'Thanks for adding this, I suspected you weren't faulting me, but I also know ISTJ communication is very straightforward and blunt. Sadly, she and I had already discussed our mutual short comings,...
That would've been fine if she had discussed specifics with me, but she didn't. She just expressed a general wariness. I am all for investing in something, but she has constantly come at me...
Ok, sure, I can see that. But what is the ISTJ stance on closure? Why wouldn't she at least let me know? The reason I can think of is that she dreads the time/energy cost of having to have that...
Yes, even if this was a good wake up call on not being so aimless -- realistically I can't change over night. I will make the changes in my life and habits to try to be more industrious, but she...
Hi, all, I have been seeing a female ISTJ for almost 2 months, and she has since gone radio silent without contacting me about a week ago. Here are the relevant details -- - she works as a...
Merry go round starting again???
From a guy's perspective: My ex ISTP has some great physical features, so I obv found her to be smoking. Face, body. However as others have noted, I don't think she played to her endowments. ...
FML. exISTP and I met in our mid 20's, too early. I FEEL myself mellowing out slowly now, but eh, either too little too late or we met at a bad time, too early. (She's said as much too when we...
approximate what type they are and then ask that type's subforum. seems ignoring and blocking hasn't worked, so you will have to figure out how to talk in that person's mindset and language.
Her and the other guy are unsustainable long term unless one of them changes his/her faith beliefs. She is Christian and he is Muslim. She is unlikely to change her side, and last I heard he wasn't...
Right, I'm trying to keep away from any false hopes and just be realistic, but at the same time, something doesn't add up. If your explanation is a possibility, I don't understand why she is still...
I know what you mean, as it seems the general consensus with you ISTPs. I asked this because I am trying to make sense of why my ISTP exgf keeps trying to stay in touch with me and went to the...
I really like the original quoted post and this. haha, I can relate in some ways. I wonder if my situation will pan out similarly! Happy for ya tho, even with the lol, SMH's haha.
I have a related question. I agree that most ISTPs seem to have few close friends. My question is, if one of your close friends that you opened up to also happened to be a past romantic mate,...
lol, I was thinking the same thing! Haha, so many times we say never again... and yet... you never know.. Is this that same guy??? good luck n2!!!
... Huh? What you typed is completely unrelated to the question.
nope, as in what.
exgf ISTP still contacts me about once a month even though she's been with another guy for a year. I told her to leave me be if she's not into me romantically anymore. she mails me a christmas...
I thought ISTPs rarely have regrets.
thanks, chrisu. This is more along the lines of what I suspect is the case. But lo and behold she IMs me again even just now. Thanks.
ISTP exgirlfriend is with someone else for a year. She randomly checks in on me every month or so on IM even though I've said if she doesn't feel the same for me anymore, it's best to leave me be....
My ISTP ex broke up with me and started down the path of seeing someone else before we were really through. She told me she had to put away the sentimental gifts I had given her because they would...
- Do you want to go with him? - I assume no since he seems dumb to you, unless you'd be willing to go just for the experience. - If you go with him, he will assume there is a chance for a real...
Ultimately, I don't think your ISTP preference to let people make their own choices will override the fact that your friend's decisions will lead him to a dead end. Am I wrong? From what I've...
Honestly, I know OP will not be able to hold it back. His wall was already down the second he saw her. With each and ANY positive indications ISTP gives, or construed as such, his dam of emotions...
Oh you poor soul. Fellow recovering male INFP with exISTP here. - Eye contact is good. My ex and I did that same game and confirmed later. When we were already dating, she recalled that she...
Okay, this adds a bit more insight into the situation. She often laments about what happened, but not with the overt hope we could try again, but merely that she's not against the general idea of...
Moving on caused by ISTP. She's with someone else right now, but she conveys indirectly she stills mulls and broods about us. This doesn't compute to me? Doesn't a forward action with someone else...
Hmm, I haven't really heard this from any ISTPs before. I've heard you gals still care about the person, but you seem to be able to differentiate that from the faded romantic feelings. Also, I...
ok, i guess that verifies my suspicion. maybe my ex-istp is only wanting friendship in the way she still tries to care, and im the only one still wanting more. i was confused that she could have...
This is so gross and sickening because it's ABSOLUTELY true. Me and ex-ISTP have broken up for a year or so. We have a mutual community and still see each other occasionally. I've been...
I have a tangential comment from my ex-girlfriend ISTP, was wondering if it is related to this topic: In our discussions of whether we would ever give dating another go, she has said the romantic...
sorry, i don't have any advice for your specific situation, but it's just both amusing and definitely rending to me because it is yet again another INFP-ISTP struggle to connect and stay together. ...
understandable temptation tho. hard to turn down free, convenient, available action. but n2's right, short term gain, long term setback.
d u d e been there, done that. i know it's going to be confusing for you, with conflicting desires/wants and cloudy expectations. exISTP and i had the talk in august, promptly hooked up...
i said out loud as soon I saw the thread on the ISTP main page: woaw... when I clicked the first post, i said... holy sht ni**a .
I guess I'm treating this as my own personal thread or something... Vent/spew: (wall of text) So my uncapped filling of 3 years for my root canal just fell out. It's been gradually chipping...
But isn't that the deal with ISTP's, you guys need to try things out to get the experiential evidence to verify or formulate beliefs? What if you had ENFP as your first relationship? Would it...
did you end it or her? messy, circumstantial, or mutual?
thanks. so an ISTP would rather potentially protect their own self stability over say... the uncertain connection with another person they are scared of falling too deeply for?
i kind of get what you mean, but could you expand? do you mean an ISTP could actually decide to run from someone they care for / love because they are scared the person could become a weak point...
what makes an ISTP actually ask someone to hang out? seems like a significant effort for them to reach the point of doing that?
thoughts and prayers with you. I know ISTPs hate religion and a cookie cutter set of values to follow, but now may be a good time to search inside yourself and ask if you do believe in God. ...
hey targus, you can go to my profile and look at the thread I started, we are same types and situation, i'm male INFP and had a relationship with a female ISTP. everyone here gives good advice...
where do you live. if you live in america, you can get the cheap/free health insurance if you are low income. some clinics take the insurance. i go to mine for free while I can qualify for the...
I'm glad my exISTP and I had a break for perspective, despite the other things that have happened in the interim that muddy it up. It's true, I wouldn't have woken up to things without the way...
Thanks for commenting @Life.Is.A.Game Yeah, basically nothing really new to be told to me... I just have to live it. I was going to do regular updates, but I figure I just have to move on,...
stay strong n2. good point about using one's broken relationships as a mirror to see what the person needs to fix in his/herself first. It takes two to tango, even in a messed up pairing.
Been wondering, whats the difference between seeing someone, together, or dating ? If you guys had gone out a lot, kissed, would that be any different?
What brand do you use for 5HTP? I'll just order something on Amazon. I used to not want to take any supplements, but now I'm at least a bit more open to the more natural ones. Shrugs, I got...'