons burst upon ourselves Myself in sea of flame Burning Burning Burning Now the masts catching burning askew Me only on mine

WELLNESS I looked into a well. So far below, in a spot of silver A cameo A miniature Looking up Looking down Which was me The reflection, where?

I'm having an INFJ recharge day 713802 But while they're setting up the equipment, maybe I can take a stab at this. Yes, we do do that sometimes, don't we? Sigh. I think we do it when, in...

Well, I wear a t-shirt to the gym with a big INFJ splashed across it... I like the looks I get. ;-)

And how! You've hit on something intriguing I never thought about before. I wonder if maybe the bafflement is the most important part...? Being baffled gives us an opportunity to trust outside...

Yeah! [heart-drawn sigh at its wonderfulness] One thing which helped me come to terms with ENFP ways was to stop thinking Bah, this ENFP is just out having fun again and start thinking Yay,...

Yes, absolutely, everything you're saying. I'm fortunately a pretty quick study and had only blown my very first ENFP relationship through INFJ insecurities when suddenly I realized the above. If...

I'm not defending it, because lots of people really should do lots of shutting up; but what they're doing without consciously realizing it is that they're establishing an environment of...

When I was little (pre- age 10), I regularly had an eerie (but not threatening) dream which had me going through darker and darker smaller and smaller passageways and cubbyholes until I reached a...

When someone criticizes you in what they think is a diplomatic way, but you immediately intuit the entirety of what they mean and resent it down to the profoundest depths of your profoundly deep INFJ...

I lose my heart very rarely; but when I do, it's lost totally and quickly. I like all my cards on the table, and am aching to say the L word--and with sincerity, not as a manipulative tool--very...

He's filling you in about himself and his personal likes, because he wants you to know all about him; but he doesn't want to be in a posture of commenting or taking a stand about himself by answering...

Not so much. I tend to get the arguing for the sake of arguing vibe, which rubs me the wrong way.

Actually, I can answer that, and more or less seriously. The way I keep balanced mentally/emotionally is not to walk down a middle line but to ping-pong my way back and forth between opposites. ...

Because the real thing is more exciting?'