
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

Don't mind the thread necromancy but I thought I would take this thread and use it to say that I am leaving this forum. I have been harassed and insulted for long enough and cannot take anymore of...

I like tarantulas and parrots :D

I like toads.

I think Is cared off the girl I was excited to talk to, dunno why, all I did was reply to what she sent me. -Sigh- How depressing, I can't even see eye to eye with my own kind.

I'm trying to, I'm just trying to get a better grasp of what the hell happened. The reason I asked here is I use the typology as sort of a guide, not a set in stone set of rules. I was simply trying...

Mmmmm Double Entree's -drools uncontrolably-

I wish I could read without getting rediculously tired.

oh god! What is this and why am i not swimming in it yet!???? :d:d:d

I got that today too, I figured it was a bug.

Yes, a friend asks something of you and OHH THAT'S BEING SOOO SELFISH. But if society does it that's the normal. I suggest you go back and read the fucking thread again, I was asking if certain...


Damn it! I'm sick of this! Why am I so awkward!? Why Cant I connect with peopel and why must people treat me like I'm a worhtless peice of shit after I bend over backwards for them? What atrocity did...


Welcome to the human race, please take a seat and be ignored for enternity.

Seems I have different taste than my peers. Let's see what I can think up. Law Abiding Citizen Bicentennial Man V for Vendetta The Dark Knight Chronicle Stand By Me Jack Inside Man

I wonder what it's like to be a coffee achiever.

Welcome welcome to the forum! Welcome!

Welcome we-! OH NOES A SCAREH FOG! -flees!-

@StElmosDream Hmm, interesting insight. @bobdaduck Good point, I think there might be a case of that as well. @Aizar Good suggestion! @etre You're an obvious cynic, how about you read the...

Welcome welcome!

Welcome welcome welcome! You want a balooon??? :D

I'm up for meeting new people, especially if I can screen people out first, because there's some people here I think would be a disaster if I met.

I keep having hallucinations of cockroaches scurrying just out of sight.

It's basically where your brain dosen't understand or want to beleive there's 24 hours in the day. You basically have near constant jetlag, with a sleep schedule that constantly rotates, sometimes...

I try to let less and less anger me, and what does anger me I try to turn it into temporary frustration, to wittle it down so to speak. Because that which angers me, controls me. I can't speak for...

Aizar StElmosDream Thank you both for your replies, and I suppose you are right. Both are unhealthy and furthermore, probably don't want to admit it. Looking back I think I knew all along, when I...

I never have, and never will. If There's a problem I go to my SO, not run off and do whatever.

I'm a Buddhist/Taoist. And before someone calls shenanigans I say both are two sides of the same coin.

Thak you for the replies. bobdaduck You may be correct, the male had some anxiety issues earlier in life as well as a few other disourders and tourettes. The female hadn't had a stable life at...

I understand the motto, and am glad you listened to what I have to say. I agree with the suffer to succeed motto, to an extent. There is such a thing as overdoing it however, as everyone has a limit...

Welcome welcome!

Drain You - Nirvana on Pandora Internet Radio!

Not at all suprised. Acutally I got an alt result for who I want to be and it was ENFP. Which is also not suprising. Actualized type: INFP (who you are) Introverted (I) 68.57%...

Diagnosed? But it's not a disease!...is it? Welcome welcome!

It wasn't being yelled at, you're underestimating soemthing here. For him it was sitting in the desert doing nothing, being moved around without any real reason, and had to even redo AIT because they...

Oh kindred spirits! I beseech thee! But seirously, I'd been thinking about asking this for a long time, maybe get some insight. I figure I might as well go ahead and do it. A while ago, I had...

Never been in the army, never will be, and not to rain on your parade, but there's a high chance that somewhere, too late down the line, you'll realize it was all a big mistake. I've a friend who was...

I'm Manic Depressive, had social induced panic attacks for a while, have non 24 sleep disorder, had social phobia for a while, it just developed unexplained. Though I'm not 100% sure on any of...

Welcome welcome! Great name! I love chinchillers :D:D:D

Men in Black 3. But wait, didn't I already say that? I feel like I did...

Here is a welcome. Here is a funny observation. Welcome.

I thought I'd be used to it now, as I've tried to get used to talking to people, seems like I still get nervous as hell if I have a crush on someone.

Went and talked with a girl I've had my eyes on for a while, first time I've been able to talk to her with no one around. I'm excated yet nervous, dunno if she''s single and am afriad I made too many...

The spider is still on my arm, been hours now :D spider broooooo! Also I'm excitedly wating to hear from an INFP who is in my area....

SO earlier I was gaming and looked down randomly and there was a small insect on me, at first I thought it was an ant, but upon closer inspection found it is indeed a wee little spider bro. Yes I can...

I learned to stop caring about what these clowns do a long time ago. In fact I hope they keep pusing the evelope and piss the wrong people off and get overthrown.

I bend over backwards for people, in some cases I make people who they are, I change them for the better. Yet no one seems to give a damn, they just take take take and never give back. Knowing that I...

Ahhhh as bad things happen so do good things. Despite having my heart crushed my life is soon to cross another milestone.


I feel like my heart has been crushed beyond dust right now...the pain is unbearable....