
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Favorites: 1) Indie/Folk - peaceful side of me 2) Rock - lively side 3) Metal - love some nice hardcore drums/guitar/screamo 4) Rap/Hip hop - ghetto side of me 5) Dance/Electronica -...

Ix92m going to TRY to keep this short (failed haha) because youx92ve already got a lot of advice. When I was 12 I felt like I was going to die at any time because I was so close to committing suicide....

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/313114_1622922616914_1351920848_31682834_1085483734_n.jpg Just practicing for Halloween! I'm going as Morticia from the Addams Family and my...

My first love, an INFP, betrayed me in that he fell out of love with me then humiliated me and went onto emotionally cheating on me all within a period of a month. Ever since then my fear of...

Mendi the ISFJ - I completely agree with this advice! I have abandonment issues as well but because I know the value of my life, my dreams, and those I love, I wouldn't dare harm myself even if it...

I wish I had more of a distanced love but instead I'm cursed with wanting a life-long commitment rather than a casual relationship. The problem is even if I'm ready for something so serious, most...

I'm really sorry to hear such sad college stories from you guys :( EVERY college has a party scene. Every weekend there are parties, alcohol, drugs, etc and it was really disappointing seeing...

I'm better at puns, cheesy jokes, and sarcastic comments. Racist jokes sometimes too :D NOT good at telling funny stories or funny things I've heard other ppl say. My memorization skills are...

I find that the smart INFPs can easily see the big picture, are naturally smart, or have a well developed T. Yup I would ask What did you do today? and he would more often than not say...

Yeah! I randomly have urges to meow...not any other sound really. I also have strange accents like Stitch from Lilo & Stitch and apparently I can sound exactly like this Sesame Street character who...

I like to meow like a cat especially in situations of stress. Once in the cafeteria I turned and almost bumped into someone and out came a MEOW! Awkward... When I was in New Orleans rebuilding a...

And texting! But yes I agree with this. I think for the most part INFPs can handle themselves well in social situations - they know how to win your heart by saying sweet but honest things. I've...

My first love/boyfriend was an INFP male who I met at a high school Robotics competition. Who knew you could meet INFPs at those things right? Hah! He was very easy going and relaxed but secretly...

What good are actions if you have no dream to follow? We envision the dream while others make it happen. That's why we exist and that's why they exist. Everyone plays a crucial role in humanity...

I've never tried drugs or even taken a sip of alcohol. It's tempting at times because everyone does it and it's so easy to just try...but I value life way too much and knowing how easy I get...

When I was a pre-teen I was abused all the time for the little arguments I had with my sister. To get back at my parents, I skipped school ~60 times over 3 years and stayed at home all day long. I've...

I happen to fall under the quick learners part. I can easily extrapolate material from different subjects and tie them all together to create and understand the big picture - big reason why I'm...

I don't mean to be mean but http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/24.gif Very creative! Now I had a hard time visualizing your face fully shaven or fully bearded but I PSed it (hope...

I'm sorry...I guess I was ashamed for letting the video/truth hurt me the way it does that I didn't think about putting a warning label on these things. I don't understand why it has to be...

http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/justb3u/75176_1334156397939_1351920848_31371148_3556158_n.jpg Halloween 2010 :) Understand the references? (Left INFP, right ENFJ) (Painted myself, sewed his...

I went to a very academic / science-based school and a large number of the teachers we tested, including history/math teachers, tested as INTJs. Of the 25 or so, all except for 3 tested as xNxJs (my...

We were in the movie theaters and I hinted to get kissed. I always imagined my first kiss to be awkward yet gentle but what I got was a tongue in my mouth... Even though I was 16, it was a mix...

Please spend 16 minutes of your time and watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSdELZxEnHY What do you think of it?

Go for it! It's not too hard - trust me. Three of my best friends and I are all non-US citizens and we've done research at college laboratories before, some starting from high school. Two of my old...

:blushed: There needs to be more of you guys. My theoretical multivariable class had only 12 people in it...and I was the only girl there. Not to mention part of my hair was green so I stuck out like...

Something along the lines of:  http://www.musicrooms.net/files/artists/justin_bieber_profile_786529583.jpg

Even though you hurt me soooooooooooooo much, I think less of you but I will never think poorly of you. I feel guilty loving you more than I love my parents combined.

I always feel like an odd duck whenever INFPs mention their knack for reading books...but mine is for solving math problems. It REALLY tickles my fancy! My fondest childhood memory with my...

What Dreams May Come, highly recommend!! Extremely imaginative.

Foetus, preferably hugging a body pillow/stuff animal, back facing the wall. If my back faces the dark abyss of my room, I get really scared that someone will come and attack me. But if I face the...

1) Ratatouille - favorite can watch over and over again no matter the mood 2) Anastasia - favorite princess 3) How to Train Your Dragon - favorite line: +5 speed? :tongue: 4) Spirited Away

I think it has more to do with family dynamics than the order in which one was born. Remember that within INFPs is a large spectrum of personal differences. I only found this out recently when my...

I like to shop a lot and spend most of my money on clothes. That being said, the way I would like to dress and the way you would assume I dress (based on my wardrobe) is actually not the way I...

I'm two-months post break up and this is what has helped me: - Letting it down easy on myself, letting the reality of the break up sink in at a pace where I can handle it - Watching light-hearted...

It's not going to work out because he went out with another girl two days after he broke up with me. He thinks I'm annoying for calling him. He called the police that I'm harassing him. ...

After a month, I texted my ex. He ignored me until his friend told him to text me back and talk to me. Well it turns out that my ex has moved on, found another girl (in one month I tell you) and...

I texted him asking for a 2nd chance, apologizing, etc. and he never responded back. I passed by him accidentally over the weekend, he didn't bother to say hi and looked away. I'm never going...

As a response to all the posts: It only become unhealthy within the last few months when he started to get really stressed out. I know I could have been more supportive and when I accused him of...

I'm wondering: 1) Do you INFPs believe that as long as you love someone, everything will be ok in the end? 2) Once an INFP says I don't think things are going to work out or I don't think things...'