
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

friday just come already so I can start college and actually get. a. life.

Balance is becoming an important theme in my life. Synchronicity, connectivity, yin and yang. Lately my experiences have been characterized by my trying to achieving a sort of centeredness within...

are you sure this is what you want?

it's funny how it can be so much easier to know what you don't want than knowing what you do..

Golden Candle gosh you are beautiful :love-struck: Do you work in, or have an interest in working in, fashion or modeling?

I don't have an issue with monogamy, either, so much as the perception surrounding it. People seem to think monogamy is the default in a relationship. It's like 'okay now that we've established that...

Materialistic 23% Offbeat 36% Thinking 16% Interpersonal 16% Vital 43%


I just ripped off part of my cuticle while trying to push a grill.. how?! :crying:

ah cool for you :happy: what's your job?

I know I'm such a fake fan :blushed: I've heard six other Radiohead albums, though am I back in the club now?!

I just looked up the lyrics. You've subjected me to much confusion. It's kinda sad that I'm a pretty big Radiohead fan, yet I don't know their most popular song. I haven't heard anything by them...

have you just been quoting song lyrics this whole time? lol @ my life

I've got to do a better job of capitalizing on my bursts of creativity. They're so momentary, so fleeting. I can't keep letting them fade away unexplored..

as in you yourself or someone else who has these things?

lol I've only posted on this forum like twice (nay, three times now) but I lurk pretty much every time I get on PerC, and I'd just like to say that I look forward to and enjoy the humor present in...


sometimes I just want to be loved, but it's selfish because I don't necessarily desire to return the favor...

Hey now! :shocked: While I don't know you in real life, I've never once gotten the impression that you are a boring individual. And I'd most definitely venture to say that you are not only wholly...

brand new eyes :whoa: 702162702170

I'm sure some artists do it simply for image purposes only, but usually it's a cultural thing. Like my father, for example, uses the word liberally in conversation. It can be difficult to grasp if...

there's so much I have to do, none of which I actually want to do..


idk maybe I'll just die of boredom..

wow your hair is really quite lovely :encouragement:

I sincerely hope you do not choose that route. If you need to talk you can always drop me a PM. :)

I am constantly struggling with the perpetual feeling of complete and utter emptiness. It shouldn't be this way, the circumstances in my life are highly favorable right now. I'm leaving for college...

moderation never hurt anybody, but I don't think any of us ever find your expressions here obnoxious :happy:


that moment when you suddenly lose all motivation to do any and everything you previously set out to do...

I'm realizing that I'm actually pretty bad about responding to people's messages lol @ my life

^^ music, same as above. listening contently as I type this. also, cliche as it sounds, my health - physical, mental, emotional.

I also have a Spotify playlist dedicated to moods like these.. https://open.spotify.com/user/stevo4life/playlist/4T6ipdI0Ukan9LzV7QICSt

the top hat is an incredibly nice touch :wink:

For me I'm not totally sure. It's hard to say. But I'm aware of some tastes I possess. I definitely need someone open-minded, that's a huge factor. Someone mentioned having the person be a friend....

lol my teeth are misaligned but it's ok :topsy_turvy: 697642


I'd just like to point out that there's nothing inherently wrong with incest. It's definitely taboo, but I don't see much to be said about it if it's consensual. Also, to each his own. If someone has...

I really hope me going against my best friend's wishes by talking to his mother about him pays dividends for him. He begged me not to, but I strongly believe he is mentally ill. And I will love him...


that escalated quickly


omg I'm glad everything's back to normal. even if I'm not posting every day I need my lurking privileges.

I'm currently at a week long program my college has organized. It's basically a preparation for freshmen transitioning into university life. And the best part is I've actually mustered up the courage...

ok so this is my favorite post ever





I don't feel anything. Once again. I am in a perpetual state of numbness. I just want something, someone to awaken me emotionally. I'm tired of living like a zombie, drifting through life, not...