Dude I stubbornly wore sweats till like grade 8 for much the same reason. Didn't want kids to think I was trying to be cool. It wasn't that I was worried about being cool, it's like I didn't want...
I don't quite get it, they sound pretty similar to me. Explain?
This was a random rage post. But the point is still there. I've spent my entire life trying to solve this X factor and to no avail. I will not give up. Perhaps this is my INFP idealistic quest -...
I mean really is there no end to the irony of sitting on this endless pool of awesomeness but going into an epic panic reaction any time there's even the smallest chance of anyone getting close or...
How the FUCK do I turn it off??? Please I am so sick of this.
INFP should probably get like a goverment AISH cheque or something.
I'm pretty much the same way and have been trying to solve this puzzle for the majority of my life. How exactly does an INFP move from the act of dreaming to actually doing. I don't know for me it...
When the matrix was first built, there was a man born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted, to remake the matrix as he saw fit. It was he who freed the first of us.....After he...
We've survived by hiding from them, by running from them. But they are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the doors, they are holding all the keys. Which means that sooner or later, someone is...
Craaawling in my skin!!!! These wounds they will not heeeeeeeeal
It's a troll day, what? WHAT?
We will use our epic infp rage to defeat them! Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Ok so yeah we are all Emo because the world doesn't understand us and woe is us and everything like that. Ok fuck that, we all know that there are others, and together we can start working together...
Man fuck the quest to find a life quest its so annoying. I hope mine ends soon.
Totally the same for me. Always had to retreat to my batcave on a regular basis and prolonged exposure to big groups does 4hp/second damage to my soul.
Come with me if you want to live
Oh absolutely man. I'm usually pretty sure that the world should celebrate my birthday as a national holiday. But that's just because I'm kinda crazy. What the INFPs need is a secret underground...
Kinda pissed me off. I wasted 26 fucking years of my life trying to change who I was before realizing I should have accepted who I am all along.
Seriously who the hell let them put an ad like that on a site like this. Ridiculousness!
Sylar! ???? I just love the name Sylar. But then I thought about it and maybe.
Wow I love this place. Think of a small little idea and you guys expand it in ways I'd never had thought of its great :)
It's weird I never really put 2 and 2 together until I did the personality test and started reading about INFP and these forums and stuff but it's so true. I was having like a really really bad day...
Man thats a cool concept. So like instead of trolling the INFP forum maybe I should do what your doing and learn all about the other types.
I am absolutely terrible with this as well. I dabbled in some ecstasy for a bit there and man its a bad idea especially for INFPs for this reason it opens you up like 500% what it opens up a normal...
This is the time to change and make things right This is the time to make it on your own
Hey now! Being a troll is an ART and INFPs are ARTists! It makes perfect logical sense!
Dude I used to have so much fun being an epic level troll on some forums. I think it mainly stemmed from not being totally comfortable with regular topics of conversation because I was kinda weird...
Really I need to know.. how do you make decisions when it feels like everyone is watching you and the choice you make will somehow determine the fate of all existence? I've never been good at...
God being INFP sucks
Prepare yourself for the abyss!
It's kinda sad really how much the social introversion thing limits ones ability to get the most out of these things. But at least now that I'm reading about this personality stuff and realizing its...
Ok heres the thing in my life that prompted me to make this post: When I was younger I got my yellow (and like a stripe or something) in both karate and tae kwon do, but quit because, well I was a...
Never even kissed a girl till I was 24. Believe me it will happen when it happens and it will be great :)
My friends and I made all kinds of fucked up home movies as kids. I was usually too nervous to totally cut loose but I liked it :)
Quiet Shy Easily played by myself Wrote scripts for family to read (stories. fucked up stories) Loved drawing, singing, and reading Always pretending Stubborn Broke little rules (unless...
Yeah I'm going to try that too. Never had much luck before but this internet dating fad has really blown up in the last few years :)
Lol you just described exactly my relationship with my mother (and my father for that matter). I've always just done whatever whether it be eating or talking to someone or any activity and they were...
I am about to attempt to solve this problem. I just broke up with my girlfriend of about 2.5 years. The primary components of the experiment will be copious amounts of alchohol and psychoactive...
Holy shit your skill is running out. you are like the most pro ever! Let the darkness fade rapidly. Let it all go, and focus. Focus on what Laura says Only doing what she says Let go of...
Ok I rarely bring out this interest for some reasoN I find it intimmidationg, but I have a strong fascination witth hypnosis and mind control and psychological mumbo jumbo It excites me i was...
But still, sometimes its like you're drowning so hardcore that the only thing that will burst you out of it is an epic level anger blast and a serious fuck IT moment!
I've been a gamer from a very early age so most of my rage was inconsequentially directed at video games. They made a pretty good outlet but perhaps made it take longer to get my anger under...
A new kind of ethnic cleansing anyone? What would the word for Holocausting specific personality types even be. How would you know if they were one of us or one of them?
Yeah for sure its not all nature there's the nurture in there as well.
In junior high I hit a kid with this spear i brought for some class. Another time I actually bit a kid. This other kid I fought in the halls about three times. Eventually people just thought i...
You must make Emily your friend Then you must turn her into a weapon Only then shall you receive final victory!
Your right! INFP's own!'