'You: hello :) Stranger: hii You: how are you today? Stranger: m or f? Stranger: fine what about u? You: oh i'm doing pretty great You: the sun's out here Stranger: kool You: what You: 's
Stranger: hi You: hi there Stranger: asl? You: now why is that the first question everyone asks? You: aren't there more interesting things we could find out about each other? You: what's your...
just kidding, actually.... http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm3xmblVm81qb8phvo1_500.jpg http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llwzi3Olt21qbcdkxo1_500.gif...
http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmgqyovkyV1qbri5eo1_500.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmeb04cnI61qe3wzuo1_500.gif http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmefaqzR6s1qjwyi6o1_500.jpg...
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/247040_10150201335916684_774536683_7012966_5643437_n.jpg typical INFP. puppies and kisses and love.
My teen years have been, all in all, pretty fulfilling and interesting. I grew up in a tightly knit community of, for lack of better word, hippies, but we moved from there when I was 14 and fresh out...
Since we have so many writers and poets and all sorts of people who like words in this forum, I thought I might start a thread where we post good writing prompts so we can exercise our innate INFP...
I might be totally off the mark but... INFP boy? Maybe not in the way he's dressed, but something about the look in the eye... ...
power purring. this thing is so full of bad puns. :laughing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnZhi5gaX8g
I have been diagnosed with PTSD and bipolar disorder. I take a mood stabilizer and also some medication for the anxiety. I go through a lot of cycles, to the point where I find them to be almost...
nope haha i'm the one doing the licking. INTJs don't lick people!!!!!!
sleepy warm bored happy restless comfortable hopeful
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs787.ash1/167698_1715896210020_1016645935_1909060_2560076_n.jpg INTJ and INFP guess who's who
i'm a very physical person. i like sex and cuddling and intimacy. infps are total sex kittens. and we're usually good at it, just because we like making other people happy. but i also get...
YouTube - LCD Soundsystem--45:33 Part 3
YOU SAW MSI AKDFJLGVSHGBLBJHKFGNCV LUCKY BITCH actually there's quite a few people on here i'm jealous of. i don't know if i could get much more jealous if i tried. hmm, i don't know if i...
one of my best friends is an INTJ, and we get along great. we're interested in similar things, and i think that my insight into the way her mind works is really helpful to her. when we're together...
I saw a thread like this in the INTP forum and thought it was really interesting. Do you think who raised us could influence our personalities in a certain way based on what their personalities are?...
yep. and intense, perfect, strange (which i guess kind of goes with weird lol :crazy:)
I usually score about 65-70% introvert, so it makes sense that there's still that 30-35% of me that loves to go out partying and needs a strong network of friends, even if it's not huge. I do like to...
ohhai y'all I don't think I posted my link earlier, so here you go: barcode
I guess it's just that 4chan is kind of known for being full of very... un-INFP anons. But I guess that's mostly /b/.
Here's my tumblr. barcode It's mostly pictures, as is the custom on tumblr. But I'll occasionally post political or personal rants. I'm thinking of getting a blog that involves more writing,...
Yes, I think it's perhaps a sort of INFP thing. The other INFPs I know do it, too. I have violent obsessions with an artist, decade, tv show, fashion, or whatever... and then a few months later, I'm...
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=444650873610&set=t.774536683http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs830.snc4/69022_444650873610_651618610_5306386_1767049_n.jpg we're both INFPs, and we...
I am a cuddleless, shriveled excuse for an INFP right now. :crying::unsure::frustrating::frustrating::frustrating::frustrating: CUDDLE WITH ME, BITCHZ.
I keep getting INFP. No offense I mean I love my type, but I wouldn't want to date someone exactly like me :/ It would be too boring. And besides, I tend to fall for extroverts. Haha maybe I'm just...
I'm still in High School, but I figure it's never too soon to get ideas for what I want to do. Here's a couple ideas of things I've been interested in: -social worker of some sort -art therapy...
My god, this was so negative. A lot of it was very accurate to how I feel some of the time. But, shit, I'm not really that much of a Debbie Downer. I'm attracted to strange things and sad things, but...
I was 16. Virginity was never a huge deal for me. It was important because I knew it would be a new experience that would have an emotional impact on me, but I don't regret the circumstances or...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying. You: hello ...
lol sure honey. if you don't know how to search beyond the obvious.
I've always been a little bit of a troublemaker. The quiet kind. I didn't like school, and teachers had to earn my respect. I rarely did homework for teachers I didn't like. I was one of those kids...
I'm currently dating one, and I was just wondering if other INFPs shared experiences. I think it's a pretty great match. I've tried dating an ESFP and I adored her but she was sort of unsure of...
What have your experiences been with ENTPs? Do you get along with them? Or do you find them to be too much? Have you ever been attracted to or had a relationship with one?
Just a few adjectives used to describe me. I've had so many people tell me that I'm always cheerful and kind, I've even earned the nickname Smiles in more than one place. People like to baby me,...
I'm very social. But the ENFP description doesn't fit me, and the only other result besides INFP that I've ever gotten in the multitudes of times I've taken the tests is INTP.
I have quite a few good friends. I have at least 5 or 6 friends that I could call if I was in a bad place. I have a lot of other friends that I hang out with on and off, maybe around 20 or 30, and...
Sorry, sorry *sheepish* ick, you know, pet peeve. I guess I'm still sore because I have had people assume I'm stuck up because of the way I dress, or that I just want attention, etc. Eh, I really...
It bothers me that you have such disdain for people who use fashion as a way to express themselves. The punk uniform? Well, for some people, it's sure as hell a lot more fun to dye your hair purple...
Cozy little movie theaters that don't smell like dead popcorn and old carpeting. Instead, they would smell softly like candles and perfume. And everything would be nicely colored and it wouldn't be...
I'm one of the most manipulative people I know, hahah :crazy:
Something kind of confused me in my journeys through the world of INFP description: likes to be alone, doesn't like bars or clubs or parties, etc. But the thing is... I love going to dances, parties,...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6CQRVODln0 The loneliest song.
If you catch me being completely focused on you (which I guess from a lot of INFPs can be quite intimidating, as we're rarely completely focused on something), then I prolly like you, or find you...
Typing up my poem for the reading saturday night Cleaning my room Taking a shower Organizing my life Sleeping
I think I'm far too chill and funny to be targeted. It's sort of obvious first thing that I don't take bullshit. But at the same time, I'm also really kind to people, so I think it's a little bit...
Rejection is one of my worst fears. Because of this, I've never really had to deal with it in a big way. I've rejected other people, unfortunately, but I've never told someone I liked that I liked...'