
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'To be honest, I just stopped looking for relationships after one went horribly south 5 or so years ago. Being a loner is, well, lonely and emotionally bankrupt, but at least I never have to worry...

In past ages it was referred to as weregild, or Life Debt. You pay for the family of the person you killed, and they life off your coin. We live in a highly mediated society where death is...

Lets look at Joan of Arc, she is typically viewed as an INFP. She acted as a champion for her ideals and lead armies. If you take two INFPs and have one uphold structured society as a better way of...

Alright, lets get some stuff out of the way: College, regardless of the college, is an institution. This institution is designed to take you in, remold you (which INFPs resist) and give you a piece...

This depends entirely on the circumstances. Hitmen and people who kill for money deserve no less than to be ripped apart by dogs. First Degree should have execution on the table, second degree...

I love purple first, cyan second and red last. Not a major fan of orange or yellow, and I just don't care for pastels: they seem weak.

In short: in order for such a utopia to occur the axioms of society and how we do business with one another needs to change. Right now we live in a scarcity based economy, when we move to post...

I have dabbled with marijuana and been accidentally exposed to shrooms, but nothing serious. The reality is that I do not find them worth the money. I once held a goal to try every drug on the...

I have recently considered drinking bleach or slashing my carotid artery (the jugular is behind it, but either will do the job), but something kept pulling me back from abject despair. I fear and...

I am a 29 year old English Masters student who sees restricted prospects of gainful employment if teaching fails me and practically no prospects of romance in my future. I am an ice king, one who...

Sexuality, or relationships, is a subject I have recently quarreled with and overcome. Basically, I'm attracted to women, but I'm not dominant which means, in my American culture, I can go drown...

I think I am counted among the sad fucks who had their rose colored glasses and idealism crushed for the most part, and who now live in a world of cynicism, anger, and loathing of useless people. I...

Yes *whips his hair back as the rising sun illuminates him* I am, and I am glad you agree.

I am feeling nothing right now. I feel as though I have nothing right now, as thought I am nothing. I feel isolated and alone, and I want nothing more than to hold someone or something, pour my...

Ugh, another thread where INFPs are complaining about shit. So damn annoying. Also, TLDNR.

You could try the Fine Arts. When I was an art major I remember one of my fellow students was an ISFP, and the arts was he outlet. Then again the fine arts take 20 years to master anything, so it...

Come sister! To the next great battle of horror and the mind! *grabs adverseaffects hand and skips to the next awesome thing* Fear not! For I, has arrived. *spansh-hero* I love horror, it...

To answer your question: No. I don't think that an INFP would care to leave a signature, but instead be satisfied that someone he thought was evil is erased from the world. Leaving a signature is...

So for legal reasons: I ~might~ be lying about my experiences, or I ~might~ be telling the truth. Anyway, here is my experiences. The change in perception of reality if the most prevalent aspect. ...

hehe. =^_^= So predictable when it to being a loving person, I am.

Try not to think of it as too big a deal. I cannot remember dates for the life of me. I don't even know the Birthdays of my own family, friends, or relatives. Hell, I have to look up the dates of...

Beyond missing the occasional turn, or getting lost I have never had a problem with this. I think of this poem After the teacher asked if anyone had a sacred place and the students fidgeted...

It is rare. We are often frightened that by spilling our guts to someone that the person will think we are crazy or take offence, and therefore we tend to avoid doing so. Plus there is the whole...

I enjoy it, but it doesn't go beyond hugs, kisses, standing cuddles, and the such. Kissing is cool, too. It doesn't get this far though: 67834

INFPs are empaths in multiple ways. We post on here because we know that other INFPs are going to attempt to help us and empathize with our pain. It is more or less the olive branch. There is so...

A sight to be feared would be a man with the courage, and the contempt. A man like that might just want to watch the world burn.

For one dying would probably hurt, and pain sucks. Once in my life it was my goals, but over time those have been devoured by reality. Once it was living for joy, and then my mid-20s crisis hit...

Thank you. :)

This is inevitable, but only partially. I have a black cynical core of volcanic rock covering the caldera that sits in every INFP. On top of this is the mists of my idealism. When the mists part...

I have a few major hobbies: 1) Building costumes for furry fandom, Anime, and conventions are more often than not fun--A chance to abuse my attention whore side. 2) Video Games that involve me...

Solemn: The pussy in your signature picture looks nice. Also, Nice hat.

When I am using my shadow functions I am an extremely cynical person who hates everyone, everything, and just want to watch you, and everyone else, suffer. Oddly enough my seeming hatred does not...

So the non-trolling response to this is quite simple. You need to decide if you want sex, or if you want relationships with women. My best advice to you is to become friends with a lot of women. ...

So easy to get people angry here. XD 65343

I was going to post something here, and then I realized that my cynicism is in overdrive right now. So...no greatest strengths for you.

Btaim Find a group of pick-up artists and learn what you can from them. One of the reasons they are hated by so many people is because they are effective. I recall a great many books being written...

I try to eliminate conflicts before they get repressed to come back worse. In recent times, last seven days, my good intentions lead me to help a roommate resolve a simple and frivolous conflict...

:kitteh::blushed::kitteh::blushed::kitteh::blushed::kitteh: 64179 64180 64181 64182 64183 :kitteh::blushed::kitteh::blushed::kitteh::blushed::kitteh:

When I see something that I find super cute or adorable I want it. So, I get it, and carry it around. Sometimes it is a pink skelanimals wallet, and other times it is a plush that I love. Point is...

I dislike situations where I feel everyone is trying to find flaws in what I say, and I, too, become soft spoken. However, when I know I am certain of my words my tone is deep and powerful. ...

It has enabled me to understand myself in a few ways that were difficult before. I use it as my way to explain why I dislike math so much. Well, there is also what hemisphere of the brain I use,...

I always try to get 7-12 hours, 9-10 is more the average to be good.

I am not religious. Try to think about what the underlying job of a minister, rabbi, or priest is. At their core they are little more than councilors, and wise men. For the most part these jobs...

I recommend Dark Souls for the PS3, the PC version is ok but I don't have a PC strong enough to run the game, AND it is like 20 bucks on PS3 whereas it is about 40 on PC.

I am quite soft spoken. I can feel it, but I also do many voices. When I am confident my voice gets deeper, stronger, and projects more. When I am unsure my voice is quite soft. Then again,...

People who want to die, but who don't have the balls, so to speak, to do it themselves always find any reason to believe that the world is going to end. These people are quite sad. To an extent I...

So, before I go and eat breakfast...I will dissect your post since it is a wall of text. There, repetitions removed, errors corrected, and ideas separated. Lets look at your first idea of if a...

I like to go with Stephen King's idea that you do not even think about editing a work until you finish it. I tend to do this with everything I write, PerC and short messages exempt. Just remember...

On that day, the Tardis explodes.... 55623

I would get this all the time in my late teens and early early 20s (to 22). I was always withdrawn into my head since reality was less interesting. When life started getting more demanding I had to...'