------------------------------ You are driving along and your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere - you do have phone reception and battery, luckily. What do you do? Keep it brief. ...
Is that relatives can be oblivious to what they are saying and can hurt a child very easily. My two cousins are 10 and 7. They both received their school report for their year. In a...
When some days just don't seem to want to happen due to all that lack of daydreaming you had the day before.
The least awkward silence in the world. I'm with an INFP so we just end up half the time cuddling in beautiful silence.
INFP Which is exactly the type I'm currently seeing :)
My dad is an ISTJ. I don't think there's any doubt about that, he hates people. Once, he got home from going to the fish and chip shop and complained about how someone tried to engage in conversation...
In terms of skilled trades I'm not very good with my hands or handling things in general due to dyspraxia. I think there's the odd few jobs in that category that aren't quite as measurement or...
From a young age (since the age of 10/11) I knew it was probably going to be involving computers in some way. I went to university the last 3 years and gained a lot of knowledge on programming,...
My dad and mum are both workaholics. If we stick to my dad he regularly did 80 hour weeks at his workplace alone. And sometime even did 100 hour weeks. He thinks that this is normal and regularly...
Would you say I have of these characteristics? Or am I different with the same personality type ? :)
Even as something in my spare time, when I've done research for our ebay business, done a job search for a full time job and it's like 6pm, he still doesn't want me to play League of Legends or do...
Typically, I will try to defend whoever is being attacked, either by sharing my opinion on the matter or backing off and trying to resolve this conflict one on one with both parties. This action is...
Think of a bottle. Now add an incredibly tight cap fitted with super glue and a padlock. This padlock has a 20 digit code you need to guess. Inside this bottle is my anger. Unfortunately the actual...
Oh gosh. If it weren't for my parents drilling in how bad cursing was from a very young age (before anyone had even sworn at school), I'd probably be saying quite similar things to you right now....
My music collection would be so vast if it weren't for me being distracted with the same song for great periods.
January I always start this month thinking what if this is the year that 'insert x' happens!
I like it mainly. Some people will do bad things in the eyes of people but sometimes this is just a bad side of human nature. There are two types I don't like for different reasons. The people...
I don't get attracted to anyone until several months have passed. This doesn't mean I'm asexual. My body just seems to have high standards. I would assume that no you don't have to. Many straight...
Looks really freaky and original. Which I like. Is this why you posted it in the INFP section? I may put it in my to watch in the evening list.
Hello there! I was gonna say! Did not want to be sucked dry for venturing into the Intro Subsection of this forum. Nice to meet you and so was I at one part in time, confused about my type :)
When you pretended to be another type for several months before realising you don't relate to the type at all.
Okay I'm a male INFP but I do know one thing. Every single one of my crushes bar maybe one, if they asked me three months after meeting me whether I'd consider dating them/having a relationship...
In my opinion, I care for as long as one of the following things are true The other person actually cares about me and my wellbeing Bad background and their behaviour is a result of their...
I think I actually look quite good without my glasses on. People are very receptive to the fact I look like a different guy without them. With them on I have to bring out my personality full...
First of all let me just say that if I knew who you were in real life and saw you, you'd get a massive hug off me in real life :) Next, I have been like this once. Where one little argument can...
Well same until I get a crush, then i talk about them a lot more than I do myself. Though when I'm talking to other people generally I have to sometimes involve them more in the conversation!
Currently listening to the 'What are you listening to right now [INFP] playlist. You better not let me down guys :tongue:
Being Happier than I am now. I'm good. But the great part of my life is still to come :)
Taken 4 years ago when I was just 17. 214050
I have to say it's not a inability to attract women that is the problem at the moment. It's the amount of women that attract me. And the one's who do tend to be months down the line. Currently...
Let's break down this into groups Me - I'm pretty normal compared to myself I must say My family - Fairly Globally - Definitely not.
In body language I'm pretty much Fi all of the time. Not being too over the top. In words I will use the mushiness of Fe only when I'm online or I know someone well. Being drunk also helps with...
You often wonder whether people would consider starting a search party as they haven't seen you for days.
Finding someone that likes me and I like them - Moderately difficult Finding someone that likes me at the same time as me liking them - Extremely difficult.
Unfortunately it would probably only be INFP's that would pay you :tongue:
I would have posted a reply sooner to this but I was daydreaming. (Ironic?) - Most of the day I can be in a world of my own but it's not always bad. It's just the threat of people bringing me back...
I wouldn't survive. I'd make up a ninja monkey from the planet Zaptos and die of fright before the real killer even made it onto screen.
I was brilliant up to the age of 16. But I failed in first year of A Levels. I always had a hate for Trigonometry though.
Maybe the chicken felt that the side of the road he was on was not the most comfortable side. Maybe the pavement was hot to touch and the other side wasn't so heat sensitive! Or maybe the chicken...
I tend to enjoy living if other people are doing the organising. I get so lost otherwise in my own head. I get random bursts of pro-activity to do with socialising every few months. But usually I'm...
Marillion - Clutching at Straws Simply outstanding.
Amusingly I used You're instead of Your. So I'm making mistakes as an English guy XD
I find that whenever I'm watching a scary movie the music makes me predict something scary is going to happen so I'll pre-preemptively jump which makes everyone around me jump :tongue: Then...
I spend a good amount of my time alone. And most of the time by choice. My way of extroverting can be too much for some people though. Whenever someone invites me out I put that down to a fixed...
Since you are the last person to show her face I'll rate you :tongue: 8/10 at least! You seem lovely. Right now for mine. 153418 *Never looks at this thread again*
Welcome to the forums!
You're grammar isn't bad. I didn't notice anything when I read it anyway!
Every ENFP that I see introduce themselves seems like such a wonderful person. You seem no different :)