
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

Last real relationship I've been in was over a year ago.

I haven't even kissed a girl yet, lol...

I usually do not get an initial attraction to someone unless there is both a physical attraction and common interests and values.

Yeah, ENFPs are my favorite types to interact with. Lots of chemistry.

My experiences with therapy have been pretty good, though I definitely had to go through a couple to find someone I got along with well, and of course she isn't perfect, no therapist is, but she has...

Yeah, I can completely relate to how is use to make you feel suicidal, as it makes me feel suicidal currently. I personally can't really enjoy romance and sex as it comes along since for one, I am...

Generally I'm very depressed, lonely, and hopeless and have been for more than half of my life. Yeah it is very hard to meet people like that, especially when it is hard to meet people in the...

Yeah, I am very neurotic about life in general and as far as meeting people I have avoidant personality disorder which complicates matters in that area. Which thus makes it difficult to meet new...

Hi, I was wondering if any other INFPs have experienced extreme loneliness from being romantically lonely. I personally developed a very strong feeling of loneliness and despair to the point of...



Yes, I feel like I'm one of the weird ones. I do not know if INTPs, ENFPs, and ENTPs also feel like weirdos, but I do think it could be due to the fact that I tend to delve in the theoretical and...


Whenever I begun looking into Christianity deeply around the age of 16, I started reading about every single group and denomination and begun reading a lot of history. I am someone who values...

Math was very easy for me from late Elementary School through my College education. Like Neurotic Nerd I engaged it more like patterns and puzzles than as a logical thing. Even my logic class in...

I am emotionally dependent when I am in romantic relationships if I feel like I'm in love with the girl I am with. When I do not have someone to be emotionally dependent on or in a relationship where...

I believe the meaning in life is to find something or things to live and die for and to create our own meaning in life. If someone this could include religious beliefs, for others it might not. I...


By imagining what I would say to them, get too shy, and avoid eye contact and conversation.

I love to write and really ultimately I want to be a writer as a living. I think JRR Tolkien, Franz Kafka, and William Shakespeare were INFPs.

Aliens is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time. I think Ripley is one of most interesting and inspiring heroes in cinematic history and I think the Ripley and Newt relationship is one of the...

Lucas from Mother 3. Lucas doesn't go along with the modernization of his home and instead sticks to his ideals and values about life. He is very shy and does not have your typical heroic traits to...

For me and my values, I had to do a lot of reflecting on life to really find who I am and where I stand on things. When I was younger I read a lot about different religions, philosophies, and...

I enjoyed Math and History during my compulsory education, really started to develop a love for Reading and Literature classes near the end. As far as my time in college/university I really loved...

I enjoy dark subjects a lot because it is often in dark subjects that you can reflect upon the light in the world. At the same time, I think in art and entertainment these days has become...

I don't know how well I can reflect this because I am an INFP, but also have 4 anxiety related mental illnesses and major depression so it could represent the illnesses more than the INFP personality...

I eat organically and eat pescetarian, though leaning more and more to vegetarian.

I am Eastern Orthodox and have no problem dating women of different beliefs. If a potential girl tried to make me change my religious beliefs that would not work out because that would be a rejection...



If I get really mad at someone, I will go into a state of silence for a bit just to withdraw from the situation and collect my thoughts so I can be understanding when we talk, but I don't do it to...

Warning: Wears heart on sleeve.

I got Parvati - the goddess of power, devotion and creation.

My favorite is Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece, I guess he expresses who I am in my dream world. Fearless, emotionally charged adventurer.

https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/1601529_837991702895564_5646679860855505795_n.jpg  http://www.cooperativeindividualism.org/calvin-on-craftsmanship.gif

I have seen them all my life, Searching for a meaninglessness, That was never there, So they took it upon themselves to try to make their lives needless. They try to crawl into the walls, Into...


I'm still a virgin because I would feel like I would be literally married to someone if I had sex with them due to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bond it would create and I haven't...

Chaotic Good Human Ranger/Cleric (2nd/1st Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 13 Dexterity- 9 Constitution- 9 Intelligence- 15 Wisdom- 14 Charisma- 12



I wasn't really shaped one way or the other by this video. My view has always been that people are born morally neutral and that they learn how to behave from their culture, surroundings, and their...




1) Family 2) Romance 3) G-D 4) Visual Art 5) Music 6) Poetry 7) Women 8) Dogs 9) Color 10) Smell

Thanks for the welcomes. :)


For me, sex is a wedding ceremony, tis why I never had it yet. I'll feel infinitely bounded to the first person I have it with.

My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj7m1UA0JD0