'Bumble bee is adorable, my internet is slow. Con flu is treacherous (?) But my body is low (!)
everytime i think of Haida Gwaii, i always wanted to call it Haidastan... i want to move the house around bit so it make more sense to be a one person's home...
public proposal scares me. everytime i time see somthing like that on tv, i wanna rush to there and lift up signs like whoot whoot for da wedding night! @_@ or don't fall into the peer pressure...
*see the congrat party* i dunno what it is, but congrat mew! *make cupcakes and give it to everyone mew*
myabe a kitty nap during the day? mr.Kedi is working on stuff and nighttime is always the most inspiring time of the day.... *aware that she have to work tomorrow*
*hip hops into the thread* hello everyone how is your day soo far? *stayed here and dances a lil bit*
I wish I can reply to your pic in time but if the truth is told, mr.Kedi does not find you to be that amusing, at all.
LOL we are all quite colonial be begin with XD *mr.Kedi is born in HK but spend her teens and adulthood in Canada... and mr.Kedi grew up in Lantau island XD*
i am doing good today mew *bat bat*
*rolls into the thread* *purr a lil bit* *wave hello everyone* hello mew! how is everyone mew mew?!?! *curl up*
*dances into the thread* *chases smevel* *dances away from the thread*
QrivaN I have light brown yes. My enstraged father my much darker eyes and my later mother have really light brown eyes that can almost pass as hazel eyes. It is fairly odd consider that mr.Kedi is...
that does sounds tense. ooh~
hi mew *waves* mr.Kedi got light brown eyes mew. btw mew mew, can I call you creamy-kun since you call me kedi-chan?!
nya what happened? *hide in the stars*
I am not particular outspoken about my faith, and I prefer to keep is this way *pray and kisses on icons during mr.Kedi's private time*
Yo! I have not seen you in ages! *hug =^w^=*
Btw anyone seen Barbikyu?
I am doing alright, just need to clean up the house a bit.
hello mew *sits down and sips tea*
First day of class mew >.< *notice the ~desu at the end* mr.Kedi started school again mew!
*glomp Cream* mew mew
bye bye mew! *waves bi bi to Cream, and goes to watch news.*
what would MLA says? hmm... or APA... .... .....
*gentle hugs back Kream* I guesso mew. whoa you are really an INTP. :kitteh: nya! who is French kissing who mew? *cover mr.Kedi's mouth*
okay *hugs from kitties for the millennium*
*arrive to the thread* :shocked: can someone explain to me wut happened? (why does mr.Kedi goes :shocked::crazy::ninja: everytime she is in this thread mew?!)
*give Cream a sweet kitty hug* don't cry cry mew, or mr.Kedi will cry cry tooo *sob sob*
but mr.Kedi was thinking about taking a shower first... .... ..... *falls into kitty nap*
sure I do not see the reason why not :D *curl up into a tiny kitty ball*
oki *invest trust back into this thread* Good, just adjust her new life as a working part-time student! Hello mew *kitty hug* ... ..
Hi everyone! Hope everyone is healthy and alive :3 http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/257/6/7/little_kitten_icon_template_by_agothcutmyheadoff-d49uysr.gif This place is really not for the...
*read like the last two page* I just come back from real life and what the hell just happened?
the translation does not adhere to my mind as much as I want them to.
most song I like are not in language I am fluent in, so the lyrics have little impact on me.
they are not steady with their love interest yet, they still stuck in that aura stage. still, I like dark meat and turkey stuffings.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNIQHYDpuMk ^ I nvr stop LOL at the song after I know the lyrics, it remind me of turkeys now... :ninja:
oh nite nite mew!
*baroooos like a fox*
mr.Kedi start working mall during the Christmas shopping rush and I am all like need to adjust to it >.< BUT HAPPY CHRISTMAS MEW! although everyone already went to zzz mew mew mew!!!!!
mew alot had also happen in mrkedi's life ...
mew you guys ready for christmas?!
*choke kediself by sticking tongue backward into the throat* *cough cough cough*
*bake a batch cookies* why don't you enjoy them while lemme win... mua~ha~ha~ha.
how is that possible?
nope i just beat you XD it is very sci-fi/fantasy looking :P
oh mew that is far >.< :mellow::shocked::crazy: OMG!!!! :crazy::shocked::mellow:
nite nite mew *hug hug* Oh, dammit. Maybe the font isn't installed on your computer? I dunno.[/QUOTE] it actually works on IE... hmm :crazy:'