
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Don't play robot with us... your a tootsie pop full of ooy gooy feelings and fluff, it's only a matter of licks

hmmm... you say you gave up on love entirely?? So if you meet someone else who is genuinely interested in you and is actually interesting themselves you'd probably just abandon the potential for...

Look for the silent one with the hypnotic unblinking stare :wink: ... they may have a habit picking at their fingers as they gaze into the distance (almost like they're knitting). I knew several...


If I were the cookie monster it would be my mission to dispose of and replace santa claus.....

166042 At a friends bday party, she really likes purple so we were all forced to wear it :tongue:

I know an ENFJ at work, we constantly bounce funny jokes and ideas off each other like a feedback loop of awesomeness.

Hmmm.. I don't recall ever seeing a FemmeINTJ with ought at the very least a somewhat attractive body, but you guys have the most gorgeous brains to ever think a thought. Keep it classy you sexy...

Haha it's ok I know. The question wasn't for you as a collective it was simply for each individual reading it who bothered to give a reply :wink:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFGjQj44HfA Does this do anything for you?:proud:

*group hugs every INTJ in proximity* Heart goes out to all you lovable robots.

There is no possible meaning to life, every meaning leads to meaninglessness. But still we all have life and the ability to enjoy it so that's enough for me :happy:

Haha... First time I saw this quote and I just thought the idea was funny that if your foolish enough to not care what other people think then the quote has no meaning except to those who aren't...

Probably more INTP porn but why not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yaqUI4b974

The halo weighs heavier then the crown. For to rule the kingdom bears burden on his brow, to rule himself will crush a man and bring him to the ground.

This may not be what you want to hear but that may be the problem. You haven't found that person you like more then yourself. You can chase after the person that compliments who you already are all...

Me with some members of my church, I'm 2nd from the left. 131041

Damn now I feel bad, can you find it your heart to forgive me. :sad:   http://media2011.buhfly.com/gifs/boo%20hug.gif
Nope that's enough   http://pleated-jeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/when-someone-you-just-met-wants-a-hug.gif
True I prefer to go light on the sarcasm but my hugs are second to none.   http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/ftpuploads/bloguploads/epic-hugs-the-office.gif

Well, well... I didn't realize that activity on PerC is somehow correlated with knowledge of MBTI. My apologies oh wise one. I am sorry if a caused offense. Your right, I don't know anything...

Look Alive_ Sunshine Yeah I know this is random but fyi, I'm fairly confident you are ENTJ and not INTJ. Just my opinion based on the observation that you don't follow the pattern typically found...

I don't know the exact situation your going through so I can only help so much. If your comfortable enough to share an example that would be helpful. I can tell you that just because we are mad does...

Sounds like INTP to me. INTJs I know tend to keep their opinion more to themselves and have more of a habit of mentally deconstructing the movie to understand it (just my INFP opinion). INTPs tend to...

Written for INFPs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNbZJ-IgAEg

It's pretty sweet

Good to have someone to talk to, but I feel we are the best when it comes to knowing our own issues.

1) The most I've ever seen an INFP girl do is try to initiate an initiation for you to make the first move. i.e. texting you been thinking about you and stuff like that. Your probably going to have...

Stupid debate at work with my INTP buddy can't remember how it started but it was whether Dr. Pepper is one flavor or the sum of 23 different flavors. INTP: All I taste is Dr. Pepper so it is just...

I love you guys ^-^

Yeah I'm INFP but I figured you guys might like this short conversation between me and a friend. Friend: How was work today? Me: We didn't have much to do so me and a buddy actually had a 4...

I noticed that I usually like hanging around INTJs and INTPs more than I do other INFPs. Might be the way I was brought up but I don't take myself seriously enough to be hurt by insensitive words...

Personally I have doubts about an entirely new religion forming and replacing the current big ones: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. Our civilization is to interconnected now and is able to share...

Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit. He that is proud of riches is a fool. For if he is exalted above his neighbors because he has more gold, how much inferior...

Let your worries go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFGjQj44HfA

Every type has their own role to play in the grand dance of social dynamics and human progression.

When you have a dream that someone you know really pissed you off somehow and you wake up angry at them. Sometimes you have to consciencly remind yourself your not really mad at them.

Same here but I don't consider that childish, especially since it has gotten deeper as I've gotten older.

OMG I love you!!! I have a very similar view. And also it's been forwarded, I'm awaiting the response.

As an NF it seems more your role to understand them. I must say hearing some of the skin deep descriptions on this thread has disappointed me. True the ESTPs can seem cold but truth be told they...

The Last of Us Beyond: Two Souls Heavy Rain Kingdom Hearts Shadow of Colossus (I found it deep in a subtle way)

So back in my youthier youth (still pretty much in my youth) I had the worst social skills imaginable. I had no idea how to react in so many social situations, today I can't help but laugh. My issue...

Take forever in the shower because you can't stop daydreaming.

Salihah Just wanted to say, your profile pic is adorable.

Life can be hard being the oddball. That said, no I would never change. The world doesn't need any more... normal.

So hard for me to answer!!! On one hand it is very helpful if the girl is extraverted, someone who can get the conversational ball rolling and stimulate and inspire my humorous and fun side. At...

streetsofazure Not being an ISTJ type myself or ever dated one I'm not the most qualified to answer your questions, but I can at least give some reassurance. One common theme I have found with ST...

Ouch, double post...

Hey ATLeow, As you mentioned, once you have truly no fear and accepted death then you can live freely with the knowledge and security that it will one day end anyway. Now you need to understand...

Happy to help :proud:'