'Since I've felt awful recently, and I want to be there for my friends too - the happier I am, the happier I can make them -, I've tried to distract myself in order not to think about it to the point...
Thanks a lot for your help. I think that would be more than likely - she's already done something like that with that ENFP girl, too, even though she wasn't as important to her as I was. Yes, it's...
That sounds like her. But then what? What happens after I've learnt my lesson?
Thank you a lot. It was really helpful to read this.
Well, we've been friends for years, I've always reassured her that I thought she was a wonderful person, she was sure I would never hurt her and, by telling her that she was a horrible human being, I...
Hi INFJs, I need some advice. I had a close INFJ online friend, but I betrayed her trust. We've known each other for seven years; I was extremely important to her - she put me on a pedestal and that...
9w8 or 7w8. I'm not sure.
^ I could see that with Michonne, but why do you see Sasha as a Ti user, rather than a Te user?
Lightworker INFP
Mmm. Rick: ISTJ/ISFP Shane: ESTP Lori: ESF* Andrea: ESFP/ENFJ Dale: INFJ Glenn: ENTP/ISFP Daryl: ISTP Carol: IS*J Carl: *SFP
I'm in good terms with my ESTJ side ^^ Sometimes I get a guilty sense of satisfaction when I organize things and put them in order (for example my books, clothes etc.) or when I make to-do lists for...
And skeletons.
...details. Like what? Books? è_é Aye, I love his aura <3 I'm not sure whether I see him more as an *NFP or as an *SFP, though.
Oh my goodness this world is just so wonderful and is filled with wonderful people and love and I want everyone to know that I'm super happy and that I love the world and everyone else too! I don't...
I'd be happy to, but I'm afraid there are no banks in the ocean.
I would never doubt your existence. Odds are I don't exist. ç___ç
I don't remember being born either. I think we may have a problem.
I'm not really sure. Usually I'm just myself and I just try to be more open. If I'm happy to be around someone, I show it - I smile a lot, laugh, talk about what we're both passionate about, do and...
Well that's simple. I'm half-mermaid, half-human.
This totally makes sense. http://replygif.net/i/430.gif My secret is... .......................... ...................................... I already have rainbow eyes I'm a mermaid
My result (INFP - True Neutral/Chaotic Neutral (same score XD) Brother (ENTP): Chaotic Neutral INFJ friend: Lawful Good *STJ friend: Lawful Neutral ESFJ friend: Lawful Neutral INTP friend:...
Alright. ALRIGHT. I'll tell you my secret if you promise my eyes will be shiny and magical.
So I've read a few things about attachment theory and I've realized I have a dismissive-avoidant attachment style. It totally makes sense to me. Is there anything I can do to... weaken my need for...
Yes, totally! Thanks a lot for your answer. ^^
This is too much for my poor, innocent heart :(
*Suspicious look* http://www.nycaviation.com/newspage/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/cat-plane-630-620x413.jpg Looks like that is a plane. Now proceed.
Do you need the support and appreciation of a special person in order to be happy?
No. Life is meaningless without intense emotions!!! :'C
Let me think about it. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2009/354/6/6/Rainbow_Eye_Cat_1_by_AZDF4545.jpg YES.
I'm tempted to say yes.
this made me laugh more than it should have That's fine as long as you also have chocolate cookies.
responsibilities why choices why just why
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CAQ0iZKP08 No. :3
Aye. Nay. I AM READY.
It usually goes like this. Me: *Steps in* ...did you break that glass? Her: Who? What? Me: There's a broken glass on the floor. Did it slip out of your hands? Her: *Looks at the glass* No. Me:...
I open my mouth, I open my eyes: There's no shape. They flow, they flow. ... There's no aim. They're swift They don't notice. That isn't the truth.
Actually, most NTs I know like me, and we get along well.
Of course they can be. Anyone can! I have a close *STJ friend who loves any kind of art and loves to discuss about it. Practically speaking, she's not an artist herself, though. But she's a deep,...
When Let's go on a trip right now! sounds 100 times more appealing than We're going on a trip next month!.
I'm not sure. I listen more or less to the same genre of music of an *STJ friend of mine. XD
Why can't I have naturally rainbow eyes
That could looks like me! :O
I had a type 6 INFJ friend. I didn't see her as a mentor. She idolized me, constantly asked for my advice and thought she didn't have the permission to do anything unless I agreed with her, though.'