
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Basically a lot of INTJs haha

Yeah! my username is CG Zelda d:

You've made me feel ohkay to elaborate .-. I said non-existent and the reasons are part by choice, part by a decision not made by myself. Both my mom and dad were extreme drug-addicts, and...

na c:

almost non-existent

I spam Sona, Nami, Karma, Janna... does that not fit the INFP personality type at all? #thehealer d:

What hurts me so bad that I literally reevaluate the friendship/relationship, and have kicked specific people that I used to be very close to out of my life for doing this to me? Deception allllll...

My main rule in life: Do what you want. That doesn't mean stomp all over everyone to get what you want, or do things that are harmful to others. Doing what you want happens in layers and it's at...

1- I dislike how hard it is for me to communicate my feelings, and how fickle my feelings seem to be (though I secretly love being fickle sometimes) 2- I love how much and how deeply I can love...

We accept the love we think we deserve. Unfortunately some of the most deserving people can't see themselves for who they are. However, if you find someone who can then you shouldn't push them...

My bestfriend asked me about her profile picture on facebook, because one of her coworkers told her she should change it, and wanted to know if I saw what that person saw. I sat there and thought, I...

I love INTPs <3

I'll have to try this the next time I have to do the dishes c: Or anything else for that matter

Not just guys, but EVERYONE should just be themselves. If you do that, eventually people will come along that like who you truly are, and those are the people that you actually want to keep around....

If I am in the moment and I see something I like, as long as I have money (usually I don't) you know I'm not gonna deny myself xD it's bad but I justify by saying, when will I get another life to...

This song is just so much fun! I would listen to it on repeat some mornings just to get a good start for the day c: (also on a sidenote, my name is Rhiannan, after the Fleetwood Mac song, my mom was...

haha! well it would have to be a figure that she finds worthy of a trusting association d:

I automatically trust you because your picture is Ginko. I'm prolly looking too much into a single factor such as that, however some how the feelings I associate with the anime make me think others...

That actually kind of did help! I'm starting to think he might be and ESFP haha

MY grandpa's type is a total mystery to me, but I think I have a good idea as to why I can't figure him out.. I think whatever type he is, he is prolly very underdeveloped in it. Like, some people...

What's good advice to give to an INFP who is letting their Ne run wild over a problem their having while at the same time letting their Fi get in the way of actually seeing the other persons view? I...

Basically Ne is the reason I can't sleep at night.

awwww thank you so much! and you are completely right, there are so many great things about INFPs, they truly are a wonder c: and really, learning the weaknesses have sincerely helped me and I've...

Here is my latest video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXzhbZRxR2E

Here is my latest video, I talk about problem solving! c: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXzhbZRxR2E

I tend to want to help people but through my experiences there are two main reasons or questions I find myself thinking through before I take an active role in helping an individual. 1. Can this...

aww, thank you so much! and I'll definitely have to check that reading out c:

I'll just put this here.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRzkhCUeCOQ And this here.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHRwzzZXHow

I used to feel very shameful of the things I've done in the past, and I would be so stuck in my history that I forgot I had a bright future ahead of me. I feel like obsessing over these sorts of...

Hello again, I'm here because I've uploaded a new video to youtube, since I posted that thread on my intro vid so I thought I'd just share the new one here too for all to see c: this one is just...

I agree though, they do make a good pairing c:

I have two very good INTJ friends! I actually do find them funny and am attracted to how smart they are because they are always teaching me something new d: However, there are some fundamental...

Just wanna talk about a scary-ish dream I just woke up from, because it had to do with a zombie apocalypse xD idk if I acted INFP in the dream or like a scared little girl but basically to set the...

This was so perfect haha this is exactly what happens every time me and my INTJ friend got into serious fights but I could never explain it to him.. either that or he was just letting my explanations...

As an INFP who is having sort of the same issue with a very close INTJ male friend right now.. I completely see where she may be coming from, and why you may be having issues with this. In my...

YES. Actions speak louder than words, and I wish my one friend would get how important that is to me, because he wants to make amends. but when someone completely breaks the trust I've had in them,...

This has happened twice to me this year, the first situation having been way worse than the other (so it seemed), but they were both people I completely trusted and confided, only for them to turn...

c: <3

Yes, tolerance and acceptance were key in me and my INTJ friend not hating each other with a burning passion lol c: it was very fun though, looking at our interactions and comparing it to the...

oh, maybe I didn't quite say it how I meant it! Despite what I mentioned in the video, I actually did and do enjoy the company and friendship of the INTJs that I've known, in fact 2 of them almost...

Thank-you! I will (:

I'd also love any input, I prolly look really silly and dumb in the video and I didn't quite know what to say o:

Hii everyone, I feel very silly but bear with me d: I'm going to be one of those people who makes videos about their type on youtube.... I thought it would be fun, and even if no one else enjoys them...

As an INFP, when I first took the enneagram test on this site my result was 9w8, however when I recently took it, I got 5w4. I felt a bit connected to both, however when I looked more into the...

179010 here I am c:

Personal ~ * Name - Rhiannan, but I prefer Rhi - Rhitard, Rhiject, I've even gotten Diarhia... my name fits into too many words, the puns are endless xD * Female Location - Where were you...

I feel ya ;D I'm Rhi! This place seems super fun c:

I LOVE YOU <3 xD You ALMOST reminded me of my bestfriend, however she is an ESFJ, and in a good way you helped me recognize the difference between the two types d; and you play league?! because so do...

You seem so silly, I love silly people! I'm an English major too, not totally focused on lit though, I want to be a high school English teacher c: But I'm taking my first lit class this upcoming...

I'm a new INFP too :D and if my friends could find MBTI even half as interesting as I do, I'd be one happy girl xD I just finished my first year of college, and I had a blast learning all kinds of...'