
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'I tend to lose interest in what people are saying when they provide too many mundane details and too little in the way of overall meanings and interpretation. I also tend to zone out no matter what...

I'm really lazy about girly stuff, and my skin reacts to everything so I usually do: 1) hydrating lotion 2) moisturizer 3) BB cream 4) concealer 5) mascara 6) lipgloss If I need to look a...

I don't have and have never really had a strong maternal urge, which seems like a good enough reason not to have kids without considering any wider implications of having or not having them. The...

Frankly, I think the sensor bias follows the pattern of other biases on the Internet. Sensing is the bias in real life and some intuitives (or people who see themselves as intuitives) have trouble...

I love ISTJs. Well, one in particular: my husband of 23 years. I've also known lots of great ISTJs over the years as friends, relatives and coworkers. I admire and envy your diligence, your...

Sure, if you don't find this useful, then no need to stress about it. Another thing that's worked for me is to simply pick a type from those that seem most likely and live with it for a while and...

1) I see myself as very logical and pragmatic. Others might disagree. 2) I seldom dress or accessorize in a way that stands out. I'm pretty modest/boring in my attire and often come across as far...

Here's a real-life scenario. You're a university student sitting in class. Your classmate or professor says something that really bothers you because you've instantly worked out the implications of...

Well, I'm going to take less intelligent to mean less self-aware. I think a less self-aware INFP would be someone like Lena Dunham's character, Hannah, on Girls . I've only seen a few episodes,...

When your significant other asks you where you want to go to dinner, you respond, Oh, I don't care. You decide. And then actually let them decide. Especially if they want to try a new place with a...

I love traveling and living in different places. I want to see as much of the world as I can and experience all the little differences of cuisine, language, culture, buildings, smells, etc. The only...

Mine are: Language 4 Social 3.71 Self 3.43 Nature 3.14 Spatial 2.71 Body Movement 2 Logic/Math 1.86 Musical 1.14

My husband is an ISTJ and he does this all the time ... usually he will go out and push the button for the lift (elevator) and then get annoyed that I'm still not ready when the lift arrives, or I...

I've seen her typed as an ESTP before and from what little I know about the lady it sounds about right. Here's a really cute interview Buzzfeed just did with her: ...

Ah, I see. I'm not among the initiated.

VOI-S (Peacemaker) 78% visionary, 54% observant, 81% introverted. Identity: supporting. Sounds like an INFP Type 9 all right. I'm just wondering how the image of an eagle with a backpack,...

To me, Fe and Fi work very differently. Although both FJs and FPs are in tune with others' feelings, FPs tend to empathize with everyone in a situation (based on their own experience and deep...

Ha, that sounds pretty zany to me! It's great that you have an ENFP that shares your interests in art and writing. I think if you're still questioning your type you might just commit to being one for...

I don't want to mislead you because I'm not any kind of expert on the MBTI stuff, but the spacing out and responding slowly kind of sounds like a combination of introversion and intuition, and the...

I think sometimes it's hard to tell, especially if someone is close to the mid-line on sensing and intuiting. There seem to be degrees of abstraction that people are comfortable within the two...

I often get told I look sad or spaced out. My husband has a tendency to take photos of me when I'm not aware of it (he's continually snapping photos when we're hiking or travelling) and I've noticed...

Do you think MBTI and Enneagram theories should be mixed? Why or Why not? I think they deal with quite different things: MBTI focuses on our styles of thinking and perceiving and the Enneagram on...

I find it really hard to type people with any certainty. The few times I've felt fairly confident about someone's type as a kind of working hypothesis are when I've actually discussed it with the...

What does it take to win your trust? I usually give everyone a basic level of trust to begin with and am pretty open with people, because the alternative, expecting the worst from everyone and being...

What prompts you to heed what someone has to say? I normally pay more attention to people who are precise in the way they speak, don't overstate things and support their ideas with examples and...

