
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'devastated! Rest in Peace Lou Reed!

Welcome to the forum, we're glad to have you:laughing:

yeaaah, i have a little Irish heritage:tongue:

1. Run out of the room and lock the computer inside! I would then worry constantly, hypothesis why my computer changed into a creature, and check periodically to see if it had changed back. 2....

I wish so much for a wife or girlfriend who makes more money than me!!

Isn't Darth Vader considered INFP?

I'm a cook, it is not a bad job but I am not content. Regarding school, I am finishing my undergraduate degree in sociology and I plan on gaining a masters in sociology, cultural anthropology, or...

I felt many similar things while I was in high school. To be honest, I didn't know how to change things then and I wouldn't know how to change them now. I am sure you have heard people say life gets...

Banned for using your powers so willingly!

I can be these things at times, but all the time or most of the time I try to be as caring, compassionate, and understanding as possible. We all have bad days, and we all can do mean things from time...

Beautiful Quotes, and I like to put a little cola in my hot apple cider:tongue:

x93For these beings, fall is ever the normal season, the only weather, there be no choice beyond. Where do they come from? The dust. Where do they go? The grave. Does blood stir their veins? No: the...

I think many of us have a hard enough time telling what is reality without the help of drugs=P Personally, I never found getting high or drinking enjoyable. I always felt too anxious, depressed,...


Hair waving in the wind. Social Norm

Sociology, I realize my than instead of then is not really reflective of that haha!

I graduate with a bachelors next summer! Than going on to my masters!

We're excited you have you here=) Welcome to the forum!

One of my co-workers speaks Hindi, it is a really nice sounding language!!

Yes! if I remember it was a bus! I saw your are Portuguese=D that is great=)

Both actually, my professor teaches European Portuguese while his T.A. teaches Brazilian! We get some lessons on Mozambican and Angolan Portuguese too!


Always glad to have another ENFP on board!


Welcome to the site!

hey, welcome to the forum! We're glad to have you!

Existentialism! Coool! There is a book store close to my house, and whenever I by a Camus book the clerk gives me a nasty look!

Work, homework, and rock!!!!


I tried learning Icelandic, on my own, when I was a teenage, unfortunately there weren't that many resources available back then!

Personally, I don't want anyone else in there!

5'6'' - 169 cms, I stopped growing around the age of 14, I have been self-conscious about my height in the past, but I like my height now!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln7OIyhEUiA Sad scene, but nice kiss!

I take classes at University! I am in the Latin American Studies program . . . I find that area of the world very interesting! I also use youtube videos/CDs/Books that i find on my own.

That is really great!! I have been learning Portuguese for the last year!

Looks like a lot of fun, telepariah

what is this 'love life'?

How many INFPs here have ever worked, studied, or volunteered abroad? I have signed up for an internship to Bosnia and Herzegovina and I thought it would be helpful to hear other INFPs' stories on...

I am sure someone has already pointed this out, but the ban thread got banned=P ha! Banned for pursuing the forbidden love, ESFJ love!

Hey Everyone, Perc is full of people from all over the world, so I thought it would be a great idea to make a thread for people who need help with a language they are learning!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLIGh3Ir2_A&feature=relmfu Of course the guy with the username 'fishsticks' wants to hear dirty jokes=P

haha thanks, much appreciated!

I graduated almost 5 years ago and I never went to prom. I didn't go because I was in a new school and I really didn't know anyone. I think it would have been nice to go, but at the same time I don't...

My parents are, but I am from Montreal=P

Philip Glass! a true master!

Mulan for sure!!!

Social Sciences! I Major in Sociology and minor in Latin American studies!

Go for it! I would say it is the most practical, in regards to economics, of the writing classes!

Welcome Earthling, to the Alphane moon!

Glad to have you! Welcome to the forum=)!'