
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Vent: I hate when I'm just about to fall a sleep and then I start sweating and getting nervous.

Money don't matter if you're Ha Ha Ha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhjk5x54bsE

As much as a value and love my youth, I find a certain facial features that come with age beautiful

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjtG6fikNlE&feature=plcp More recent video of the band interacting. Chest starts with I don't wanna see you're votes man and Mike starts at Okay, it's a lot...

I agree with a lot of you're points I'd say 90%, though I think emo has a high ISFP population as well. As for the albums I am certainly a fan of the first two albums more, I unlike most fans...

I woke up to my bed being warm and wet ... well this is embarrassing, first time in over a decade too. And now I'm too nervous to go back to bed :c


I actually find puns hilariously funny

I gained like five pounds over the weekend :3


I hear it a lot from my father, though his are more pep talk it/ ego strokes

I love 300 and Hellsing ... I'm going to go with No

I sometimes make the hand signs from Naruto before I sneeze

Not an ISTP but since I posted here already and since if I made an INFP thread I'd get too much violence/weapons is/are bad replies. Gun- Colt .45 custom seven shot (2) Melee- Katana

If it's possible to be a badass in that profession then you guys likely will be a badass in it, so any profession where that is impossible.

Is it weird that I'm an INFP and not only think this awesome but have thought of some similar designs myself?

I've seen one of my ISTP friends cry before ... do angry tears count?

I don't sit next to windows at night because I'm afraid something might reach in and grab me. >.<

I'm sorry I should give you a better reason behind why I A) Don't like that you say you can type someone in under four minutes and B.) think it's arrogant, foolhardy and kinda sad. Human beings...

The arrogance in your statement is what I'm finding annoying.

You said you didn't even finish the video. How can you judge someones type on less than 4 minutes of seeing them. That's a ludicrous assumption to make, even if your name was Isabel Briggs Myers that...

eeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm sorry that was the sound of me squee'ing myself. Which is not as dirty as it sounds.

That is defiantly not the case, theses two are as far form extroverts as you can get. Also Extroverts can be introverts, it's extraverts which can't be introverts.

Does the Sherlock first episode count as a movie I mean it was an hour and half long...well an hour 20 something minutes.

I'm pretty much certain that is the first time I've seen his wife. Also I'd say I like John more of the two brothers, I mentally click more with him then hank and he often say's things that I...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqeSnKmmv1k&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmWNnZnk9Oc

Sweet ~<3

that feeling you get once it's safe to remove the pants you waned to remove earlier

I had a conversation with my ISTP friend yesterday and I think we switched function order for a moment during it.(I'm aware function order doesn't switch it's metaphor) We were talking and they...

That feeling when you want to take off your pants but you know that's not a good idea

Nerdfighters? dftba? French the llama? Giant squid of anger? in your pants? For those of you who don't get this I'll share two of their most recent video and a few of their older ones. For those...

I have to say I'm a positively dark INFP, and I have been since 17-18. Actually the positive is a more recent thing.

Ya, all those traits seem in line with INFP when you remove the stereotypical traits. I think I've meet maybe two or three INFP's who fit the stereotype.

No, I hate kids. I'm past my teen year and into adulthood and I've fully confirmed I don't want to have kids of my own nor take care of other peoples kids.

I've been away for a while but I'm back now

I've noticed one other thing about ISTP/INFP's: We often to come to the same conclusions via radically different ways of thinking. An example was me and my ISTP where looking at a snow covered hill...

1.) School reform: Punishing the teachers for failing the students not the other way around and making sure what's taught in schools is real and not pop science / altered history. 2.) College...

empty yet aroused

sleep, MMO, cake

Katy Perry - Futurist Lover (No Kayne Mix)

I'm only up right now because of my OCD

girly , shy

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd_bVk3ajk0 Is it just me or do Dumpee and Dumper sound like feeler and thinker

Tiredness, a touch of shame


that sounds about right

-walks into wall- -apologizes to wall-

Yesterday but: Music friends fun

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlpeDpAmkQM This song was playing the other day and I almost ... give it a listen it should be obvious
