
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Despite my anxiety, pottermore sorted me into gryffindor :tongue: the brave house - ha I don't get it! :happy: I get hufflepuff pretty much everywhere else though ~ all hail the mighty fluffy...

asexual means a lack of sexual attraction! sexual habits may have nothing to do with this as many asexuals (or aces) can basically get 'horny' - they still have a drive but the desire isn't really...

( update: I am now SUPER happy because we are now dating :blushed: (also he turned out to be isfp and as such really understands me)



So today I had an experience I have not had for quite some time: I entered my course room for an introduction lecture on ethics, already slightly tense due to the overcrowded settings as well as my...

I'm happy because a new friend/ awesome guy accepted my asexuality :kitteh:

yes :proud: existential or metaphorical would also fit

aawww thank you :proud: its great to see that you understand and agree with what I'm saying and also that I may have helped at least one other person achieve a sense of understanding of themself...

Ah, I should also add that I used the term 'INFx' because my INFJ friend seems to think a similar way concerning metaphysical meaning and can often find such meanings within things even quicker than...

Many type descriptions say that INFP's live in the future because we see potential; however while I may see the reasoning behind this claim I am not entirely sure I agree in my case - there have...

<strong> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTh6VnH7Ogg&amp;feature=player_detailpage

I'm a high si functioning infp and I actually relate to fluttershy a lot :tongue: and even if she isn't infp I think she has a lot of intuitive awareness of things such as how to treat certain...

when you'd literally rather walk out into on coming traffic and face death than stand in a heavily crowded buss shelter people ask 'are you okay?' when you find yourself a nice spot by a riverside...

thanks- if I ever decide to go relaxing is a good idea and btw I'm asexual and only attracted to guys romantically [also fairly rarely] so I'm not really bothered about appearing unattractive to...

thanks I think this advice has helped a lot ^^; and what other people have said too- that I should be proud of my preferences and stuff ~ all that I know is that I'm definitely going home on friday...

I tend to not lash out at all even if something is irritating me a lot and when I do I instantly guilt-trip myself for possibly making the other person feel bad (even though I already felt awful)....

truth be told I'd release them all myself - atleast then nobody could blackmail me and the public could hopefully see I'm trying to be honest...or just laugh at me...but I oughtta be ready for that...

so I have a problem and I hoped maybe some of you more experienced INFP's might be able to help: the problem...of partying! I'm on 'freshers week' at my new university and I'm currently living with...


http://33.media.tumblr.com/948b860a2a691d3a3fa64cc258870948/tumblr_n3i98r5Iyw1sypuuko1_1280.jpg http://38.media.tumblr.com/49d32457413d5868c43159b9c703d832/tumblr_n38ifpHUTj1sor8q8o6_1280.jpg...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XShT-aD5YI8 I have never just felt a song as much as this one

THIS!! accept in my case they weren't even around for 2 of those years =_=;;

I know :sad: I momentarilly considered writing a book for this triceratops but then realized I'm already sitting upon a pile of unused story ideas in my mind

oh my gosh, yes! that is my mind everytime I try to open up to someone

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxJBN_AHfas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH_YbBHVF4g https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&amp;v=wAhMux3r8JU&amp;list =LLVpCp6GBAkuxKzYfDplIxbA...

when you're disorganized as heck but you always move misplaced plush toy animals back on the shelf they came from so that they can be reunited with their friends

you know you shouldn't listen to sad songs because they effect your moods but you can't help it because they're just so beautiful

https://33.media.tumblr.com/a99127140cda009b78a0c5d91accfa4b/tumblr_nahvgcpFye1t62p3wo1_500.jpg https://38.media.tumblr.com/42695c873ebe21547725e7f9da486ab5/tumblr_nahvgcpFye1t62p3wo2_500.jpg...

I'm a little a afraid of them tbh ^^; (then again everyone scares me to a certain point because I can be quite paranoid) it's strange really I can admire their commitment and strong work ethic from...


probably a traditional japanese house like the one in 'my neighbour totoro' - there's just something about japanese architecture that soothes my soul *~* oh and a great garden with two parts - 1 part...

I'm sorry if i do not look you in the eyes- - it's just that they hold so much- -Indeed, there is a whole world of beauty hidden there... ...and I feel like a intruder. [okay so that took...

why not have some more gravity falls images just for the heck of it...? that show is infp porn in my book anyway :proud:...

here let me help :proud: right click copy image location and then insert image from url and paste the copied url there [you also might wanna uncheck the reference locally box] ....there ya go!...

YAY A FELLOW INFP ACE!! :tongue: do you like hugs? cos I think this calls for hugs... and cake! BTW I spoke to a load of other aces on AVEN yesterday and it seems that a lot of them are NF's :3...

I'm happy because of positive affirmations :proud: also I'm about to go to sleep after a long day

wow!! that is exactly what it can be like for me- I can't stand yelling...even if it isn't directed at me - like sometimes I'll pass people arguing in the street who are really shouting at each-other...

japanese and I am in the process of learning it as we speak :kitteh: but honestly how beautiful is this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD5v24YRPZE&amp;index=6&amp;list=PL7H0VZOyBhsfnCk5 ...

it's okay haha :tongue: I clicked on this ages ago and I'm asexual

I'd say we tend to be well-behaved unless we see the person in the position of authority to be abusing their power in some way - that said growing up I was somewhat of an anarchist as I valued my...


you beat me to it!!

well that is true to some extent although I'd say that actually being nice is more important that being percieved as nice... but that is probably just me- I'd say if you want to be perceived as nice...

I have no scale for niceness ^^; and I have no idea of how you would quantify such a thing however I'd say that in most cases niceness is formed by habit ...if I were to look deeper into it then I'd...

before he was captured his life actually seemed like a dream I once had when I was a loner - to run away and live on my own in the woods but I feel as though he's lost just as much as he's gained...

I don't cry very often and when I do it's usually out of panic or stress than sadness [although that occasionally happens too] I used to cry a lot but these days I tend to try to see the beauty in...


I'm happy because one of my best friends is happy with their GCSE results :tongue: and they introduced me to this VERY INFP song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T-sPVlJdu0&amp;app=desktop
