
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

Is it ever possible to have the perfect life? Perfect body? Perfect relationships? Perfect job? I'm not sure. What am I striving for, then?

I'd probably be a cleric. A neutral good cleric. Does anyone else enjoy the healer role in games? Is that linked to INFPs at all?


'There are no foreign lands. It is the traveller only who is foreign.' 'We are all travellers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.' ...


Paraffin? Paraffin wax? It's the lines on my nana's face as she tells me the meaning of life, and the patterns in the smoke of her cigarette, and the swirls in the old wooden table. ...

Should I call?


'Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.' - Alexis Carrel Unrelated: I want to write a poem about February in Australia.

Eh, relaxed, actually.

Yooooo, books! I haven't read any of the ones you've listed, sorry, but I'm only young. I should write them down for later. I guess I'll post my favourite young adult fiction trilogy, because...

1. You are walking in the woods. Who are you walking with? I'm probably by myself actually. So I can be at peace with my own thoughts. 2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What...

If you ignore the gender swap and the pressure of saving the world, I'd definitely be 91731

Definitely green. As well as autumn colours.

When people talk shit about someone who does not deserve it one bit. Take your prejudiced, racist, sexist, hurtful and all round unreasonable opinions elsewhere or god help you, I will shout and...

Theodore from that new movie 'Her'. He had an amazing outlook on life.

Well I suppose I'll bite. I'd just dropped out of high school due to depression. I ended up seeing counselors at a company specifically for teens and young adults. In addition to that, there were...


I'm not actually that picky with making friends. I believe that every person on earth is worth talking and listening to and making a bond with. I'll probably learn something new by hanging round with...

I'm in love. Unemployed, but in love.

Couple more waistcoats. 91723 91724 91725 @Wellsy If a man walked up to me in one of these I might faint a little bit.

Happy Australia Day guys!! I hope that wherever you are, you are learning to love yourself, and move positively into the future, working on creating the best you your lovely INFP self can possibly...

You know you're an INFP when you want stags wearing leather jackets to be a thing. Yeah. Animals with personalities wearing clothes, haha. Time to daydream.

Feeling melancholy on a cloudy summer afternoon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbI-B-hffbM

Waistcoat porn? Waistcoat porn. 91608 91609 91610 91611 91612 I just... I just really like waistcoats.

I recommend it! You can choose whatever film you want, and don't have to worry about how anyone else is finding it. You can feel, think and react how you want to it. And no one judges you for the...

What if... what if we could touch people and absorb some of the pain they are feeling, physically or emotionally. Like, hey buddy, you look kind of down today, do you want me to take some of that...

Going to go see a movie tonight by myself. I'm really looking forward to it. Anyone else love doing this?

Here, have a shock blanket. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v620/Redmagelilith/tumblr_m0kn8tOEFa1ro8fvjo2_250.gif I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL.


It's 11:10PM, and it's pouring down with rain!! Should I go and sit in it? I think I'll go sit in it. Did anyone else watch Eurovision last weekend?

I think this is a very INFP song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmc21V-zBq0

Prince Aleksandar von Hohenberg from Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan series. Oh man, I had a crush on him for ages. And I'm 80% sure he's an INFP too, so I could empathise well with him. Oh, Alek. How...

Hahaha, oh no, they're definitely not mine. I'm flattered, though! :tongue: I probably should have posted the artist's name along with them.

Thanks, I love them! They're oil paintings by artist Jeremy Mann. I wish I could paint like that...

I'm a fan of 'sonder' - the realisation that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own - populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited...

I get this ALL the time. :blushed:

I like the name Simon. And Elizabeth. But I'm not really sure. What country do you want to travel to? Or what is your favourite country to be in other than your own?

726067260772608 Does anyone else love the rain? This is Sydney right now.


I've just realised - I've lost my heart. Wow, OK. I started losing it two years ago, and this year it has left me altogether. I am tired, worn out, and I'm finding it hard to feel anymore. My heart...

I typically read fantasy novels, to escape into a world that isn't ours. I'm currently rereading the A Song of Ice and Fire series. What is your one true favourite song? The one you go to when the...

Music can speak to anyone, anywhere in the world, no matter who they are or how they've been brought up. It is the oldest, widest, deepest language the earth has ever known. 'The soul that sees...

Imagine if everyone in the world got into bed and slept at the same time. The earth would be so quiet for a few hours.

It's almost the weekend! Finally... I am so exhausted...

Why the hell not. http://img.pandawhale.com/post-14135-Relaxing-looping-tea-gif-6UHJ.gif You can't buy happiness, but you can buy tea. Which is kind of the same thing.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkm6EK9j9hs This song feels kind of INFPish to me. I love it, it holds so much emotion. I wonder what type Hiccup is, from HTTYD? Perhaps he's an INFP...

Done are the days of the cage around my heart Today will start a new beating of unburdened blood

I've always wanted to be an outdoors person. I love the idea of it, but I'm always too lazy in the end! I have a bike, I need to use it! Well, that can be a goal for me for the future. Note to self -...

Taurus - Earth! I have a passion for astrology. I don't really believe it all, but I love looking it up and learning about it. But I'd like to think I'm down to earth and patient like a true...