
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Man, a lot of Ixxx's here. But if this floats your boat, not judging. Anyway, a lot's happened since I was last here; I moved, met some other singers, and as a result, finally discovered how I am...

Poems, prose, SONG, any art form that doesn't ever get put into the art thread.

It takes tears to learn that lesson the hard way:') Glad to help

Cameras. He really likes... wait for it... cameras. Not people, cameras. His Ji dominant function isn't directed toward people, it's directed toward THINGS. Does he love to talk about cameras and...

When you make a yearbook advertisement in a way that makes people almost cry upon hearing and seeing it. hey, what's spatial direction? i really don't know what it is...

I 'make' my own music, just bursting into song at times throughout the day. That's how I am an artist. Hrm anyway, the music I listen to is music that I can pour my emotions into no matter what my...

Why is everyone here still on fears about relationships? I mean, it makes sense to take everything into account, but sometimes you just can't do that... for us, it's on relationships that we can't...

It'll be better than it sounds, I hope... Umm anyway there was a poetry thread... that.. died... and an artwork thread... that appears to be pictures only... but nothing on any other language...

Fi-Se: no act of kindness goes unnoticed. Attention grabber. Feeling for ISFP's is more easily expressed nonverbally. If you can show your feelings through body language and quick but warm glances,...

My friend(working on better, mind you) made me smile today. We played frisbee in PE. Everything today has sucked but that. That is the only reason I can think of to actually make sense of things...

Deep blue, dark red, and forest green. Deep blue palette would be blue primary, white/gray in far less abundance and, if placed correctly, in equal amounts. Looks really nice. Dark red and...

I second... no, third? the post above me... because i have similar issues at times. It's like... like you WANT to talk to people, want to spit out a random observation or something you've been...

Who do you think is more quiet, ISFP or INFP? That's just nature for a majority of introverts. It doesn't rely much on type when you think about it that way. It more depends on which one of them can...

So you see a picture. I would see the picture, I be like, ok, what about it? because I see a picture. Plain and simple. Se. Can you TRY to find hidden meaning? Durr, of course. It's not that...


Dora? Explored^ ...or was it Raichan explored????

Thumpity thump thump thumpity thump.... hehehe.. I need not say more.

for the guy in your sig: FALALALALALALALA FAIL! In a Pres. Bush voice: My fellow Americans... in the midst of a global economic crisis, my strategery for avoiding the public eye in this...

Things get steamy between me and girls. Things get frosty 10x quicker between you and girls.


*EDIT* I just looked at the last post date. Sorry for bumping... I migrated here after the ENFP Voice Thread just today. And now I have another song. Two recordings of me doing two lines of the...

If you wanna be my friend, go ahead. I'll even give you my thumb... looks like you might have been sucking your thumb for a little too long.... ehhhhheheh




Uh-uh. No



Unfortunately, the person who rescued him was a zombie, who upon saving him killed him and ate his brains.



Not our kind! Not human! I hereby declare you a nonperson.

tencharcnt (to answer, if spaces count as characters, then yes.)

Problem? rofl


you misread the above post. problem?

Cleaning is repetitive in action and tedious as well. Not worth energy used in the process. Not to me, anyway. Maybe it's an unconscious way of compensating for wrongs, of the person or of...

Mine? I didn't know I could ask to have it changed. It's just my name. 'Gross' was changed from 'Grossenheimer' during WWII. German last name. Hebrew first name. Waddaya know!

Yes, first a backstory, to 'lead in', as to why I started this thread. Stupid of me? Yes. Yes it is. Screw the norms. Hrm. Anyway.. After going to a friend's house because I had depleted my...

I can finally see the resemblance between you, your avatar, and Mary Poppins. Don't talk about her mum like that! She's a nice lady;) lol


I think the hospital switched you and him at birth. Then dropped both of you.


Okay... definitely not a panic attack... I want to get the F*** away. Not agoraphobia.

I can see someone, even myself, refuting what I'm about to say, but here goes: I love how there's so many NF 6's here. You guys put it in a way that sounds just right to me... it's really...

No, no! My soul ain't yours, mas'r; you haven't bought it-ye can't buy it; it's-been bought and paid for by one that is able to keep it, and you can't harm it! --Tom, Uncle Tom's Cabin. Learn...

It didn't help much but I'm more sure that I need to follow the instinct. I always chose flight before; it doesn't feel good to stay. Okay, Sam, never jump into the fray. Once again thanks.


Yes... that is true.. although anxiety will drive to a different goal than a positively-oriented counterpart...

Well, that's not really what I was talking about... I meant that around big groups of people I always get a certain feeling... I used to instinctually interpret it as 'run away'... ...Thanks...'