
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

Fear, anxiety and doubt.... They are hollow. A little bit of all three makes us better at our lives but how'd you know you're right unless you take your leap of faith or whatever you'd like to call...

What's stopping you ?

Unconditional love comes at one condition. Its that you are making use of it to be a better person. And to be honest, if you are a part of us, you already have felt it. We can't stay around you in...

This is going on a completely crazy note!

Dude/Girl, look nothing's for free in life. This holds true for relations as well. Everyone asks something out of us in return. You either give it to them, or you Dont get the company. Dont think...

Misunderstanding is a matter of improper communication, and it isn't directly dependent on anyone's personality. Keep a soft tone to your voice and you won't have much to worry about.

Prepare to learn something new and being a better person. Stay strong, stay persistent.

We are a bunch of people who think that, 'if this thing goes better like this, why can't it run that way and keep on chewing over the thought, increasing the profoundness of the idea each time we...

Long time, man. How ya holding up ?

Are you blogging ? If yes, please can you give me the link, if not, then can I wish for one ?

Those things snap like fucking pliers.... If it bites you, you're gonna scream really loudly.

Anybody interested in having a round of rum ?

This isn't the right corner to bump into ? Or is it ? :indecisiveness::indecisiveness:

I'll be back with some roofies!

I'm sorry to not answer you. Its a hard line of work today. What about ya ?

It happens due to allergies at times... I believe pollutants and nerve issues are out of the question. But it can be a nerve as well, if it gets serious.

What car are you working on ?

People like me go a little bit extreme at times.

First date.... Get a single rose with that long stem, presented as a token of the good time you guys are gonna spend together.

The guy has already started regretting the situation. He's kinda strong and I guess his expectation caused what happened... You know he wasn't expecting you to take chances with him and hence the...

Girls usually are supposed to act like ladies, they acknowledge what the dude does and also reciprocates to it. But the first move is the dude's responsibility and I am really happy about it.

I am gonna start writing today....

Those pics really add some color to the place.

Keep learning from it, friend. That's how bad things are turned to something useful.

You must be in some nasty business yesterday. What was the action about ?

Got some trouble in the eye ?

Do what you feel is more important. No one knows us better than our own selves.

Random thoughts do bring some changes in an otherwise monotonous conversation.

Today was an unexpected day. It was a 320km long ride, enrollment for my new degree, and getting my foot busted during the latter half.

Some can, others can't. Why do you ask, BT the way ?

Confidence. Not a trophy cup. Here, let's award you one. ______ / / / °||° [ ] /

Everything's well until I start gambling to make a living from it.

Too much curiosity either leads to worthy discoveries, or shocking realities.

Its considerably plastic. But has some liveliness to it. After all, being alone can also be too bothersome at times.

What do you consider to be your strong suite ?

I am a student. Got over with my graduation this year. Will pursue a degree in psychology now. Occasionally, I assist my dad in his business.

Bad day at work ? What's your occupation ?

I wonder, I never got the help of a counselor as most of them ignored such questions. But online tests said so... Plus the introversion that has been worked upon... And those abstract thoughts are...

Sounds familiar to me. Ah, happened sometime ago to me as well! I haven't grown out of it entirely, but I want you to, because you can. Its great that you have already channelized your thoughts and...

Aren't you a funny one ? Cheers, mate!

I believe I am good at my responses. Na, didn't have the audacity to pick a beverage today. Just enjoying the ambience.

Get over it, accept your flaws and try to change as you deem fit. No one is picture perfect.

How can you expect me to have fun without you being around ? Its not everyone who can talk after getting shot anyway.

Sounds like we have a real winner.

I tried my best... Good luck with your future endeavors, lady.

Finally, something changing its character from 'completely taboo to considerably useful'

That's basic human instinct, that's how we ended up being so social. Just being a bit considerate about it won't change much in your behavior, it will help you have a clearer experience with things....

Maybe that's why I do it. But excess of good is also bad, my friend. Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

Hello there. Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

Na, it is always desirable to have a bit of a mystery to a woman. Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk