
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Since I've felt awful recently, and I want to be there for my friends too - the happier I am, the happier I can make them -, I've tried to distract myself in order not to think about it to the point...

Thanks a lot for your help. I think that would be more than likely - she's already done something like that with that ENFP girl, too, even though she wasn't as important to her as I was. Yes, it's...

That sounds like her. But then what? What happens after I've learnt my lesson?

Thank you a lot. It was really helpful to read this.

DEAR GOD WHY ARE Y'ALL SO FREAKING GORGEOUS, I CAN'T EVEN- Whatever. :rolleyes: http://oi62.tinypic.com/rbhac9.jpghttp://oi61.tinypic.com/r8tnih.jpg

Well, we've been friends for years, I've always reassured her that I thought she was a wonderful person, she was sure I would never hurt her and, by telling her that she was a horrible human being, I...

Hi INFJs, I need some advice. I had a close INFJ online friend, but I betrayed her trust. We've known each other for seven years; I was extremely important to her - she put me on a pedestal and that...

9w8 or 7w8. I'm not sure.

^ I could see that with Michonne, but why do you see Sasha as a Ti user, rather than a Te user?

Lightworker INFP

Mmm. Rick: ISTJ/ISFP Shane: ESTP Lori: ESF* Andrea: ESFP/ENFJ Dale: INFJ Glenn: ENTP/ISFP Daryl: ISTP Carol: IS*J Carl: *SFP

I'm in good terms with my ESTJ side ^^ Sometimes I get a guilty sense of satisfaction when I organize things and put them in order (for example my books, clothes etc.) or when I make to-do lists for...

And skeletons.

Thinking about how wonderful The Walking Dead is. http://newnownext.mtvnimages.com/2015/02/tumblr_nk8eirKwyF1qiohboo1_400.gif

...details. Like what? Books? è_é Aye, I love his aura <3 I'm not sure whether I see him more as an *NFP or as an *SFP, though.

Oh my goodness this world is just so wonderful and is filled with wonderful people and love and I want everyone to know that I'm super happy and that I love the world and everyone else too! I don't...


I'd be happy to, but I'm afraid there are no banks in the ocean.


I would never doubt your existence. Odds are I don't exist. ç___ç

I don't remember being born either. I think we may have a problem.

I'm not really sure. Usually I'm just myself and I just try to be more open. If I'm happy to be around someone, I show it - I smile a lot, laugh, talk about what we're both passionate about, do and...

Well that's simple. I'm half-mermaid, half-human.

This totally makes sense. http://replygif.net/i/430.gif My secret is... .......................... ...................................... I already have rainbow eyes I'm a mermaid

My result (INFP - True Neutral/Chaotic Neutral (same score XD) Brother (ENTP): Chaotic Neutral INFJ friend: Lawful Good *STJ friend: Lawful Neutral ESFJ friend: Lawful Neutral INTP friend:...

Alright. ALRIGHT. I'll tell you my secret if you promise my eyes will be shiny and magical.

So I've read a few things about attachment theory and I've realized I have a dismissive-avoidant attachment style. It totally makes sense to me. Is there anything I can do to... weaken my need for...

Yes, totally! Thanks a lot for your answer. ^^

This is too much for my poor, innocent heart :(

http://media.tumblr.com/1a09952068f22d3d10bb924a6868b929/tumblr_mqvbjhnyKn1sb1zmto1_500.gif Nothing. I swear I'm innocent. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7zs9sAQSC1rsy50k.gif

*Suspicious look* http://www.nycaviation.com/newspage/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/cat-plane-630-620x413.jpg Looks like that is a plane. Now proceed.


Do you need the support and appreciation of a special person in order to be happy?

No. Life is meaningless without intense emotions!!! :'C

Let me think about it. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2009/354/6/6/Rainbow_Eye_Cat_1_by_AZDF4545.jpg YES.

I'm tempted to say yes.

yuumei's Journal - DeviantArt Any clues? http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/179/d/0/re_imagine_by_yuumei-d6b1y26.jpg

this made me laugh more than it should have That's fine as long as you also have chocolate cookies.

responsibilities why choices why just why

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CAQ0iZKP08 No. :3

Aye. Nay. I AM READY.

It usually goes like this. Me: *Steps in* ...did you break that glass? Her: Who? What? Me: There's a broken glass on the floor. Did it slip out of your hands? Her: *Looks at the glass* No. Me:...

I open my mouth, I open my eyes: There's no shape. They flow, they flow. ... There's no aim. They're swift They don't notice. That isn't the truth.

Actually, most NTs I know like me, and we get along well.

Of course they can be. Anyone can! I have a close *STJ friend who loves any kind of art and loves to discuss about it. Practically speaking, she's not an artist herself, though. But she's a deep,...

When Let's go on a trip right now! sounds 100 times more appealing than We're going on a trip next month!.

I'm not sure. I listen more or less to the same genre of music of an *STJ friend of mine. XD

Why can't I have naturally rainbow eyes

That could looks like me! :O

I had a type 6 INFJ friend. I didn't see her as a mentor. She idolized me, constantly asked for my advice and thought she didn't have the permission to do anything unless I agreed with her, though.'