
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'From the place of the collective unconscious, there can be no further evolution of humankind. As you say, for peace, for change there can only be a shift towards becoming fully conscious of who we...

http://d1vezy1iv2ypkg.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/earthlings_film.jpg http://youtu.be/ce4DJh-L7Ys Let's discuss - that is, if there's anything left to discuss.

But the truth hurts doesn't it? Hence the use of drugs. Or.. it can set you free. Free of suffering. Isn't that what the Buddha was referring to, the end of suffering? ^ And yet who can know...

Have you read Carlos Castaneda's works in sorcery?

It's one thing to be used by your mind, another to use it, and from a place of understanding.

Van Gogh could have been so much more. He really missed. He was great, yet, not genius I'm afraid. Had he found life fully, he would not have ended his bodily link with its unending flow. Reality is...

I've not conveyed a conception of nor belief about something here. There's nothing to object or reject. You're emotions are causal to your flimsy beliefs about such and such...

I'm sorry, but this man was no genius, nor was he ever adorable or compassionate. He was suicidal and that became his identity. A person of compassion is at peace prior to death of the body. No...

Freedom, power comes not from society, it's an inner phenomenon. I'm saying, let the individual decide, not some fantastical utopia ideal. Stop creating societies, systems, start Being, freedom...


preoccupation with the acquisition of consumer goods (Oxford English Dictionary) What I am saying is that the preoccupation with the acquisition of consumer goods is the issue. Capitalism...

http://media2.firstshowing.net/firstshowing/img2/frodo-finalscene-smile.jpg Frodo from LotR.

I'm more concerned about consumerism than I am capitalism.

AS I BEGAN TO LOVE MYSELF by Charlie Chaplin The poem Charlie Chaplin read in his speech at his 70th birthday party. As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are...

Lovely idea for a thread. :) There's a hummingbird that comes by nearly every day. He's more mature and doesn't mind me walking up to him while he's sitting at the feeder. Anyway, today there was...

Aries sun Aquarius moon Personality is the disorder, so long as we identify with it.

Think of it like this, we will take as much time as it takes to work to an intelligent understanding inside ourselves (experiential), and there's no pulling us away, at least not with any...

http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/D47cd523/03196_carinanebula_1920x1080.jpg http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/D47cd523/03193_starscape_1920x1080.jpg ...

This is ultimately the problem with motivation, it kills. Motivation essentially states that you are lacking in someway. When everything outside of you is all that is important, when getting into a...

This is ultimately the problem. Belief is just another idea, it's lacking.

Hold that beingness, and relax into it. This is what it means to surrender to what is. This isness of life.

Because presence is not what you think it is.

I added some more bits..

-- this is the seat of your misery. If you were to take a breath, you will see that whatever happens is completely unnecessary as far as you should be concerned. If your only concern is for...

There's only one way to potentially end war altogether. It starts with what you might call a silent rebellion, a going within, becoming conscious of your being, taking individual responsibility....

The only way to overcome the fear of death, is to live fully. Living fully is not what you think it is.

Idealism and spirituality cannot co-exist. An ideal is only a supreme idea. It's only in the ordinary, reality without ideals, that one can experience existence itself.

There are no problems in the timeless space of the present moment here, now - that's the power of now. When you become deeply depressed, suicidal, it's such a powerful opportunity. Be alone...

All of this is out of ego, false self.

I had green too, no big deal.

Remember too, that perception is all relative to one's own level of consciousness, or degree of unconsciousness. So in saying that a person's reality is feeling threatened, what we're really saying...

Do I get some cake if I post here? :kitteh:

Sorry, but this came to mind while reading your post.. Wunderbar! http://youtu.be/fYsx_EqIPG0

One can maintain a positive attitude only for so long, eventually their unconsciousness becomes evident, very clear, at least hopefully this is the case. When you recognize that you have been...


Can you go further with that? What is your spiritual identity?

Please define spiritual persuasion. What are you asking for here? I would like to open your eyes.

Be spontaneous about it. Go for the beautifully bizarre. You need inspiration not ideas. Have her help you decide, be subtle about it, indirect. Use your intuition.

Self-consciousness is a disease.

Hufflepuff here, with a slight edge for the dangerous.

Shedding our conditioned reactions to life. Living each moment yielding to our innate creativity, inner freedom. Can one really go on for very long without the constant reminder that when we were...

to: Panoramiq thank you thank you

From an ever-transforming spring of immensely deep, soulful empathy with all of life, to absolute nothingness, complete passivity, living amongst white clouds in the sky.

Sentiments Are Not Stones, They Are Like Rose Flowers There are three layers of the human individual: his physiology, the body; his psychology, the mind; and his being, his eternal self. Love can...

I can see how security can provide comfort. Kindly, I prefer loyalty to myself above all else. Beliefs are illusory, much like all convictions. Handcuffs are safe, known. Freedom is the courage to...

Well, there's two ways really, one, if they're individuals to the fullness of their individuality, then it won't be a date at all, but rather a beautiful time with beautiful people, and marriage...

Forget marriage. How's about spending 24 hours together first? :tongue:



And what about wisdom?'