You want me to explain the things I just said? *Goes inside self for about half an hour(/a couple of millennia), entire body shuts down* That's just unpossible! Meanwhile the whole World...
Think about the free time we'd have! My goodness. If this ever happens do you want to gather a bunch of INFPs and explore the galaxy? :tongue:
Not ENTP, but...I never really knew. The only response I probably would have given is, Something else...?
Yep. As a discipline I was hopeless at it. But when it comes to daydreaming and trying to get an accurate picture, in my mind, of the past I do that a lot. Like many people here seem to be saying. I...
Have you ever watched the film Cast Away?
The Decemberists - Castaways and Cutouts The Roots - How I Got Over The National - Alligator
I come from Essex in the UK so this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9s9lWIKPeY The English Army grind their teeth to glass.
What is the genre? Sci-Fi. Like a H.G Wells novel type of sci-fi. Who do you cast? To play the roles of you and the people in your life? Obviously young Muhammed Ali. Miranda Richardson....
Inferior Te and 5w6. You are here and I am there. I've burnt every bridge which leads to my lair, so don't even try finding it. Buried all the slaves with me in my tomb. I am an evil genius! I...
Didn't read through the whole thing so sorry if I'm jumping on a point from a few pages back here. But I always think of religion as a piece of bark. As one of those façades they put up to make...
Had two proper sessions of mushroom ingestion. First was alone in my bed listening to music. Started seeing skulls and death everywhere. Generally got really mentally tired and everything turned...
I can easily dismiss the concept of good and evil. But you'll have a hard time to rip the feeling of it from my vision.
A stranger's just a friend you haven't met.
I think that ignoring dom Fi creates brain aneurysms. Actually reading the word 'brain aneurysm' might cause brain aneurysms too. But I'm sure it doesn't. Is anyone else afraid of brain aneurysms?...
A void that is hidden within a void that is not.
5w6/9w1/4w5 My two last ones there are, what I consider, normal INFP enneagram results. I mean 9w1 fits with a lot of the stuff about INFP, and practically half (or more?) of INFPs seem to be type...
Light don't grow on trees. You gotta make that shit. You know? Everyone's dark man. But it's about being able to make that light, about bringing enough of yourself to collapse in on itself.
I think being sober is the most fucked up trip there will ever be.
He's not looking out at the World and seeing a bunch of systems. There are people out there and systems within systems and etc.
I don't see the point where you start laughing at somebody who has had something unfortunate happen to them in actual reality. I don't get all weepy or anything, I just don't see the part of it where...
I don't think my brain chatters. It observes in lots of different ways. If it's not observing then it's in some make-believe world where I'm talking to somebody I know (having a conversation with...
At first INFP and 5/9 wasn't sure. Now INFP 5w6/9w1/4w5. Pretty sure about that, but always ready to change. @tanstaafl28 Is this a case of 5w6 trial of information? I feel like through all...
Hello Everybody. Could someone post some examples of 5w6/9w1/4w5s please. I searched for some a while back and couldn't find anything at all. The closest I seem to have found is David Lynch, but...
http://i.imgur.com/oDcMmb2.gif Loads of INFPs mistype as 5 ahem what are you guys looking at? It's okay, as long as we all have each other. We will survive!
For the record most introverts will be the way they are simply because of brain chemistry. i.e. There is no way to fix them please do not waste your time! They simply will not be as energised by...
I feel as if I'd be feeling the gesture was inauthentic as compared to my experience of the affection I feel which does not project itself. The actual action may be more Fe than Fi. I don't think it...
I imagine that the INFP is both the witchfinder and the witch and the xSTPs are the rabble which burn one after the other. :sad:
I agree with this, although I think it's too conservative in its outlook. There is still a room for creativity and spark in any form of expression. You need to know the rules to break them etc. But,...
I think that it'd be interesting to see if there is a split in this to any great degree. Personally I view myself as more INxx because I relate less with the extroverted feeling than with introverted...
A droplet of Earth, isolated, distinct; a craven form hiding amongst the shadows as the message hides in the word.
I would never do such a thing to placate any urges to be social. Maybe to work through a thought, or having a debate with one of my cats about social welfare programs, but that's it really. Most of...
1: What's your MBTI Type? INFP 2: What's your Gender? Male 3: Are you the eldest child, middle child, or youngest child? Eldest 4: How do you learn: Hands-on, seeing, or auditory?
Rosa Parks is awesome.
Awww your mother sounds lovely.
I love Discworld. It is so flavourful. :kitteh:
Depends how drunk I am. If I'm drunk enough then every gets to see my improv dance bonanza. If not drunk then it's all about trying to reserve my strength as best I can waiting for something...
To answer this you need to know what it is that makes you who you are. What part of my self is it that would be around before I was even born? To that I would answer that the potential of our...
I think Jane (Type 4), Trent (Type 9) and Daria (Type 5) are all different types of INFP. Incidentally all these are in my tritype.
Not a very INFP guy but I'd say Diogenes. A smart man lives in a mansion, a genius lives in a barrel. Sums it up. :blushed:
You ever try to get rid of the acorn because of the tree?
I'm pretty sure Peterborough is where all the vampires hang out. Don't take it personally, it's just nobody really has any real idea about what a Peterborough is. Is Peter the head vampire? Is Peter...'