'Ya, I'm in the same place for weeks now :(
president called talked hung up
You know, i studied theatrical sciences, performance studies, name it what you want, its really more a hybrid of literature science, sociology, cultural studies and philosophy. We occupied ourselves...
There was a philosopher in the 1930s, Salomo Friedlaender, also occupied at university, he called his colleauges the Akadaemlichen :P derived from Akademie (academy) and daemlich (stupid). Reading...
I certainly was douchebag for most of the time there :/ So lucky i got out of there, albeit without a degree.
I'm 43 now, i had one girl friend and that was an online relationship last year, please try not thinking little of that. I dunno, I'm not ugly or something nor super shy either. Anyways 26 years of...
I found a new personality test but i can't find the thread with those collected tests anymore. Someone please put it ther for me, thx *ATTN INFPs* The 24 types of INFP
I had the same approach towards James Joyce's Ulysses, but looking back, it is form over content and that makes it crap.
That godawful Quiet/Alone/Not-Much-Socializing / Troubled connection... Buy a copy of Please Understand Me II or print some INFP description from the web and give it to her. It's her own fault...
Hey, I will be in Los Angeles Mid-September/Late-October, any INFP here who want's to meet, PM me. Would be cool!!!
I just reached my limits. I am not suicidal, neither people nor circumstances can get me down as much, that I would end myself, ever, but if you show me an equivalent to suicide, please, be my guest,...
87 views. 1 reply. :D
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/995730_410447275732307_785299850_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1013991_410247469085621_1978475005_n.jpg ...
I hate this shit! Anyone seems to have a least some talent to get a girl attracted to him, I got no clue. The most annoying thing is you gotta convince someone about you. And really, i hate that it...
One thought remains though, actually two. Being in love vs. being ready to be in a relationship. He loves you enough, he should throw himself into this sword that are his fears. He must be reminded,...
My best friend has Ataxia, in effect he has bad coordination, especially walking and at times has problems concentrating, but not that often really. He is 30, I am 43 and sometimes I see him as a...
antqueen Careful, careful, careful, this worth it sounds like a conscious value judgement, I very much doubt that's the case here. Comfort Zone makes sense, but then you must understand how...
I'm INFP and I would never do that, I would feel going behind your back and breaching our understanding of trust. I need to talk to someone about me and a prospective partner, it would be with...
My older ESTJ sister ... I am starting to wonder ... My father most certainly has NPD... Perhaps I should start a thread about this. But even pondering the issue if my sister is a narcissist too, is...
I save the 2 billion people, after that, i'll go after Chuck Norris!
You are most similar to Phil Dunphy: Phil is the husband of Clair Dunphy, and father of their children Haley, Alex, and Luke. Phil is somewhat passive, often letting people take advantage of him....
Not a fond memory, really. I'm this 15 year old loner kid on some classmates party. It's a summer's night, some of us are scattered outside, i keep to myself. Never liked parties, makes me feel i...
Nope. Psychological disorders don't apply to INFPs as they might to other people. Think about it!
Under The Dome, Stargate Universe, Far Cry 3 :P
Be more realistic! yuk!!!
22 Signs Your Dog's An Introvert
@ethylester:It sounds pretty much like your dad has some kind of problems or issues of his own going on, the withdrawal thing at the grill you mentioned, you didn't put that into relation of what you...
Indeed. Makes me wonder how authentic he is in the first place 'bout being drunk ;) I smell evil. Real evil! :D :D :D
It's because you're addicted to coffee...
I feel, the western dinstinction of mind and body is bogus as much as the distinction between sex and union, on all levels. Both views degrade your whole self to mere mechanics and that degrading...
If this was anywhere but here, i'd say, gee, he thinks so lowly of me, he obviously believes I need validating :D :D :D Joking! Thanks, bro, cheers!!! :)
I'd like to rephrase that: If I like you, I'll talk to you. Maybe. If I'm not busy daydreaming. :P
Just to clarify, when I wrote you that was shouting into an imaginary crowd - and into my older sisters ESTJ face, lol :D I don't feel like there are thugs here, but some of the OP's opinions can...
That's why this is a conversation, not an article :P I can see how I can come across that way, but only to people who don't fathom my INFPness. You pressure me into being social, I withdraw....
Like this? http://www.fallout-4.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/fallout-3-screenshot2.jpg (Fallout 3)
I've gotten further into Sons Of Anarchy and I must say the ease these characters have to kill people has become obnoxious. It's time for some fucking consequences! I still sympathize, but I have no...
Ah, but i would say getting carried away and immersed, not really registering the outside world is very good, how could that be judged as something bad? From a perspective of mental health, there is...
10. Reality just hasn't adapted to that yet...
And it can completely take over your life. I mean, if I write on something that takes me days, weeks, months or years even, it's not really living a life. Like, say, I am not at my table writing and...
I write fiction. Time assumes different qualities. I usually start writing from a kernel idea and while writing and concentrating on the words, I recognize FORWARD, that's really the only way I can...
No matter what came out of these two events, you'd expect they have a long lasting effect, but nothing ever changes.
Can't we just do this in google plus?!
I want this!
Watching the third season of Sons Of Anarchy right now and saw this episode were the young hispanic caretaker of the females main actress' father gets killed by her. Yes, it was sorta an accident,...