
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.


an ESTP would be good as a gym partner i think

You people seem to have brothels and gyms mixed up b


I do not know who I am though

oily oily


atamagasuita x whitey's job

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but pls teach

https://pics.me.me/who-is-donald-j-trump-oh-hes-only-the-man-8998658.png http://media.2oceansvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/hattrump5.jpg...

an asian trying 2 take whitey's job, typical

i didn refuse i forgott sry here is moneys  https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/cpsprodpb/132A7/production/_88630587_trumpfin.jpg

i want more! giv a man a fish, he will eat 4 a day, teach a man 2 fish, he will fish 4 liftim

aw yay!

no normies use gramar

10/10 no lie detect

i ned interernt poitns

u stealin my ship?  pull up brah  http://i.imgur.com/lB5zEZc.jpg


you read lolicons and paedophiles i read beta peadophiles and alpha paedophiles

I nominate awildjazmin http://personalitycafe.com/members/awildjazmin.html

ok imma head to the introduction thread and find a newbie to nominate

Toru Okada x Invalidation

Nabbit x Mail

the hysterics of a monster

course u dont, ur entp jk am sorry u are loved

Thank you for making me feel good. I misunderstood you. Look forward to seeing you on saturday. :happy:

keyboard x perc

Veil's fingers x keyboard

Veil x Chronic Disorder

It started like 2 weeks ago when i delved into the gossip section for the first time, and now i cant stop shipping people, things even! like when i make cereal, when adding the milk to the cereal,...

i feel this rn :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJlyMjtszLI

this has lasted like 2 weeks now y u do dis 2 me??????

benty x craycray taco


is there anything that you enjoy?

(I only just searched 'hard fact' on google images to see that at some point, it was Cools slogan. Kinda fitting seeing as people that say such phrases in real life seem like this brand of beer. The...

the finest refreshment in spam world! http://a.espncdn.com/media/motion/2010/0930/dm_100930_sc_coldhardfacts.jpg http://a.espncdn.com/wireless/mw5/r1/images/chfacts/handset/header.r2.jpg ...

all chinese cartoon watchers over the age of 13 are paedophiles  https://www.greenwayhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/fact-image-e1407765998270-260x170.png

hard facts!

ur avatar is alpha af

hard fact: as a student, this is my diet 80% of the time

yay! aww!

i do not nominate u i do not think that anybody nominates u or maybe 3 ppl do

when there is a will, there is a way

...why i hurl abuse towards the mods so much, it just feels so natural, so wrong but so right, makes u feel like a big man against goliath, the rush u get when you press reply on that insult...

a shit mod

u r insult urself? u r lyk animal when introduced 2 mirror

