
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'10/10 kinda reminds me of the end by the doors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J5_QiAjy0Y

9/10 neat , very eary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6_I5_eSrvk

7/10 It was neat but could've needed a bit more power in order to compliment the rough guitar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrbxWOMpwfs

9/10 pretty good ,i like the baseline and the singer is also really neat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iMKZTBS7hs

That might be as it is but you should be focusing on more important things (My Mother nearly everytime that i talk about something that interrests me ) Are you all right ? Come on smile a...

very interresting (though it sounded a bit to country for my taste) 8/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDUsDrBiYbI

It's simple , i will post a song just to start this thread of. The person who replies to my post rates the song that i posted (how you want to rate it is up to you) and posts a song himself. This...

1.Pink Floyd 2. Radiohead 3. Beck 4. Sigur Ros 5. Peter Licht 6.Björk 7.Ice House 8. The Smiths

Your name tells people that you are polite and cultured. You are well mannered and always act appropriately. Compared to most people, you have a much broader view of the world. You are truly...

relaxed yet slightly nervous

David Bowie, The Beta Band, Pink Floyd , Die Ärzte, Peter Licht, Wir SInd Helden, Rammstein,The Beatles,MGMT, Daft Punk, Erik Moilanen, Iron Butterfly, The Smiths, Eminem, Die Prinzen, Ice House,...

first result: -115 extremely opressed after overthinking two realy vague questions: 115 sith lord privilege ok.....that's why this test is not that reliable. It is far to vague on certain...

I present to you: The results of IQ tests which I took in the past: 2009:96(Profesional) 2011:114(Profesional) 2012:109(Profesional) 2013:129(Internet) So i gues my IQ is about 110-105

I am the one who imagines himself falling into the empty void that is space while watching the stars I am the one who listens to the music that he listens to because it sounds good regardless of who...

I have to agree with you. It also strikes a chord with me

The Only Living Boy in New York by Simon and Garfunkel (from the Garden State Soundtrack)

ok,...here we GO Titel- Artist (reason why i like it) Feel Good inc. - the Gorillaz (The Back and fourth beetween the hard- sounding rap and the trance-like guitar makes this songs sound just...

1.A Clockwork Orange / The Lion King 2. Donnie Darko 3. Ed Wood 4. The Big Lebowski 5.The End of Evangelion 6.Watchmen 7.Metropolis 8.Kill Bill (Vol I and II) 9.Brazil 10.Hot Fuzz

Manic depressions.

Editing a Video, The Nightsky, The moon, watching or listening to someone who is more experienced than me but still nort even close to the top of the mountain, listening to the rain, listening to...

Micro Man- can controll all organisms which are made out of one cell in a radius of one meter around him. j-man - he can walk on water. However the surface needs to be perfectly undisturbed. one...

Well here is a list of book which i read during this year: 1984 by George Orwell (amazingly frightening and fascinating at the same time ) A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burges( the movie had a...

Director: Sanley Kubrick Fritz Lang Terry Gilliam Actors Leonard Nimoy Patrick Stewart Arbery Morris Malcom MCDowel

1) How old are you? 18 2) What sex are you? Male 3) What grade did you complete; if you went to college, how many years did you complete? Sorry i am not from the USA (different school...

(gulp). My diary, yes. Or as i like to call it: All the things that i am embarressed about nowadays but wasn't when i was 9-14 years old. It includes among other things: -Love lists:Top three of...

My Big Brother: ENFP (he is the textbook definition of an ENFP ) Mother: ISxJ (can be kind of stressfull sometimes... but i do respect her alot for being a teacher(German and History)) Sister:IxFx...

My Big Brother: ENFP (he is the textbook definition of an ENFP ) Mother: ISxJ (can be kind of stressfull sometimes... but i do respect her alot for being a teacher(German and History)) Sister:IxFx...

Well here goes nothing  https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/1403467_10201033133047560_1844954073_o.jpg

Nowadays i don't cry as much as i did a few years ago. I guess i started to avoid crying during the midst my teenage years . (could have been because of this HTML website which a bully in my former...

Well mostly these two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uomNRJ9j5qc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6G2s6LNQQY

Filming and Editing. Imagine the following , it's 10 pm(weekend) I am just sitting there in my room, watching and /or listening to stuff via Computer. Suddenly an idea crosses my mind , i grap my...

Well there are two compliments that i hold in high regards. My English teacher's opinion about my (as well as my team mates) performance on the spoken part of the final english exam. (Mind you...

Don't even get me started on this subject. I basicly transform into a one man version of Soultrain whenever certain unresistable music comes on. (mostly if i'm alone though) . Just to name a few of...

Here we go: Radiohead,Modest Mouse, Die Ärzte , Peter Licht, Wir Sind Helden, David Bowie , The Beatles, The Who, Iron Butterfly, Pink Floyd, Björk, Daft Punk, MGMT, Smashing Pumpkins, Blur,...

when you accidantly kill an innocent person in Assasins Creed and you feel sorry for him or her. or when you start to actually sympathise with your target during the dialogs that you have with...

I used to burst into tears whenever someone (older than me ) yelled at me. I think that i gained some confidence for these kind of situations during the last five years. (Note: I am 18 now , so do...

The Seeker by the Who

1.A Clockwork Orange/ The Lion King 2.Donnie Darko 3.Ed Wood 4.The Big Lebowski 5. Wolf of Wallstreet 6.Waltz with Bashir 7. Dancer in the Dark 8.Kill Bill Vol.1/2 9.Brazil 10.Metropolis

1.Sleep/Dreaming 2.Music 3. Daydreaming 4.Rain 5.Reading 6. Laughing so much that you start to cry 7.Surrealism 8.A good pasta based meal 9.Movies 10.Agressivly dancing infront of the mirror...

Well that would be an interresting topic for a poll. I myself am bisexuall and doubt that there is a connection beetween MBTI Type and Sexual preferences.

Well(i'm somewhat in between INTP and INFP btw), not really cute but my big brothers girlfriend remarket that: At times (especially at big social gatherings ) i seem to look like a sad little boy....

So .... let's start with some basics. Hello everyone, my name is Jan(Pronounced like Yan) i'm new here (duh). Also i'm from Germany (you know the country which is known for such wounderfull ...'