'She's asking for romantic novels, not romance novels. I do think Lolita for example is truly a romantic novel as far as I can tell. That's the horror and beauty of it. I wish I could help but I...
Interested in drugs, sure. As a socially anxious recluse it's hard to come by such illegalities (even though weed seems to be everywhere) so never tapped into that.
He seems like the one who doesn't have direction or ambition but he'll be the one content with expressing himself. I will not be the thing or person who makes him happy. I will not be the one to be...
I may go a bit off topic but bear with me. When my social anxiety was at its worst, I had trouble communicating with people online almost as much as in person (excluding instant messaging with...
I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me... but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too...
I don't feel much when I see a dead animal. It may make me slightly sad for a while but if it died of an accident or from natural causes there's nothing twisted or dark about it and so no reason to...
http://media-cache9.pinterest.com/upload/205617539207415273_gK8sSYUz_c.jpg http://media-cache4.pinterest.com/upload/151644712422902441_egFHihb3_c.jpg ...
I can relate. Actually I'm somewhat going through such a phase right now. I'm afraid to feel, I try not to dream so that my hopes don't intervene with 'real life' and I'm afraid of trying to cope...
I love discussions and hate it when people turn them into arguments. I'm not trying to prove a point, I'm trying to seek understanding and knowledge!
The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens and many others but this mainly at the moment.
I used to think I'm an INTP. I always tested as INTP and I just loved to believe that it was true because the portrait and cognitive functions of INTP were something easy for me to idealize because...
There is usually happiness in mindful melancholy. That is because mindfulness slows me down and enables me to observe other people's happiness. Melancholy disables me from pursuing that happiness...
Edit: Okay I bet everything I say has already been said or thought but since I wrote all this I'm going to send it anyway... INFP can survive in this world by being patient with the world and with...
If it's between INFP or INTP, I'd say he's an INTP. I can see Fe and Ti there.
Tea, relaxing music, a book on a theory about art and a sudden happiness. Apparently i'm a cliche but i can't help it, I feel so damn good right now.
You are tranquil You are able to stand back and really appreciate the ebb and flow of life. You find peace even in troubled times. You know that all bad things eventually pass, and you have a...
“The marvelous is always beautiful, anything marvelous is beautiful, in fact only the marvelous is beautiful.” & “By contrast, the realistic attitude, [...], clearly seems to me to be hostile to...
http://vimeo.com/34865902 I just love it how you see the movement of the earth when watching the stars. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyxx6aQZXo1r48z80o1_500.png ...
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyryb03LZ61r19k6qo1_500.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyrjdjpbf71r8ou0ao1_500.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyrt2p775x1qc7t4qo1_500.jpg ...
You got me interested and I went to borrow this from the library today. Has been quite intriguing by far. Thanks for sharing it here!
This made me smile.
SpaceCadette I was only talking about protein in my post, not iron or vitamins (not that there's any more problem attaining them in vegan rather than omnivorous diet). I'm sorry to hear about...
What's your definition of healthy looking? It's quite subjective so I wouldn't put much weight on such stance if I was you. Don't judge the book by its cover.
Envy is that you want something someone has, and jealousy is like a darker deeper version of envy which means you rather take away the one thing you're envious about from the one possessing it if...
This is a common case of ignorance. Very common (which means I'm not directing this only to you). When you study biology, you get to know that proteins are formed of amino acids, and it's true that...
Humans rarely are purely carnivorous so the right term would be an omnivore. What makes one proud of the fact that one eats meat? Could it be some kind of a counter-reaction to the growing...
Thank you for creating this thread. I never thought I'd be able to find people who share the wish to live life secluded from today's society, merged into art, science, literature, building my own...
http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2434/3727128167_16e733ba31.jpg ...
ericajoy You're the third one to post that video here (I was the second one) :D We INFPs seem to share one brain.
I usually lose interest when someone gets interested in me. Maybe it has something to do with my social anxiety disorder. Besides my exterior isn't the most appealing (or at least I think other...
You sound like an older version of me. With the same thoughts and the same fears. We both have issue with paralyzing anxiety. I always thought I could fix my own head cause I've always been quite...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKVcQnyEIT8&feature=share Edit: Lmao apparently I wasn't the only INFP who took notice of this video... My bad. I'll add something to make up for it: ...
I have three close friends. One of them has a crush on me. Other might be as much as in love with me (for as long as the past three years). I always wished to be desired but why now by the people I...
I'm sick of not getting anything done. How can you switch from a dreamer to a doer?
I'm very excited about my biology course and I've been studying the whole day and not once has it felt like a drag. I feel like I actually could do well in the mathematics matriculation exam (this...
I just watched The Future and even though I really loved the characters, I was expecting something exuberant but now I just feel sad.
I never choose a position of leadership but if I'm in a group with a united goal and a lousy leader who can't prioritize, assign clear jobs, be a team player and/or brainstorm anything I have trouble...
Medieval dance music Yes, sometimes it really is the small things.
This. Though Africa and Asia have interested me the most till now. I feel bad for Africa that I voted Asia lmao. I'm interested in all continents for different reasons.
I'd advice you to look into cognitive functions. Usually MBTI newbies forget that INFP is only a name for the type that has the function preference Fi, Ne, Si, Te. As aces88 already said, the rest is...
Bingo. You're not the only one. The good thing is it does broaden one's horizons in a sense. (If all INFPs only befriended INFPs..... after some time we wouldn't be anywhere close to reality...
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It's very very unlikely that there's no hope for you. I can tell you... one of my best friends was severely depressed for years (she told me...
^ Always tea, never coffee. Sun was shining today, I was surprisingly hardworking even though I was tired, I realized cocoa butter has nothing to do with milk and when I was waiting for a bus, a...
Just some moments ago. I realized how alone I am with my thoughts even when they really aren't that extraordinary.
Steppenwolf2 Actually, it took me so long to write my last post I didn't even see your first post before now! My frustration isn't anything new, I meant I've had (and apparently still have) some...
This topic reminds me of how delusional people can be (not pointing the finger at anyone!). I guess the most important thing is being said in the last paragraph of FlowerChild's post. Women are...'