I don't think this behavior has anything to do with being an INFP. I just think this person is immature, inexperienced in the ways of the working world, attention seeking or has other issues. If...

I would kind of say the opposite. Don't take the MBTI too seriously in choosing a career and certainly don't let it dissuade you from certain careers. Why? Because the test itself is quite inaccurate...

I grew up in the US but have lived overseas for many years now. Living in Hong Kong as an expat who has friends and associates from many different nationalities, I see myself in relationship to...

I think it's a matter of where you focus your attention. Feelers are more likely to first pay attention to human experience and thinkers are more likely to think first about logical precision or...

I'm the OP. Thanks for your great responses! It's cool to get all of these different perspectives, especially with the photos! I agree with those that say that health is an issue here. I think I...

I'm a 9 and an INFP and really enjoy living without the burden of a lot of physical possessions as well as more abstract ties such as a mortgage. Why have a lot of clutter and useless stuff in your...

I really try not to insult people because conflict makes me very uncomfortable, and I will go out of my way to avoid unpleasantness if I can. On the other hand, I'm pretty blunt in the way I say...

The opposite. I find Si type tasks like filling financial info into spreadsheets, formatting documents consistently, and filing papers the most exhausting. When I'm tired, Si seems to be the first...

Cancer with an Aries ascendant and an Aries moon, so water with a good dose of fire. I steam a lot. I was quite into astrology at one time but don't really believe in it, just kind of thought it was...

I also struggle to make the distinction between thinking and feeling. I think there are a few reasons for this: 1) It's easy to confuse some aspects of Fi with Ti, since Fi is also analytical and...

masculine: 45.833/100 feminine: 62.5/100 androgynous: 60/100 Female, INFP

I've been told that I look sweet, angelic and other-worldly when I'm silently thinking about something, but also that I have resting bitch face. I guess it depends on what I happen to be thinking...

Yes, I consider myself a feminist in the sense that I think women deserve to have equal rights and opportunities and that those rights need to be fought for and enforced, for example, by keeping the...

Mine: Auditory: 10% Visual: 80% Tactile: 10% I definitely learn, process and remember information better if it's presented visually. I'm a fast reader and I find it really agonizing to...

Although I enjoy being an introvert, I often feel that it would be easier to go through life as extrovert. A lot of social situations feel like work to me and I really have to gear myself up to do...

I'm a 9 and pretty much the same drunk (or buzzed - I haven't been really drunk in decades) as sober. I sometimes become a bit more philosophical and argumentative ... and more comfortable speaking...

It seems like kind of a manipulative statement to make. The only time I've ever had similar things said to me in close relationships was when the other person was using it to put pressure on me to do...

I'm verbally abusive toward my computer. I'm sure neighbors who overhear me when I'm trying to format something in Word or Excel feel extremely sorry for my husband: You idiot! Why can't you do a...

You're not alone. That happened to me too, but in middle school. I had to take a photo in the library with the boy who also voted quietest. I think I destroyed that yearbook later. I got picked on...

I can see why some people voted for Trump because he did promise to address issues that need to be addressed like jobs creation and rebuilding the country's physical infrastructure. However, I don't...

Interesting video! This is one thing I definitely grappled with in deciding my type (INFP). I often have very strong flashes of Ni, like gut feelings about situations and people, as well as an...

I never had a really complete paracosm in the sense of another world with its own geography, cultures and languages. I did, however, create a lot of imaginary parallel worlds, which were generally...

INFP Yuri in Dr Zhivago (the film version). Just the sense of being there to bear witness to all the beauty and pain in life and other people, without having the energy or agency to be able to do...

I don't usually have serious conflicts with other people, but when I do it often seems to be the Fe/Fi difference rearing its ugly head. I feel like we have a very different style, not only of...

True Neutral. I felt like a lot of the questions seemed to test loyalty to a group more than morality, and my behavior would really depend on my feelings towards the family member, the community or...'