'I hate people who can't be considerate enough to email/call me back when there's important stuff going on! I've been waiting on a company to give me a job offer for way too long. I need to wait for...
I don't know what to do.. My mom took my Wellbutrin hostage just because she doesn't feel I'm actually depressed. Fucking bitch. I really can't deal with all of this. No job prospects. No support....
I started a positive journal 3 days ago. Things are going well. Why does it always take someone else pushing me to get things like this started. I did start my diet and exercise routine by myself...
Thanks so much. It means a lot to hear from you. We are in weekly family therapy and she keeps making excuses and says that we need to accept her and she is not going to change. We always talk about...
I'm 22 and I just realized that my mom is psychologically abusive. I guess it is because I didn't know that it was not ordinary until recently. I need to get hired soon so I can remove my little...
Has anyone here been hypnotized before? Do you believe in it?
I won't tell anyone but you guys, but I'm not okay right now.
I might as well be eating alone. I'm just not one to say every thought that comes to my head... Sorry. Through text.. We'd be going out right now if I didn't have a gf and you were skinnier....
I keep delaying my entrance into the club. First it was.. I just need to get to HS. Then it was college. Now I'm just waiting to get a job and meet people that work there to throw in the towel. ...
I honestly don't see a point in life. We are animals like all the other animals on Earth, just way too emotional and intelligent. We are supposed to procreate, take care of the young, then die. ...
I feel like this right now too. Where/who to turn to? I hope you and I don't give up. OrangeSoda and orangesicle taking on the world! :D
I am so glad my parents seem to finally be getting divorced.
Suicide can be a rational decision, right?
I don't know what I need and I don't know how to find out what I need either. I feel so alone, like no one really understands or cares about me. What to do in this situation? Every day seems so...
Thank you! I have become apathetic towards a lot of things and have lost pleasure in many of the little things that I once enjoyed. I will work harder now that you have reminded me of this.
This place is too damn populated and people keep having kids. I hate going out to the mall most of the time. Raves got all overcrowded too.. One of my favorite things is just not working for me...
I don't understand. What do I need to do? Men are so mysterious...
The only reason I get up and do what I have to do everyday is because I'd rather not have to deal with the consequences if I didn't. I can't really change much in my life right now. I don't even...
the smileys remind me of frankenstein's monster
I've seen movies alone before. I watch a lot of movies on my laptop alone as well. It's no big deal. You're sitting in the dark watching and not much talking, if any, should be happening so it...
I got perfect. Feels good :] It has been a long time since I received a perfect score.
I'm very sure my mother is an ESTJ and that is why we clash. We are the complete opposites and she doesn't understand me at all. We are all in family therapy trying to better our relationships with...
I don't plan on eating healthy when I go back to campus and will be on my own.
dan85slv I don't think I quite get how meditation is supposed to feel. I try to do it but I just seem to be sitting there. Can you explain the process to me and try to elaborate on how to do it. ...
my mom is the most unsupportive bitch on the planet. you're depressed? no you're not. suck it up. we all go through this stuff. it's your hormones. if you were depressed you would have tried to kill...
I wish all of us could be best friends in person, but the world is such a big place.
Thank you. I will keep that in mind! I don't like my major either. I was basically forced into it because it pays a lot [engineering]. I think in order to feel more control in your life and be...
bryan_k I read all of your post and it really struck me as being similar to my own story only I'm a female, my mom in place of your dad, and she didn't threaten me or get divorced. I hope you can...
I live vicariously through reading others' experiences online. :blushed:
OMG this is huge for me. So I was reflecting on our family therapy session this week and then started thinking about how unhappy I am. Then I started wondering if my public elementary education...
I can't wait to graduate from uni next spring so I can get my own kitty (or two)! My mom claims she's allergic and I can't have one on campus :'[
You seem to be getting along just fine. Am I missing something?
But.. But.. Food is amazing! ^__^ omnomnom
I'm internet shy :/
everything's starting to make sense now. my mom is a sociopath. not diagnosed or anything, but i'm like 99% sure that she is. fucking hell. time to get started on trying to fix this. family therapy...
I am so freaking horny!!! :frustrating:
I've never felt like life was worth it..
39305 :[ .....
I don't know if I'll ever really love someone. I always find more and more characteristics I dislike about someone the more time I spend with them. Then, I start to dislike them and push them away. ...
I'm positive I have avoidant personality disorder... :/
I am tired of thinking so much.
I forgot I was thinking about this like last week. I get to a point where all the thoughts about it are just leading to more questions and it gets frustrating and then i have to focus on school and...
song is so beautiful. bringing me to tears as we type http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRMrrdatevI&feature=mr_meh&list=PL43C1496DFA36BDEB&lf=mh_lolz&playnext=0
one more thing. omg. have to remember this. i had an epiphany. so i have elections for a club i'm in and i'm outreach officer right now. and another officer nominated me as vice president today at...
my high wisdom Notes of the [trees] underground Water tastes just like how my mouth tastes. Same everytime. Not bottle. But my mouth taste. Ew Maybe I just needed to slow my thoughts down...
Friendships don't work out when I'm the only one who actually gives a fuck! What is wrong with me that people can't seem to care about me the same amount I care about them?!? I don't get it. Or maybe...
I'm having an existential crisis.
I am exactly me in my dreams. It is almost as if I am conscious in my dreams and think it is real life. I even experience the anxiety I would normally feel. I guess I am never truly relaxed, and I...'