And some -many in fact- extroverts regard us as weird, dim-witted and ill-treat us, especially if we're speaking about intuitive introverts. Care to enlighten us what is all that about?
1. Beautiful: Beauty ennobles this world and existence in it. And contrary to the common belief doesn't fade away all that soon. 2. Intelligent: I don't want just encyclopedia on legs, but a...
Avoid it. IDK what sort of person the owner is; he could say to the police 'but there had been 400$ more; she took them(or someone before me, matters not)' Lawsuit, drama, waste of time and money.
Fi is too self-absorbed to be properly directed at others imo. There's always this 'personal assessment'. Fe is more spontaneous, considerate, 'conventionally emphatic' and I'd be more comfortable...
Definitely. She's rather annoying and incompetent as a leader. If it were not for her pretty face, ancestral pride and dragons to fuel her Fi, her charter would be non-existent. Her decisions are so...
I'm an INFP and I'm so over children-fan club. Twilight fans, Justin Bieber fans, children fans, it's all the same to me. Except that the latter try to get into your pants on a daily basis, pry...
Your Te-Ni is magnetic. You're competent. Well-informed. You generally know what you're doing , you have a plan/vision and the best possible way of achieving it. I'm allergic to people who want to...
:'D While he was absorbed in though, the Chicken Goddess, lay 10 eggs, which due favorable conditions at the Museum (first and foremost absence of the egg-devouring two-legged thieves)...
Her feet wobbled as she stood up and continued down the underground cavern tunnel to her right. Pffff...!!! She stepped onto...into something! It was too dark too see what, but not to feel it was...
Yeah? I was bullied vigorously when I didn't do it. I'd have expected an INTJ to be way more insightful. Expectations vs. reality :crying:
I am told that by my mother. It's because I have to excuse myself for the nonsense. I used to talk a lot when I was young - talk whatever just not to look like a psycho for being silent. The only...
*digs up ages old thread just to troll* Seriously, it depends on situation. if it's a serious violation of my values, chances are I may act. xD
I define myself as 'outside of time'
These are old from few months to few years back, just stumbled upon them (horses were done without any reference) ...
Few minutes ago I just entertained this though and you know what: 1. Human species is....blah, blah. Human species consist of various individuals and groups. The fact that we're both... I'm chuckling while posting this, but I'm dead serious. Do I even need to mention he's tall?
*Whenever* you make any such 'educated' claims, you have to provide proof. A lesson for the future.
Quotes or it didn't happen.
Eh...Am I the only one who finds this appealing?
That's nothing, because it's just a small sketch (ca. 10cm width). Real artwork has much more of detail.
Not exactly artwork - more like shaded sketch, but I see people post similar stuff, so here we go: (irl portrait is small, so it doesn't look all that well)...
Yes, because this wagon ain't going anywhere and when the reality strikes us down, we'll need a good support group. Alucard - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 ...
Hinduism or Jainism
Aha NO! I want dragons. And flying cats.
Same here. Whenever I achieve something, I feel more relief than joy.
lol People, especially high schoolers who read Dostoyevsky have to immediately report it to facebook by liking at least 2 Dostoyevsky pages, preferably in different languages so they imply they are...
I generally get along well with other INFPs, but it's not a good match for a relationship. There is no healthy stimulating interaction a.k.a. spark.
Be at ease. In ca. 90% of times I've read that line the author was referring mainly to the 'too high standards/expectations of partner' In all honesty it sound more like that 'nice guy' drivel :dry: ...
I like Disney. It's imaginative, colorful, high quality, plot involves challenges, but the there's always a traditional h/s-appy ending. THough, too many INFPs get stuck in that pre-puberescent...
I: 'What's your favorite book' Other person: *names the book* I: Tell me about it. *starts a looong conversation*
9th of May: the day of listening how justified mass-rape of German women is, because they deserve it for giving birth to evil German nazis Hands down, this band is the best sarcastic critic...
I find that the former is lack of initiative and interest. Which brings me back to: 'if the other person no longer cares'
That's kinda romantic xD Thanks for clarifying. I never understood this, because many people don't seem willing to fix the problem, just be rid of it.
Religion? No. My values? Yes. In fact, a man to be truly loved by me has to share or go along the guidelines of my principles.
I know many enough INFPs who hate hypocrisy in others, but love their own, to refrain from forming an opinion on the given subject.
Why? How come? Why does it matter if the other person no longer cares? *examplary
*grabs ENTJ to blabber* Thanks for posting this. You know, I recently recognized few narcissists in my environment. One stands out in particular, uneducated and exceptionally uniformed overall...
3 will suffice. 1. Art(visual, music, literature, games)/beauty 2. Chocolate 3. Cats Type 4w5
Never experienced this. I'm self-absorbed and dimly aware of my surroundings. My link to external world is weak. My focus is internal.
I think that people who ask these questions are annoying. And lazy. Because they didn't bother to check out older threads - half of which ask the same or similar question.
Isn't Swede an INTJ? As for me, had I felt like spending most of my time with 3yos I would have gone back to kindergarten. Axolotlet17 No sh*t, it never occurred to any of us, until you...
They're not struggling with their parents. Where did you read that? It's a comedy as they become the ones they jeopardized as inferior. What goes around, comes around. A mature person never...
Oh my xD!! It happens so often as of late!! Several bitches who jeopardized people who live with their parents, got kicked out with or without kids by their boyfriends and guess where did they...
The ISTJs that *I know of* usually come by New ideas by getting them from someone else, also their verbal expressions are often as if picked word by word from something they've read. Even when they...
Hm... it's easy. Si allows me to descend the said stairs because I had experienced it before and based on that I can judge the distance and height of each step without really looking much. Or when...
Yes, jaw especially - it's a wonder that fangirls/boys (whichever you prefer xD) let you live, though I strongly prefer Taake to Mayhem, lyrics and music both.
True, though even among the individualists and the financially independent, forever alone in big dark cold universe makes people cling on to their own species - the social animal gaining something...