'If people call me with number withheld they run a high risk of me not answering the phone. If a person wants to remain anonymous, I reserve the right not to pick up the phone. If its important, let...
Modern economics is the science that tries to explain how you can get infinite growth from a finite system. So far, real life has proven to a be a little more stubborn.
Do you meditate? All things begin with a consistent meditation practice. That is one of the fastest ways to learn to live in the now.
The very first step to take for healing is learning to love yourself. That sounds like a cliché, but it is the only truth. Loving yourself is not that simple. I want to bet you have many thoughts...
I have encountered both a karmic soulmate as well as a twin flame connection. The soulmate relationship was heavily karmically loaded and became ever more difficult. In fact, one of the reasons I...
The government will decide whether or not you are a threat to them. Not you. They change the rules, and all of a sudden you are in violation of them. For example: They are broke (which they are)...
That is where you are sadly mistaken. Its not the government that needs to fear you. Its YOU who needs to fear the government. It is a tragic misconception to see governments as good guys, while in...
I have only one cause: the promotion of personal and world ascension into the new age.
If you desire to develop your intuition in a general way you must learn to be internally still, very still. You can not hear your intuition if it is drowned out by yourself. The most obvious tool to...
What is so insane about a calling? Intuition is every bit as real, is in fact even more real than the physical world around us. Intuition, what you perceive as a calling, is your divine self talking...
Of course, though this one is tailored for INFP's, it might as easily apply to any xNxx. Although perhaps certain elements would be less applicable to xxxJ's as you have personally demonstrated. I...
As INFP's we often suffer from life, buffeted by it as is we were a raft adrift on a stormy sea. The INFP is the most finely tuned personality type of all, but that means that to do well as an INFP...
INFPs have the ability to transform souls, provided they begin with themselves first. This is not a fictional ability, its real.
I abhor competition. It hurts my soul. As for the technical side of it: competition can work to an extent as long as there is still space to grow into. As soon as the system runs out of growth...
Technology as such is neutral. It takes no sides. If we should ever develop such AI's, shall we not find that their advantages and disadvantages will reflect the mindset that we have already created...
Let me just start by saying that you have made a very good and thorough opening post. Some of what you write is recognizable to me, having ADD and perhaps a mild form of asperger myself. It is not...
Exactly that. I am not primarily an experiencer and lack some of the highly tuned sensitivities for that kind of work, but I have still clearly perceived energetic work being done on my throat and...
Type: Projector Profile: 4 / 6 Definition: Triple Split Definition Inner...
Right now I do not have anyone in my life to yell at me. I used to have a boss who would do that though. For the longest time I could not handle it at all even though at the end i was beginning to...
Maybe you haven't noticed, but... We have been inside a zombie apocalypse for the past few thousand years.
I have quite a few developed friendships through another forum. I have only a few through PerC, but one of those is very special.
I would likely go live in England but not in a big city. Some hills, little rivers and old castles would be nice. I would use the money to set up or to support various projects to further the...
Thank you for this elaborate and detailed treatment of a matter to which I have given some thought also. I asked myself, what happens if one is able to overcome the needs and the fears associated...
I am both introverted (heavily) and shy. Most of my shyness comes from living half a lifetime with ADD which does not do wonders for one's self confidence. Yet on the other hand there is this almost...
I have been looking for a person to know me truly as I am and I feel that I have finally found that person, only a few months ago.
She is INFP just like myself.
1. Try to live from love. 2. Try to live from self awareness. 3. Strive to overcome ego and be master of your true self. 4. Learn all that you can learn. Always have more questions to ask.
That is a brilliantly written post @shoreline, and it touches on a matter of the highest importance. I have struggled with this for many years. My whole psychological setup, my ideals, my way of...
It has me as CELPQ which indicates green. I am INFP but very close to the INTP line.
shoreline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85U-77_5lWk
I am an INFP. Do you have even the faintest idea just how flipping amazing we are? It takes time to figure it out. The very first thing to begin with is to learn to respect and to love yourself....
The past or even the future is not what life is about. Life is about what you do now. It is totally pointless to look back, its like saying if my aunt had balls, she's be my uncle It is meaningless...
I have never travelled alone. For most of my life, a place has been just a place. It is the connection and the sharing with another person that gives a place its special charge. I do not like to...
Self awareness is a great tool when dealing with negative emotions. This will help you see your thoughts and feelings for what they really are. It is generally not a good idea to share bad feelings...
Perfect music for me was much of the earlier work of Enigma, mainly their first three albums. Another perfect album is All the Little Lights by Passenger.
I am not good at delicate living at all. Which, paradoxically makes deliberately dedicating myself to it, a wonderfully effective awareness exercise. It is turning the mundane into the spiritual much...
The exact same thing happened to me last year when my best friend for over 23 years took his own life. No one had seen it coming, even though I was pretty much the only person who saw him on a weekly...
Exactly, there is no such thing as a wiser man. Nothing can be as wise as finding your own source. It is well to find one's own truth, for only personal truth can ever be owned.
There are many things you can do and directions to follow but the one thing that needs always to be remembered is that people may be able to show you the general direction, but it is you who has to...
Its a wonderful band, with quite a few memories attached for me.
Maybe I can put it in even simpler terms. That special person you are looking for is yourself.
I think all of us INFP know what you are talking about. It feels like we are not wholly suited to a world that is not on our wavelength. I have spent a long time dwelling in the kind of darkness...
True love is absolutely out there to find, even within the confines of the dualist world we still live in. Despite that, there are many wonderful, amazingly loving relationships in the world and...
Love is a function of looking for the other. It is the basic memory of us, who live in the illusion of separation, to want to rejoin and reunite with our source. But because we still firmly believe...
No, I am not a theist. Nor am I an atheist. Thesis and antithesis bring forth synthesis, but only if you care to find reconciliation. You don't have to believe in anything. In fact it is better if...
Because in the end it's all about what happens to you as an entity. If life is all you see, that's fair enough. I have zero ways of proving to you that it is a shortsighted aim and it is in fact a...
au contraire mon capitan I will say nothing at all. And now I'd like to see your list.
Most of the stories I read were Dutch language ones like the Suske en Wiske series. But of course RinTinTin was also among them.
Its funny you should post that vid. I have learned of people who have actually had that sort of thing happen to them after having dabbled in satanic rituals. Up to and including speaking words in...
Carpe diem? I am exploring unusual in ways satanism never can and it combines very nicely with moral paths. Once your eyes are open you will never again be able to not see, you will barely even...'