
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Knowing about types, and my type particularly, has played a large part in allowing me to say I like who I am. I donx92t need to change the parts of my personality that other people feel the need to...

My best friendships have started by someone just asking if I want to hang out, be it for lunch, or to study, or some event that was going on in college or something. Generally, the people that ask...

Thank you, all of you, so much for writing your own personal experiences about things, and the people that mean so much to you. thenotsobadwolf I think thatsx92s a large part of it - if you spend...

Feel free to skip straight to the black text. I used to hang out here a few years ago, but left for several reasons, and I havenx92t been here in a long, long time, so if therex92s a process of...

Oh no, I'm not saying my actual type changes. I've been an INFP since the first time I've taken the test, and have never been told any differently, but my Fi result, for example, changes each time I...

To any INFP who's taken the test more than once, do you find that your INFP-ness goes up and down according to where you are in your head/life at the time? I've taken the test a couple of times, a...

1319 1320 1321 If the size is awful, I'm really, really sorry. Pretty sure the last one is of James Franco. I'm not sure of his personality type, but there was always something about this that...

Root:under-active(-38%) Sacral:open(12%) Navel:under-active(-19%) Heart:open(50%) Throat:open(25%) Third Eye:over-active(81%) Crown:open(38%) I know I tend to be 'elsewhere'...

Oh, Autumn! Autumn to me, is what Spring is to everyone else - that time when you clear the slate of everything, and start afresh. It changes my whole persona, and I become what I should be the...

My ideal place to live is a bit changeable, but at the moment it would be a small town, where the lights don't interfere with the night, and with friendly people you can say 'hi' to without people...

People who leave the sticky ticket on the bottom of their shoes. And myself for noticing/caring.

I do exactly the same thing! Nothing else seems to matter once I've found something to obsess over for a few months - the kind of obsession that makes you forget to eat, and sleep isn't a priority...

I've just finished college, and don't really have anything set in stone work-wise so I'm on a little bit of a mission to find my 'thing'. I have all the little things, like reading and listening to...

I have a such a hard time with organisation, studying included. If I have several projects on at once, it makes it so much worse, because they'll be the one project that I can really get on with and...

...What...? You seem really thoughtful...Are you sure you're okay? You don't look okay? You're special (in the 'whoa, you're a bit freaky' kinda way, but only by friends) You're so quiet!...

I have trouble being mean to people, full stop. Whether it's directly or indirectly, at some point in the very near future the guilt will set in. I think it's probably the reason I pick my battles...

I know I'm really soft-spoken, but from what I've gathered from some recent conversations with friends, I think it's even more so than I originally thought. I've been told I have a very calming and...

Only once have I had that connection and unfortunatly it was with someone I didn't know. I was in Canada for a couple of weeks and passed by him in a doorway, and as soon as we met each others gaze...

Oh dear...this seems far to familiar :laughing: I think my memory capacity is fairly big, the problem is it's filled with (mostly) useless infomation. I can remember song lyrics perfectly from just...

Overall, I think I'm fairly patient. I'm normally quite a jumpy person - going from one thing to another and back again all the time - so I sometimes surprise myself at my own patience. If I'm in a...

My dreams aren't usually nightmares in terms of having me waking up screaming, but that's more to do with me having an unusual sense of calm despite the content. But anyway, it's usually a theme that...

I'm not much of a fan for Radiohead, and I've never actually seen Eternal Sunshine...Rebel INFP over here :) I've noticed a lot of the type have a liking for music, or lyrics, that would normally...

Everyone knows us INFP's have a 'light' side and a 'dark side'. Up until a few months ago, the majority of my time was spent on the darker scale of things to various degrees, from mid-grey to pitch...

Just out of interest, and I don't mean to hijack the thread, but for anyone who has the fidgeting issue, like myself, have you ever tried using a spinner ring? Spinner Rings, Spin Rings, Sterling...

I've designed something I'd like to get done, but considering I'm famous for changing my mind as often as the wind blows I don't think it's a good idea I ever have it done. If I do ever have anything...

I'm a night owl. I generally create most of my stuff late at night, writing, drawing ect. I love the feeling of being one of few-I like to watch the empty road, guess how many people are looking at...

I can get away with being both older and younger. People often mistake be for being 20, and seemed quite taken back when I tell them I'm 17. But then I went back to my old school last year to go pick...

Yay for intuition! Do you have a link for that article anywhere? It never clicked with me that that sort of situation had anything to do with being intuitive, I thought it was just strange...

My voice is kind of my 'thing' - is just seems to be something I'm known for among friends. Very gentle, very soft. I used to be insecure about it, because it means people sometimes have difficulty...

Thank you for posting this because I most likely wouldn't have found this otherwise. I've been thinking about this for the past few days, and the problems with schooling as we traditionally know it....

17 over here :happy:

Would you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist, or do you find it hard to place yourself in either catagory? I honestly don't know whether I'm right in my theory, but with our type...

:shocked: Fortunatly, no :) It's the other end you need to be worried about - the end with the teeth attached.

If I could, then no. But honestly, I have a rabbit, and I think he would probably eat me first. Mess with him, and you'll learn your lesson. Hell, if he can scare a hungry fox out of our...

I just had to quote this because I think it's just an amazing way to live your life. It doesn't matter whether you intend this to be the meaning of life, that's up to each individual, but it's one of...

I think as I've gotten older my memories have become clearer, and also they seem to be happier ones than before. I used to remember mainly bad things (i.e. things I may have done when I was really...

Psychological thrillers are always a win-win for me. The darker and more mysterious the better - but not excessive violence. Science Fiction is also something I love, but like someone has already...

I'm pretty sure this isn't what you want to hear, but you have to remember that that I'ness, in both you and him, is part of the reason both of you were first attracted to each other. If either of...

Definitely Left. Which side of left depends on the subject in conversation, but I have never been anywhere even remotely close to the Right.

I hide everything creative that I do. To be honest I don't know why, it's just something that I've always done. I've been writing for several years now, and my parents didn't even knew I wrote until...

My relaxed face isn't smiley, and I've been told to 'put a smile on my face' before even when I'm not particularly sad. On the plus side however, I've also been told that my eyes make up for...

I'm only 17 so by no means am I in a rush, but I think yes, I would like to one day. For me though, I'd have to know I was in the right place in my own head. I go through drastic changes in my...

My main sun sign is Gemini, and as for the others I'm not that sure. Posted via Mobile Device

You say they know how much you hate doing these kind of things, yet do they understand why? I think getting them to see that would really help. I have always had the same problem as you, a lot of my...

I don't do physical abuse-at least not from me. However, verbally, I have the abilty to ruin someone. Only on one occasion has someone pushed me into 'undefeatable tank' mode. And for that person to...

I do this with music all the time. Sometimes it relates to the lyrics, often not. I create stories, most of the time in my mind rather than writing them in story-form. A lot of the time it will...

(I wanna) Thank you Falletinme Be Mice Elf Agin :laughing: I couldn't help but sing this. Anyway, what I wanted to say is this-you know that bad place us INFPs have a tendancy to get...

I used to like the idea of going in my sleep because it's quite a peaceful way to go, now I hate it. It pretty much just changed overnight but I have no idea why. As long as it's before I get really...

I laughed the entire way through this. Unfortuantly, this is normal for me. I'll often deliberate for hours on one thing, and once I've eventually decided (if I have at all), I'll often end up going...

1) Do you INFPs believe that as long as you love someone, everything will be ok in the end? I think that maybe we hope it will be. Occasionally, that hope will make us blind to the reality. If it...'