
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Ah, I see. My bad. Tried googling the topic and didn't find these. Never mind guys... Don't mind the oblivious one here. :bored: But thank you for commenting everyone. :)

Hey... so I was curious. I read somewhere that there are a lot of INFP heroes in fiction. But... it got me thinking: We're not all that good all the time. What do you think an INFP villain...

Hey... So, I hate to be that one who revives a dead thread, but I thought this was an interesting topic and I might have a fictional example... Something like this probably... :( ...

1. God (not a thing, but I love Him) 2. My family 3. Thunderstorms 4. The smell of campfires 5. An amazing book 6. Writing 7. Making someone I love proud 8. Defending someone...

Oooh. Do I feel for you! There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You’re just a worn-out, perfectly normal, introverted human being who just needs some “me-time.” Now, I don't have a clingy...

^ Yeah! Yeah! What you said! :tongue: Silence is awesome when you know someone well. You get to know people on a totally new level just by observing them and by being in their presence....

I absolutely love receiving letters... personal, handwritten letters (not the stupid Buy this now!! letters that frequent my mailbox far more than I'd like). When someone writes me a letter, it...

@Witty Knitter , You know, I can relate to everything you said. I went to a third-world country last summer and I was completely heart-broken for the people I was there helping. There were little...

*tries to keep a straight face... but fails miserably* Thank you for sharing, @Eros_Passion! I really needed a good bit of randomness today. :tongue: And the lyrics below: Brilliant! :laughing:

Haha! Funny... I seem to recall a similar conversation I had with an INTJ myself... only the roles were reversed. My tennis-ball-juggling-master of an INTJ father was being a show-off and trying...

I can relate to all of this! Especially the staring out the car window part... I still do that. :proud: If you're wondering whether you're N preferencing or S preferencing... I find a pretty...

*hides from rotten fruit, too* Where is this random rotten fruit coming from?? lol! :tongue: I think it fits in perfectly with the other careers you hoped for... you'd be ending world hunger one...

Wow... I must have been the strange INFP child... I was definitely not shy as a kid... at all! :confused: I was very outgoing and spontaneous! You could often catch me leading my friends on...

Perfectly stated. Couldn't have said it better myself. :proud:

^ antahon: Ha! Me neither! That is something I'd expect from an immature and jealous 12 year old whose upset that her crush likes you. :laughing: ...

Um, wow. Yes... as much as I hate to admit it... yes. I vividly remember when the minivan my family had had since I was a baby broke down. We had to give it away and get a new one. I asked my...

Well, while I can honestly say that I usually root for the good guys, there is one show where I've caught myself internally hoping that the bad guys get a happy ending, too. (And that they realize...

Do itttt!! :tongue: Your home will be the envy of every kid in your neighborhood... and adult for that matter! :cool:

I completely understand! I was just trying to help if I could. :happy: I don't believe in a Mister Perfect either, because I know he doesn't exist. We all have our issues and problems and no one...

I want to thank everyone who has shared so far once again! This is so cool getting to see what each of us want/wanted to be... how similar and how very different each of our dreams are/were. ...

If there's one thing I've learned in this life, it's that it's never too late to start anything... ever. If it's something you love doing, go for it! You will never know if it's possible if you...

Why not? Doughnuts are magically delicious! Seems like it would be a very yummy occupation! Do itttt! :proud:

^ Yes! Just pure yes! I think this is one of my secret dreams from my childhood, as well (and still a secret dream). Ever since watching the Lord of the Rings movies as a child, this was the epitome...

Pshh... YES!! It's a ball pit for crying out loud! And who doesn't love ball pits? (Don't answer that, health freaks! :tongue:) Plus, it's a ball pit complete with...

Yeah yeah! I'm sure there are several!! But like I said, they're running low on radioactive dinosaurs nowadays. You'll have a long journey ahead of you... and a dangerous one! Not all radioactive...

My goodness... We are twins!! :shocked: I'm planning on teaching in China one day, which is just a hop-skip-and-a-jump away from where you are currently! I, too, plan to write a few novels before...

