
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'I like games where you dont have to follow the storyline, games where you can do whatever u want: like WOW, Starcraft. Simcities and simparks etc.. were fun too when I was kid.

I think it is happening to me kinda too. I was kinda emotional when I was kid but nowdays I think I have very strong thinking side too, maybe I eventually become more like INTP than INFP, dunno....

Yeah Paris Hilton is actually smart girl even tho she act stupid blonde role a lot. ENTP

Lol I dont think INFP is very common hipster type, ISFP, ESFP are most likely hipster types I think.

I like girls who look like kinda Kristen Stewart - like I like beautiful, sensitive and delicate girls, not hot/sexy/dirty/masculine girls :P

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGE-f1s9XMc&feature=fvwrel This is parody of snoopy dogg ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsVnExzvsLg Great lyrics, too bad most of u cant understand ...

mum : ISFJ+INTJ dad Sis: = INFJ Grandmum: ESFJ and then me: INFP

this test is obviously bullshit, I got 29 and I am way more empathic than average person. This test just shows that INFP:s are kinda private and introverted ppl. Besides the test seems to be showing...

am I first who says INFJ..... RLY?

I play starcraft 2 too, Mineralz evolution is best custom game lol

hhmm Harry kinda acts like great leader: I would say ENTP / ENTJ Ron ESFJ Hermione: INTJ Luna: INFP

INFP:s are kinda mysterous and feelers so I understand if some ESTJ:s sees us a litte feminine, we are not like stereotypical men. Like Kurt Cobain said: but Kurt Cobain wasnt rly feminine after...

I like and respect polices, but gotta admit, here in Finland polices behaves differently than in USA so I also understand why most of here hate police.

I think cynicism may be INFP and FI thing at least to some point. Like if I watch news and I see some dead ppl in news; I dont feel much sympathy/empathy when some Fe ppl are almost crying even tho...

Lol, I have an identical situation than u. Dad INTJ, mum ISFJ, sis INFJ. Kinda makes sense if ISFJ+INTJ make babies they get = INFJ or INFP

I think the french guy Pip is INFJ or ENFJ

If u think hitler was INFP or INFJ you guys must be totally retarded. Hither was most likely NT - great warleader with huge visions.

Yes that is true, but estonia and finnish arent as similar. I bet swedish guy understand at least half what norwegian guy is saying but finnish guy dont understand much what estonia guy is saying.

All of those are pretty similar tho... More like dialekts than different languages

Yup, but racism is rising in europe, just in france far-right Le Pen got almost 20% of all votes. We europeans arent used to live in multiracial-multicultural society and many of us think that our...

I have like since a kid escaped reality, having adventures inside my head or surfing on net etc.. lol

Kyle : ENTJ Stan: ENFJ Cartman: ESTJ Kenny: ISTJ

Breivik wasnt pro-white, so not very likely scenario. Idk do u live in europe or not but seems that u dont understand whats going on there: watch this video : ...

I dont like books, I rather watch videos or documents about the topic, than read a book about it. Why to read when u can see?

Hope they legalize most of drugs, I would love to try LSD and shrooms. MDMA is prolly better partydrug than alcohol too, even tho I have heard it may be dangerous so hopefully some scientist develop...

Sex or not, does it rly matter. I dont wanna have kids atm so why I would want to have sex? If I want satisfaction I just watch porn and masturbate lol

Gotta disagree, even tho INFPs are not the most common type of athletics, IFNP can very successful even the best. Isnt perfectionism one INFP personality strait so....

INFP should get some stress-free job like working in library etc... and focus on freetime. A job isnt most important thing in the world, just get easy job and get enough money needed to buy bills and...

I am atm in university reading sociology but university seems to be NT:s playground upcoming jobs too so maybe I change it to librarian- it would be stable stress-free job with decent income, I like...

It is hard to be successful in this world being sentive and caring male, I just wonder sometimes that maybe I should become total ass.hole alfa-male since they are most successful here. Don`t...

Mum ISFJ Dad INTJ Sister INFJ Me INFP kinda makes sense, I got intuition from dad and feeling from mum.

Well since their culture is so different than ours they muslim and black from third world country and many finns are racist towards them it aint easy for them and that`s why they start doing...

I am from europe and I rly dont want that immigrants come to my home-country, especially if they are from Africa. They will barely adapt our culture and I doupt that they never fit in our society...

Well because many INFP:s are looking soulmates so no wonder if there isnt many potentials profiles. I have been using datesites like an year and havent find many potentials and not many ppl take...

Zeitgeist is utopia and it will not happen any near times..... It is not systems fault that everything is fucked up if the goverment is corrupted and dumb like it is in USA it dosent matter if the...

INFP guys just have to man-up, not gonna be easy but if you want something u have to do something about it.

I am not very competitive so I rly dont care much does my team win or not but I like rly much manykind of sports. I am pretty good floorball player I would say, I could play in some high-lvl teams if...

Science is cool, I like to read some science-magazines a lot , not sure tho will I ever be a scientist xD

I think INFP:s are idealistically hippies but hippies use drugs, have sex with anybody are very open etc... I think it is not 100% INFP thing, tho I would like to attend some hippies events :D But...

Not easy task to be a male-INFP xP I dont hate myself but for sure I have sometimes bad self-esteem but in other hand sometimes I have very good self-esteem. I just should be stronger.... and I...

V for Vendetta movie was inspiring so I have to say Guy Fawkes.

I think it is because of FI, we tend to keep our feelings inside, also I use positive outlook and humour in serious situations, it is my way to deal stress...

I have somehow stereotype about ENFJ:s that they dont understand sarcasm very well, am I right?

Yup I use sarcasm a lot and funny onliners. Even about serious issues I make jokes, maybe it is my way to deal with stress. When I was school I did stand-up kinda shows often, even tho I am very...

Haha I was 6 months in army and it wasnt ideal place for me, I didnt do very well there and I thought in beginning whats wrong with me, eventually thanks to army I ended up taking personalitytests...

I drink sometimes... when I was younger I drank more because I had friends who tend to do that but nowdays I drink like 4-5x a year, I would tho drink more if I would have more friends who would...

hmm computer science and programming sounds intresting, too bad though that here in finland there seems to be already too much computer-experts so there is hard to find a job, unless you create new...

I think my stage is lvl 5-6

My guess is: he was xSTJ or xNTJ Typical type of army-leaders

I would do well but usually I am too lazy, anyways school has always been kinda easy to me.'