
Diplomats INFJ

Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

'yes ; ; this has very much been my wish for a long time but I think it would work if many of us did this together.... I just want to live in no where, and then go to the astral realm forever and ever

Intrapersonal: 90% Verbal/Linguistic: 90% Logical/Mathematical: 75% Visual/Spatial: 45% Naturalist: 25% Interpersonal: 15%

me too, always. you post a lot of things I can relate to, as it's nice to have a thought verbalized... even though they're mostly parallell to me.. it makes them intertwine for a moment it seems...

yes. I am luckily not surrounded by them usually.. but when I am by some they actually notice many, many things and regard them as how they were taught.. such as hiding my face in public is rude......

Thank you, I'm looking at the dream dictionary now. (: It's just so fascinating what symbolic interpretation of anything may tell. Well, I can see that it would be good or bad, or neither to be...

yes. I stalk subtly and verily... and I don't mind being stalked.... x:

me too... I wish I were an idea :sad:

it is usually hard for me to watch things because I feel a forceful feeling...? u.u but I liked these: Ef - A Tale of Memories Serial Experiments Lain Dexter

so much ;x;!

Y Nonconforming attitude Y Creative Y Intense curiosity Y Idealistic / Happy obsession with a hobby or hobbies Y Knew very early in his or her childhood they were different from others Y?...

having a windmill home..

http://www.anothercompany.org/port/nothing/nothing13.jpg :c http://periodictable.com/Samples/085.4/s9s.JPG I cannot decipher between the two... Show me something of importance to you...

no need to work? :c

He felt he was never to ride the same sausage again, or even sausages at all.. and he denied their existence

I do not have a sleep schedule, really... I sleep whenever I tire.. I also like to sleep in naps rather than fully sleeping. Though, I feel best at night and I categorize myself as noctivagant.

I can only mono-task.. and slowly at that.. and I have to think everything out and get my own understanding of things x:

The bacon is enchanted by a note he found embedded in the melody of the bees... this could lead to where the egg friends may be..

I wish to come ^o^... http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l521ssYdtD1qbqvaso1_400.gif http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4535glEV31qbsviuo1_400.gif ...

Virginia x:

yes!, I feel like that one's fitting. but I found this description to be beautiful of the whale: Whale - Power of Water, regeneration, death, rebirth. I've also been drawn to octopi and rams.....

I am always building myself, this alternates between consciously becoming of what is true of myself.... but when I am to be around others my wishes become less of that (more external)... but overall,...

awh... whales are calming to me at least x: Animal Symbolism in Many Cultures

Albino deer, stingrays, whales.. I think that whenever someone is to choose a favorite animal, it is one that they do or wish to relate to.


why, definitely... and maybe who.


Zdzisław Beksiński (:

1. /D/.....C......B..A 2. None of these.. I don't like to think of that. I like your ideas and I do similar to help determine types of people. All though, it may be best to just have them answer...

Personal: I don't think I am to be called anything... but then again you can call me whatever I remind you of, or Wictoria if that is empty. There are many answers that could give my location, I...

http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l5m8dqJOwd1qa7bilo1_500.jpg http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l472g9w7gE1qct8jto1_400.png ; ;

If you can figure out an answer by wandering out at night, relating things on your journey to it, and seeing how they are altered If you are able to understand Hitler's view If the dreams tell much...

For the cafe- I imagine it to have mainly a peach tint, white trees, grass + flowers, not actually being either indoors or outdoors? I see a wall thats transparency is able to be altered... Everyone...

It's sort of rare for me to find true enchantment in external entertainment... /it is hard to impress me/. u.u I seem to like to made up my own things, or find the few things that match my internal...

This is how I feel too. Ne feels like it's been almost put upon myself.. but then again I just do not get the feeling that I do when I see things with Ni.. but I still feel some sort of positive...

eeee! I either feel like I am doing everything correct in my way.. or that everything is wrong in my way and to others.. it's actually always wrong in their way. I do not have a self esteem at all,...

Same with me!! The main types can be divided by the order of cognitive functions, and then they can be divided even more from there.

http://i37.tinypic.com/28mmqgj.png http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l6vnv7yCQk1qct8jto1_500.png Chichiro from Ef ~ A Tale of Memories or at least, I am able to relate very well to her

yes! it has made me vomit in my mouth even, the negative object was then confirmed a few hours after. s:

My dreams tell even useless things that I would not know.. in literal or metaphorical ways.. which is much more frequent when my dream journal is I even seemingly physically feel any negativity...

Please don't worry about something like this, do only what feels natural to you. These habits are not even as bad as people make it seem, at all. They also can be changed easily if you want to....

Through excessive my Ne gains so much bulk that Ni has to compete for dominance. In these short spurts where Ni and Ne work harmoniously, instead of competitively, I feel that I can command any...

I have tested multiple times over a few years, my first result was INFJ. At one time I was close to an INTP, and was easily influenced by her perspective.. so I began to test as INTP. Recently I have...


I do not care about my room at all. but maybe the question should be imagine a room, what's it like? it tells very much.

I'm an INFJ, but my feeling is introverted. This is prominently shown in me and I tend to have Ni about things that mean to me rather than to others. Or maybe I just cling to one perspective, and...

I always like to make new ideas for them... but I am embarrassed at the same time. u.u

like mentioned, I wish to seek out the unknown, internal, and lovely things. I'd see dream-like things in the physical realm... maybe I just want to find more things that are relatable to my inner...

Welcome to Personality Cafe (:! You seem to be hermitine as well.

I relate so.

Oooo, yes.. and I do not understand why it is seen by those people as unintelligent to be incapable of doing common tasks such as changing a light bulb, there could be an alien who held very much...'