Hey all! Do you remember when you were a kid? The sky was the limit and you could be anything you set your mind to one day! So, what was it that you always dreamed of becoming as a child? Is...

I voted xNFx. I'm way too empathetic to not identify with my Feeling side and way too future-focused and imagination-oriented to not be iNtuitive. I'm constantly in situations where I have...

Dachshund Puppies... and just these dogs in general. :kitteh: http://personalitycafe.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBhQSERUUExQUFBUWGBoYGBgYGBgaFxcaHBQXGBgaFx ...

Hahahaha! He sorta looks like me when I'm in deep thought... 'xept for the bushy eyebrow, mouth, hair, ears, suit, and the fact that he's a dude. :tongue: I generally have a smile on my face when...

lol! This is a great thread. I wish there was a thread like this when I first discovered MBTI... my parents thought I was soooo weird! :laughing: Anywho... I've learned to introduce it in a very...

Hey again, @xxxFallFromGracexxx! I couldn't help but notice your replies. I appreciate your bravery in posting and asking for advice. Since you are trying to get some advice, do you mind if I...

I may be just confused and interpreting this incorrectly, but is this directed towards my post, the thread, or someone else's post? Sorry if this sounds strange... I'm just a little unsure. Please...

Alrighty! My overly-curious mind is dieing to know... What type friends are INFPs most likely to be close friends with? I know any type can be good friends with any type and such... but what...

Hmm... Can't say I'm quite sure how this would work for me. I live with an ESFP. He's my best friend... but I can't see myself dating someone with a similar personality. ESFPs can definitely...

Dad: INTJ Mom: INFJ Me: INFP Younger Brother: ESFP My brother is the only extrovert in our family. Poor kid... :blushed: I find it quite funny that two J preferences had two P preference...

That we're all, you know, this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5m33zK6ZlA Oh yes! And that we care nothing about our personal appearance. Who came up with that one anyway? XD

Hmm... This has been on my mind recently as well. I'm glad someone posted a thread like this. Thank you, xIrony ! I'll list my immediate family and family members who had a big part in my life...

Hello all! Resident INFP invading the INFJ forum! *whistles innocently* :kitteh: I'm not INFJ, but my mom is. She is the youngest of 5 children, but the next oldest was over 10 years old when she...

Oh... um... While I can see your point, I'm not sure if this is true in all cases. Two of my three best friends are ISFJs. We get along great! I think that our friendships are balanced well....

I love getting appreciation from others! ..Especially if I put a lot of effort into whatever it was or if whatever I did was for you! Appreciation makes me feel like you truly do care and that I...

I'm going to probably sound like a broken record to the casual peruser of this thread, but.... Middle Earth. :proud: I love the detail Tolkien put into his works and all the different languages...

I can totally relate to this! I used to live in an area of the USA where my introversion wasn't questioned. There was a good balance of introverts and extroverts there, so no one questioned me or...

Bwahahaha!!! Thank you for sharing this! :laughing: Loved Gollum's lip syncing. And the shouting warriors. Perfect! Perfectly perfect!! Getting my Gollum Style Swag on! *hits replay*

Hahahaha! Yes! You are definitely making a difference in this world! Truly!! We need more people like you! :proud:

Hmmm... Uhhh... Err... let's see. I try to treat other people like I would want to be treated. I enjoy making people who are treated like outcasts feel welcomed and loved. It makes me sad when I...

Lol!! You, my friend, are awesome! I literally laughed out loud like a fool at my computer screen when I saw your additions. I'm grinning like an idiot as I type, but I care not. Thank you!...

I agree with you on that. I could never do it alone either and an INFJ would be the best person to assist someone with a burden like that (and/or and ISFJ). lol! Gollum Style... someone should...

Wouldn't that be a hilarious twist? Somewhere far away on Ebay: Item: Ring of Power Description: One Ring to rule them all, and One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in...

^ Hahaha! True story. :tongue: Wouldn't it be awesome to be invisible?? And ohhh yes. Power repulses most INFPs... including this one! :bored: And as for if I would take it, I think if I knew...'