
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4SJ0xR2_bQ Indeed.

Not a lesbian. Still a fan :) They're not my fav band, but I do respect them ever since I saw this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zonZcBXZjqI

I loathe smoking also. Mostly I loathe that they don't seem to be aware the standing up wind of you 3 metres away is just as good as blowing smoke right in your face. When you were standing there...

MBTI... It's an interesting guideline to get where people are coming from in a phase of their life. I don't believe for a second that types don't change. Perhaps people want to resist typing because...

My thoughts: People are born who they are. Not as a 'type'. I have not seen any inarguable evidence to suggest that types never change. (Please give supporting evidence if you can.) That...

Update: Apparently a sentence proposing: typing is a just another system people learn, and in doing so, use their knowledge to dish out misguided wisdom or devlish superiority. is enough...

A few years ago I tested multiple times as INFP. For a while, it made sense - sorta. Then I began to find more and more, the descriptons just did not fit. Sure, there were hazy similarities,...

Weird. Thanks for dropping by my useless thread. I hope that one mouseclick and the unnecessary scrolling you may or may not have had to do to read it, doesn't contribute to your future arthritis. ...

Cowardly? No. Unwilling to cause a ruckus unless it's actually important? Yes. Nothin' wrong with that. Perhaps we get more scared than others about some things, we also get less scared about...

Ugh... I never come back to the site, I just randomly talk on Vent. And now here I am being forced to log in to complain. Yes, forced. Yes, complain. I'm viewing this as a personal insult. ...

I am possibly moving to Sydney in 3 months, but I don't know you anyway... :dry: Actually I'm a little creeped out when I find out people live near me that could possibly blur my internet and real...

whoops posted in the wrong thread :P

Fuck. I'm. Good.

depression, anxiety disorder... haven't needed any meds or anything for 4 plus years and I'm great though. I was using my brain wrong and had to retrain it :P

I want to be braver :)

Wow. Some things never change around here... :P

ISTJ I reckon

Frustrating as all fuck. Endless debates where he comes across as arrogant and knows better. Tries to avoid looking at information that would prove him wrong, instead insisting that his...

I like Dawkin's best I think. You omitted murder! lol ... now I'm a little bit scared of you >_> <_<

not even a wild turkey riding a moose would consider it.

I think it's more about what you can do personally, and then spread the word. You have the power to stop buying plastic and encourage others through conversations, blogs, music, whatever you're best...

Thank you so much for responding, Skewed. Hoorah for someone that woke up long before I did! In what areas do you desire to make a difference, Skewed? What do you feel are the best methods for...

Yes, I'm very satisfied. Thank you. And yes, what IS with the chat?... the one day in a blue moon I feel like chat and it's busted. Pah! :tongue:

Absolutely not. No. No. No? Oh... a bit... a bit.. no smaller, smaller... here just... okay all of it? Yup, okay. Yup good. thanks.

Can you figure out hot to make plastic that is unable to biodegrade somehow biodegradable? Or some sort of plastic attracting magnet that will filter tiny plastic particles out of seawater for me? ...

Yeah, well I surely don't want to pass it by. Don't want to clean it up either, but clean it someone must. Thanks!

Yeah, so I'm wondering if you have some things you'd like to change for the better?! For me the list includes things like (far from an exhaustive list): 'Someone else will do it' attitudes....

Purple bottoms and pink rhinoceriiiiiii That makes as much sense to me as this topic....

Is it just me, or does it seem like almost everyone has turned into eternal fence sitters? Waiting for others to fix what they feel is wrong, or to heap praise on what is right. .. When did we all...

Because until someone points out that it is in fact shit, they believe that there is no such thing as shit. Or, they know it is shit, but refuse to look at it for fear of being put off the act of...

Roland - No. Slow - I think it means that you find roses taste bad when you eat them.

I liked your recs, Trope. Thanks! Kino's Journey - was very good. Very different from anything I've watched before. Eureka - I'm having a ball with at the moment. Up to episode 27. Yay! ...

2 of you have passed... just 2... how disappointing

dffsdfdfsfsd test

Heh, thanks :) You're awesome. It still kind of feels.... like i shouldn't be here... :mellow: I'll lurk once in a blue moon perhaps.

thanks nyxy! You're a gem :happy:

ENFP for sure

seconded. I hate that.

'tis a glorious photo, Silly! Way to fight censorship. Heheh

Opinions and other sexy pictures welcome :)

*Happy basks in the love* heheh

Yaaay two people like me! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hmm... I like, or am amused by these people Slowriot Gopher Shackles Lance Chawklet/Nemeis Nyx/Starry Ungeweylalaaallnte Trope

If I disappear I probably won't bother making a goodbye thread about it (unless I decide to go out in a spectacular inferno flame thread). And as to speculation, Happy is very happy with the...

You're so cute when you're delusional. Wait. No you're not.

I agree completely with Cryptonia. And for similar reasons, I'm leaving too. It was a great, and yet not at all great experience for it's bloody awful extremes of out right ridiculuityisness. I...

Lawds, how easy it is to start a horn fest! :wink: Nyx and Daylight might get performance anxiety.... I took down my photo. People could either hate me too much, or love me too much. I can't...

Well.. as an INFP, I AM considerate and caring... when I feel like it. The only thing I'm 'overly' is awesome (if such a thing is even possible). And I am not a turtle. I'd say I'm more of a...

ehehee eheheheehee oh, stop it. I look awful when I blush :blushed:

I'm going to side with Lance here. You bashed my idea and it's implementation pretty hard, and now you're utilising it. For some reason I very much like ya, chawk. But you are very opinionated......'