
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'https://familymediadetox.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/captain-stubing.jpg well, at least im number one.

how in the livin FUCK do you think something like mcbareback is going to pass anywhere? :p nah homie, u get 'cumguzzler4', sweetcheeks.



i don't see it as being an idiot btw. more like being vulnerable/trusting around your partner

to each his own ¯_(ツ)_/¯

idiosyncrancies = hot

but the subtle details of that stumble nn, the subtle details.

dayyuum brah

Ruffle deh jimmies

depends on what type if experience you are looking to get in college and how you plan on utilizing your degree and education that will determine if it is a complete waste or not.

get them at a deeper level.

not sundae

True or False?

starting to feel like ur in an arnold movie huh

@luna it's a trap! :0

ill take it ur not that much into dicks. :laughing: To be fair i dont know much wat girlz be doing/thinking round the gym, but this one time i was out doing christmas shopping with family wearing...

everyone who enjoyd watching mario bros cartoons and were also dbz fans ^_^

sum say therrs a thin overlapping line between love and hate

(Idts)^3 || chesire && nabbit

Answer: No. Reason: They might clone you.

What if it's just like a temporary ki boost and he just needs the right teacher.


That was deeper than deep.


Ive been know to binge on captin' crunch from time to time

Truf ppl: who should PerCs next mod be and why

Im thinking construct an underground room 1 mile below the sahara desert

And could not be disturbed until the time was up, how would you do it?

*creeps on luna*


You know who you are.

Idts <-----> shahada

atama x Talon



po is a funny way of saying poor. benty coined in chatbox.

heeeeeeeey :octopus:

yeah but she wants to crush on them. Not the other way around.

Crazitaco and NN Tina and NN

Sure, all the time bro. When I was 12.


https://media.giphy.com/media/3oriNZNU6VDrDxM7sI/giphy.gif Who would your gym buddy/spotter be and why. Where would you hangout?

i *spotted* her first tho

Shippers Anonymous


want me 2 send u pics, or have u been doing that here already bon jovi?
