'Always striving for more interesting possibilities.
would an ISFP fare well in the navy? My friend is thinking about going into construction as a seabee and is really excited about it. any thoughts?
it happens to me all the time. lol about trying to not look shocked. I guess I am just accepting of everyone's faults. We're all human. My only problem is when they continue to repeat the offending...
how did I not discover you guys b4 HeLLooo might just have to change my J to a P..regardless, you sound fun!!!!
Awesome! thought I'd like to be a bartender. too bad you can't drink with the customers..:happy:
yeah but I was working with prisoners spose I was the light in the dark :angry:
not a picture but... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiSxLl_2RM4
I feel people, their moods change such as attitudes and anger. I think that is the first thing I notice, the shift.
I love the door slam, Bam! It is an accumulation of anger, hurt, and saddness just poof* gone.. as said above they become like strangers..an icy coldness covers me. yes like I never knew them just a...
my poor husband. my neighbors thought he was my dad for like two years, until my friend said um no, that's his wife!! bahahaha!
ty, firedell and Obsidian
1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? I’ve tested INFJ many times on multiple tests, INFP sometimes, INTJ twice, and ISFP once 2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?...
Thankyou! anyone else feel free to jump in at any time :wink: this has interested me for quite awhile
does anyone have an interest in dental assisting or is currently working as a dental hygienist? these are my latest goals.
MissJordan lmao!
oops double post
..working with the mentally ill and MR/DD patients :(
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcjjtznG-Uw I delete mine every time I get bored haha
INFJ mostly, sometimes INFP, once INTJ, and once ISFP so basically a mixture of all the good stuff =)
I relate to all of your reasons why you might be INFJ.. however I'm torn between these two types as well, I'm ISFP all the way except I'm always looking toward the future and not ever here and now....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np0solnL1XY ...had to play the whole video last 5 min. are my favorite
earth with a dash of fire!
Unicorn: Chastity, purity, dreams, virtue, strength, integrity, magic, healing, freedom or dolphin- playfulness
gotta say I thought it was pretty awesome!!! the description fit me exactly haha. I read it and thought that's me! but I always knew I was a hippie? :)...
relaxed. :)
I visualized immediately in front of me a huge mountain straight up like a wall with a final curvature. me in the middle floating present extending to each side, behind like that of a shoreline...
I can relate I become more and more detached and I'll even warn them, you're really pissing me off. If they continue the relationship dies.
Dumb and Dumber LOVE!!!!!
interesting, one of the reasons I think I'm ISFP terrified of commitment! and have intense need for freedom..
come out for a bit. jump right back in again
a child smiling.. friends, family puppies!
watch out for spontaneous outbursts!!!! :shocked:
when you meet a sociopath and try to show them pure love, only to let them go, feeling terrible for months because you couldn't change their self confessed cold heart..
Veterinarian but became a nurse. I love shots!! ... now going into dental hygiene
I agree ISFP the description is spot on. :)
I have typed INFP, INFJ (mostly) and once ISFP the way you think reminds me of myself
I thought thank god I'm not an alien ;) haha my husband typed infj also..he's much more intuitive.. I relate to the ISFP personality more though I do have a knowing about people that I can't always...
Hi just wanted to make a post new here :wink:! or ISFP?'