
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'I think the tree example works well. For me, Ne is wild. It progresses between related things very quickly. The relatedness of its topics is sometimes spacial, temporal, ideological....and sometimes...

Post deleted. Too personal.

I need a date with an INTJ! God dammit. Opps, wrong thread. lol

I am on this website right now because I feel lonely and I don't want to do my homework. I don't understand people anymore, and I'm tired of them getting all flustered when I stand up for myself...

Hell yeah! Go INFP's!

Bah ... nevermind

I don't know how you've come to that conclusion. Have we been reading the same thread? It seems to me that most INFP's desire an emotional bond before sex. If two INFPs knew each other and liked each...

Their tendency to be self-deprecating a.k.a. This thread

Oh really? I'd totally play in his sandbox. Bwhahaha... sorry, I had to. It was just too easy.

Yes. I've had this issue too. I remember being really frustrated in statistics class because my professor would just throw equations at us and use super complicated statistical language without first...

Is your avatar from a Flaming Lips concert? It looks just like a picture I have from Bonaroo 2010!

Enjoy! http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/154244_459857721765_506076765_6089046_2517977_n.jpg 5 minute sketches...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v336/chewtheloser/diadelosmuertos1.jpg?t=1325416382 http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/20646_267593971765_506076765_3899922_2984279_n.jpg

And, to be frank, I love INTJs from a highly idealistic standpoint. Though I am very attracted to their qualities, I tend to admire them from afar. Their matter-of-factly way of speaking and wit...

I like biology a lot too and theory in general (hence my interest in MBTI), but there is something about theoretical physics that I still haven't been able to identify that makes me want to take my...

My friends make fun of me because I laugh really, really hard at my own dumb jokes... I also laugh at funny sounding words, but mostly I laugh at nonsensical thoughts that pop into my head.

I was having a conversation the other day with my ENFP friend, who happens to be a chemistry major, when, on a whim, I admitted one of my darkest secrets: Theorectical physics totally turns me...

Um... I've totally had that and a lot of things on here said to me. lol

You speak the truth! lol

Yes! Agreed! However, intelligence is also an evolutionary developement which occured to ensure the survival and dominance of our species. Instinct and intelligence are both designed to...

I apologize in advance for how long this message will be. I have a lot to say. Some of it is venting, but I'd like to believe a lot of it is useful, too. *applause* Bravo! Bravo! Very good!...


Sometimes I call my really positive, upbeat ENFJ friends. (They are two of the four true friends I have) It takes a lot of will power to turn off the headphones, pick up the phone and dial, but I...

If somebody said this to me, I think I'd crumple and melt into a pathetic puddle of goofy, senseless adoration. What a way to win my heart! Tell me I'm odd and that you love me still! *sigh* lol.

(awkward silence) Why are you so weird? Has anyone ever told you that you're a strange girl? God, you're so weird. I've never met anyone like you. I miss you. Why don't you just do...

For some people, yes, I am sure you are. lol. That being said, I spend my life looking for things that are intense and meaningful. My two best friends are ENFJs and I love that about them. They don't...

Word up, Flora. lol. I totally agree! I was being defensive and childish, and thinking, I could post a thread asking what INFPs hate about INTJs, since INTJs seem to hate everything I say so...

lol. That is SO something my Ex ENTJ would say. Is that you, J? lol. If so, read her words again and you will have officially read my mind about what it was like to be with you... especially the last...

I just explained the whole thing in detail, but I think I'll just say, YES. lol

Nevermind. This is useless.

I assumed (and incorrectly in your case) that I was among people with completely differing opinions, willing to learn about themselves and others on this forum... not arrogant, pompous internet...

Well, then! That makes more sense. I thought somebody was either confused or in denial about their personality type. I find that a lot of EXFXs want desperately to believe that they are rational...

Call me crazy, but that statement does not seem to coincide with the nature of the introverted, analytical INTJ to me. It sounds very much like the opinion of an exraverted type rather than that of...

City lfe, millions of people being lonesome together. ~ Henry David Thoreau Having been born and raised, and still presently living in New York City, I have some very strong sentiments about...

You guys make me laugh... in a good way, of course!

Lady Gaga? Ew.

Everything. lol

If you were referring to feelers in general then you were referring to all feelers. For someone who likes to ramble about how they are a thinker and how the conclusions they arrive at are always...

I think that's a XNXP thing. This isn't relevant, but I love INTPs. How about I make it relevant: When INFPs pop up on your forum and randomly express their love for you. lol.

I've learned a lot of things, and I've found that I keep learning the same lessons on a different scale as time passes. It's hard to think of the most fundamentally life altering. But for the sake of...

smiling. hot. clean. hot.

I'm sorry. I overreacted. Only the first reply to this thread was a joke. But it really, really pissed me off.

I am really disappointed that a lot of you INFPs are treating this like a damn joke.

As an INFP, as far as romantic relationships are concerned, a more practical approach for me would be to find someone... well, who values practicality more than I do. lol. And that means a EN*J. ...

“Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder…”~ Thoreau We...

[quote=android654;528655] Nope! I'm not just saying it. I'm an INFP, too! And you know what? There are a lot of apathetic people out there and I am not one of them. To me, that is paramount. I...

Ooopss... I got excited. lol. Oh boy, forumgasm...lol.

I ask myself this question every damn day. *sigh* lol.

In High School I was obsessed with balding men. .. .... .

It makes me sad to read this because I know I've done it. INFPs are VERY selective about who they let into their little world. I can't even begin to express how incredibly guarded we can be. But...'