
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pO_mlZDlFo Two INFPs already died of laughing from this. Proceed with caution. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QdPW8JrYzQ

518506 People, when they look closely, are always confused as to what colour they are ^^

It's good to hear that, that someone says it would be a mistake to settle for a possibly more stable and more money making job. My friends always make fun of me for having chosen cultural...

What I got from this thread is that I really have to get to know some INFJs -- sounds like your depths and thoughts would be (sorry for that wording, but can't think of a better or more appropriate...

I wish to transcend space by quicker means that could be called cheating -- like beaming or teleporting, so I wouldn't need planes, bicycles, time or money to do that.

INFP http://brillianceofcoincidence.tumblr.com/ my photography, recently started http://wirberlsturm.tumblr.com/ everything else. with a typo in the url unfortunately. I am not very...

Park benches or just spots where you have a good view over something, they will be sitting or standing there, either lost in thought looking into far away space or in a book.

When I was a child this was my experience too. I didn't feel like I had a best friend. Well and that one best friend I had would often abandon me for someone more interesting and come back to me...

There is no option All of them. Really, it is impossible to answer that. I would maybe say Aurora, but i don't see it as a possibility as i have never seen this phenomenon. Must be incredible. Now...

I am interested in other cultures in general (and also study cultural anthropology), but i am most interested in East Asia, namely Japan and China. But that could also be because my parents also have...

I have that wish too, but i am only conscious of it since recently. I think I extended my empathy in a way. But I find that wish only comes up strongly when I am in a good place myself. Only then I...

... and then the first INFP came out of the sea. It is said that the first library was created by them, with books made out of leaves.

That's an interesting question :). Not too easy to answer though. I think I want to help people who are having a difficult time to be able to tell the whole story without me imposing anything on...

These are very cool photos :proud:

I'll start :). I chose this one for the vulnerable and contemplative feel to it. 389538

Idea stolen from http://personalitycafe.com/type-9-forum-peacemaker/73196-post-pictures-remind-you-type-9-a.html I thought this would be fun here too. I don't know if such a thread already exists,...

This was taken by me :) 387217


If I know their story and why they do what they do, it is likely I feel with them. I will still wish they'll fail.


You cannot generalise this! Nothing can be generalised actually, it always depends on factors and circumstances, what if e.g. this or that ... ? (This is mostly the rant i fall into when I do)

So you mean like in the infinite monkey theorem? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite_monkey_theorem If we assume that the universe is infinite and so are the experiments.

I thought this was common knowledge .. it is the sock monsters lurking in there waiting for food. So apparently they get eaten and reappear as, you know ...

I am unsatisfied, lonely, want to be social but don't actually want to deal with people, I don't know what I want. I don't know what I want. I don't know what could fulfill me, and most things are...

I am the one who feels out of place most of the time. I am the one everyone probably thinks at first that I'm serious, stuck up, a know-it-all and boring I am the one that enjoys the most random an...

One is an INTx, probably INTP, and although she mostly has different interests and is much more intelligent than me, we feel the same about many things and can always be ourselves around each other. ...

Quiet sounds often hold the most beauty. If you want to listen though, you have to slow down sometimes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r82fyOb8F5w :tongue:

This thread is back! :proud::crazy: Love it.

Maybe you could become an ENFJ by 2030, I think you probably wouldn't have any problems with that any more. Then again that might be too late for your taste.

The scenes with battles in LOTR are the least interesting.

It is not yet time for it to becaome concrete, am still in university and it will take at least another two years until I have a degree ... but still ... I do have some dreams and hopes, but no...

Right now I have a crisis. I have no idea what I want to do later on. I am not depressed, but when I think about my future, I become anxious. Is there anything that I want, that I would be good at?...

My often low energy, often lack of motivation, and difficulties getting to know people. This is probably due my introversion (the getting to know people thing), though some do better I think. It's...

Who would NOT love ENFPs? To me, they are the most fun and warmhearted people. I want more of you in my life! If the people I think are ENFPs actually are ones. I like them, especially this guy,...

I think this is kind of obvious - being vulerable means to share (your authenticn self), and without vulnerability no intimacy and connection. Do you know Brené Browns work?

That sounds very interesting. Do you have any sources that you could share? :joyous:

Well, now you have an extra birthday, chosen by special people :joyous:. Lucky you :D. [goes back to lurking]

Greed. Without it, people don't want to take away anything from anyone except when their lives depend on it. And hate. The remaining cause for violence. Yes, these are two. But why shouldn't it...

Yes, it is sad ... people are so unreasonale. I think that there are a few who want the power and the riches, and they actually do have advantages from a war. The rest, well they are tricked into...

But why are people this way? :dry: Most people don't like it anyway.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POgViZ_Zcek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIryRIXye24

I thought it was about asking literal war, like why it exists as it's so pointless and cruel ... kind of disappointed now. :unsure:

China and Japan for me as well. Very fascinating cultures and histories and religions. I love anime and Chinese dramas. 我学习汉语,但是不太容易呢... I've learned Chinese for quite a while now, but not too...

Just wanted to say that it feels like you guys had listened to my thoughts :th_love:

Amazon.com: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values (9780060589462): Robert M. Pirsig: Books Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into values by Robert...

Finally someone who understands what I'm talking about! Those annoying birds ... They should become extinct so we can tend to the most important things. Taxes, you name it. My workplace is central to...

Interesting topic. For me, that's actually true. Except for if I ask for advice and other exceptions. When people tell me what to do, I get the feeling that they don't see me as capable and if I...

I don't understand all this environment-hussle. Organic food, alternative energy source, worrying about ecological balance ... What is this movement all about? Things are good as they go, why all...

pros: we can create our own little worlds/don't follow the crowd when it doesn't suit us acceptance and tolerance are no empty words for us peaceful we are loyal and in general good friends can...'