
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'I have found myself so completely out of my comfort zone the past few months. Leaping into thin air. It is exhilarating, and scary as hell. I have no regrets, but sometimes I wonder where all...

In a few weeks, I begin my new job as a Mental Health Worker in a Psychiatric Hospital. I am excited for the opportunity to gain experience in the field that I want my career to be in. I feel like it...

It is too cold for ice cream.


I can relate to this a lot. Even when I feel like I am going full throttle, I still feel disconnected from myself. I feel like I'm pretty good at understanding myself though....but that doesn't even...

Which escape strategy should I use? One of the old ones? ....or something new?

I'm kind of angry. And absolutely powerless. Who am I to say that she is wrong, that I know more about her than she knows about herself? And didn't I kind of want this anyway? I feel something...

I got one once that said Some fortune cookies contain no fortune!!!!! That is like maybe one of my top 10 accomplishments ever.

I agree about affection being easier with kids. I love to to be affectionate, so much so that I keep that part of me deep inside. I generally don't even initiate hugs. But with kids! They are so...

I do like sneezing. So spontaneous, out of control, the buildup, the afterwards. HOWEVER, that said, sometimes after a particularly violent sneeze my arms hurt bad! I read online that it may be do...

This Hurricane could ruin everything....

One of these friends of mine who was into the PUA stuff said that you weren't ever supposed to rate anyone lower than 6....

You should post your question in the INFP forum, we are very nice there, and you will get a lot more responses. My only actual response is, what indicators of her interest/disinterest have you...

I have at times wallowed in it, I don't know if that means I enjoy it or not. There is something about emotional pain that makes me want to lose myself in it sometimes.

Maybe do an online chat sometimes, where it may be a little easier for you to be open at first. Then once you have more safety and trust there (and talked about the really awkward stuff maybe!), that...

Truck driver for me too! Everything that gemofgreen and FlowerChild mentioned and independence....possibly music! I had the opportunity to apply for a job like that a few months ago and I wish I...

Heard an explosion and then the power was out. Cut off from the internet, cut off from light itself, I walked out into the soft rain. Making my way down the street, I looked at the houses around...

I think part of it is that INFPs are generally good at empathy and good at listening. People loved to be listened to, and people that will TRULY listen are very rare.

I have to say, this is completely opposite of the philosophy that has worked for me. I kind of understand what you are saying, but you can accept yourself WITHOUT getting depressed about it, and that...

Today I ate a roll that tasted more like a Donut. I want to open a bakery that has Donuts and rolls and more. The rolls will really be donuts and the donuts will really be rolls. I will have...

Are you sure that you really wanted to focus on your career? My gut tells me it may have been something else. I have done things like this in the past, even in friendships, but my motivation was...

Lately, I've been putting out feelers a little bit more to people around me to reconsider if I can't be more open with them too, which hopefully is a good thing. But no, certainly not. I have...

Even when I'm happy I feel pretty bad about it. Totally betraying all the unhappy people in the world!

I've certainly thought about it before. It would bother people at first but in time it might give them some perspective.(edit: this maybe seems kind of arrogant, it isn't that I'm bitter at people...

I agree... subjectivity, ignorance or denial I really don't like that these are grouped.

love endless sky dreams intertwining in safety peace

I feel this way too :). I love the moments of silence with other introverts, it is beautiful.

I'm in the same boat :(. About mormonism, the mission thing, influencing my younger brother. They have accepted that I am not going now(I am 22, took me three years to get to this point), and that I...

Last time I took an IQ test I think I got in the high 130s. IMHO it is really really not a useful statistic, and not an indicator of true intelligence.

I've been following a compass pointing north my whole life. Someone told me it would be nice up there...and it is, it is beautiful and white. I feel like I'm almost there now, but suddenly my...

Living at home... When I answer the phone and someone asks to speak to 'Jane'(my mother's name, except not really my mother's name), I really want to say This is she. I have a deepish voice. The...

I can relate to this a lot! I am type 9, so maybe that does have something to do with it, as Anarchy proposes. When I am with others, I will pick up on their mannerisms and mimic them. Their sense...

I don't have any irl INFP friends :(.

I woke up to a thunderstorm is morning! Still groggy, I go outside to grab a chair I had left outside(late at night, I like to sit outside on my yard and listen to music). As I am bringing it...

Someone who I've just been starting to get to know at my temp job said to me One of my other friends said this...., implying that I was a friend :). I know it probably meant nothing to her, but it...

I have really been wanting to go on a backpacking trip......but other things have to be taken care of first, and I just don't think it's going to happen for a while.

I spent a few hours making a video with the intent of maybe posting it on the video/vlog thread, but that won't be happening :S.

To those parents that have posted in this thread, I'm curious as to at what age you would stop monitoring their internet usage. Growing up, this was a real source of frustration for me(Teenage...

Generally I'd say an extra month is worth more than any amount of money. The last month of my life could be my happiest. However, at the moment I'm broke!

Thanks, Goosefish, you made me smile! Someone once told me that I have a good talking voice, that I should become a storyteller. I want to become one, and learn so many stories. I will go on a...

I have needed to cry for weeks, and I haven't. I know that I will cry, and that something random will set it off(last time it was a dead but intact raccoon on the road)...but I'm worried that I might...

I love what you describe. Broken trinkets, maybe rusted, have a lot of meaning to me when I find them. Sadly, I have not often held on to them :(

So I stupidly clicked everything before I even read the thread because I was in a weird mood. I've ruined it! D: I took the test though and I got this: Quality Time/Physical Touch(tied!),Words...

Broken perfectly

No, death gives so much meaning to live. Just give me long enough(which, you know, could be quite awhile!) to find true love however....

I've wished this more times than I can count, unfortunately.

Sometimes when people think I am laughing at them, I am really laughing out of pure joy at their spontaneity. If only I could communicate this somehow.

When I'm open, I get laughed at or people just don't believe me. So around most I hide behind a mask of nihilism so I can say hey you don't care? I don't care more!. But it isn't really true :(

Connection with nature while hiking or spending a day at the beach. Catharsis from a particularly good book or film. A truly insightful conversation. Music. Love. [retired]Crushing my online...

What does having an abnormally large head count for? ^_^'